Players in Pokemon GO can now catch a limited variety of Pokemon from the Kalos region with an event to help welcome them in. These Pokemon are all from the franchise’s sixth generation, which is mostly well known for introducing mega evolutions and the fairy-type.
While not all of the Pokemon from the Kalos region have been added to Pokemon GO yet, a few notable Pokemon did arrive with the recent update. This includes the Kalos region’s starter Pokemon: Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie.
Many trainers will want to catch these iconic Pokemon, but there’s currently an even bigger incentive for catching Chespin especially due to the Kalos Celebration Event. This is because of one of the timed research tasks requiring players to catch a Chespin for part three of the event.

Players looking for Chespin don’t need to worry about specific spawning areas or times, as Chespin can be normally found in the wild alongside other wild Pokemon. Because of this, players will likely have an easier time finding one by using an incense or lure on a nearby PokeStop.
If players aren’t having any luck finding Chespin in the wild, they can also hatch Chespin from an egg. Thanks to the updated egg pools in Pokemon GO, players can now hatch Chespin from any 5 km egg received after the Kalos update. Players will also have the chance to hatch the other Kalos starters alongside existing Pokemon assigned to 5 km eggs.
After getting Chespin, it can become a helpful part of players’ teams for raids and gyms. It is a pure grass-type Pokemon with two evolutions. Chespin is weak to bug, fire, flying, ice, and poison-type moves while also resisting electric, grass, ground, and water-type moves. The best moveset for Chespin to have is Vine Whip for its fast move and Seed Bomb for its charge move.
With enough candies, Chespin can evolve into Quilladin. Due to also being a pure grass-type Pokemon, Quilladin shares the same weaknesses and resistances as Chespin. The best moveset for this Pokemon to have is Vine Whip for its fast move once more and Body Slam for its charge move.
The final evolution of the Chespin line is Chesnaught, which is a dual grass and fighting-type Pokemon. Chesnaught is weak to fairy, fire, flying, ice, poison, and psychic-type moves while also resisting dark, electric, grass, ground, rock, and water-type moves. The best moveset for Chesnaught has it knowing Vine Whip for its fast move and Solar Beam for its charge move.
Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.
Source: Pokemon GO Hub

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