Wife Forces Husband to Sell PS5 for Cheap | Game Rant

Sony’s PlayStation 5 console is one of the hottest products on the market right now, with the next-generation system selling out instantly all over the world. Unfortunately, there have been many PS5 scalpers, who have purchased multiple consoles with the express intent of re-selling them at a higher, marked-up price. However, one PS5 re-seller actually sold the console at a “low price tag,” though he didn’t do so all that willingly.

According to a report by Taiwan news, a man named Jin Wu recently purchased a PS5 from a re-seller. When Jin Wu met with the man who owned the console, he asked why he was selling it for a low price (the exact price wasn’t specified), thinking that he must have an extra console or something. Apparently, the man explained that his wife was forcing him to sell it. “It turns out that women can tell the difference between a PS5 and an air [purifier].”

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Evidently, the PS5 re-seller was not supposed to buy the new console, and had attempted to pass it off as an air purifier, though his wife didn’t fall for the trick, assuming Jin Wu’s story is true. The PS5 has been compared to an air purifier on countless occasions since its initial reveal, and thanks to its unique design, it does legitimately look like some air purifiers.


The PS5’s unique design may make it look more like an air purifier and less like a video game console, but there is a reason it looks the way it does. The PS5’s cooling system is the reason why it’s so large and shaped the way it is, as the thought is that it will help stave off any serious overheating issues. Console overheating issues have been a serious problem in the past, and while there have been reports of both the PS5 and Xbox Series X overheating, it hasn’t been on the scale of previous console defects.

There are a number of PS5 problems at launch, though that’s normal for any new console release. The biggest issue isn’t really a hardware defect or anything like that, but rather the inability for many PlayStation fans to get their hands on the console. Sony warned that PS5 units would be in short supply, and that has turned out to be very true, with the console sold out everywhere.

Eventually, demand for the PS5 will calm down a bit and the console will be more readily available in stores. For now, though, those desperate enough will have to bite the bullet and pay the scalper price, and keep their fingers crossed that they come across a seller like this one.

MORE: 10 Biggest Fixes The PS5 Needs Immediately

Source: Taiwan News


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