10 Unresolved Mysteries & Plot Holes Left Hanging In Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild launched years ago and fans have been itching to get some of their questions answered ever since. At first it seemed like Breath of the Wild 2 was going to be the game to do that, but then this spinoff came out of nowhere.

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Are answers met since this is a prequel set a hundred years in the past, or are they glossed over? The answer is a bit complicated and would require some spoilers. So, just to be clear, there will be spoilers ahead in order to try and make sense of the story and bring up what was left unanswered.

10 How Does Time Travel Work?

“I know this is hard to swallow, but I journeyed here from the future.” “Haha, none of this makes any sense.” That was an exchange between Sidon and Daruk after Sidon’s first battle which points out how time travel is never really explained. Terrako jumps through a portal but by the end the others, like Sidon, go back from a magic screw for seemingly no reason. It has a real “I have to go now, my planet needs me” vibe to it from The Simpsons.

9 Where Does The Old Tech Come From?

What was the society like before this game takes place? That is to say where did all of this tech come from. Like in Breath of the Wild, there are no answers. Fans will probably never learn why which might be for the best. Some things are better left unsaid.

8 What’s With Zelda’s Mom?

Zelda’s mom is often referred to in this game but is never shown. Fans almost get to see her briefly in a flashback with Terrako but it is blurry and only the torso can be seen. Is her face hidden because she is someone important that fans know already? It might also just be the case that Nintendo thinks Zelda should never have a mom which is seemingly why she is never scene in the series. 

7 How Does Zelda Forget Terrako?

Speaking of that flashback, how does she forget her childhood friend? As humans, everyone forgets stuff all the time. Creating a robot or at least reviving one seems like a memory even a little girl should remember.

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Maybe the king erased her memory or something. It’s just very convenient for the plot to have her forget. 

6 Where Did That Other Terrako Come From?

This question might have an answer in the game. It’s the Terrako the king took away from Zelda as a child in this timeline. He seemingly threw it away, Astor found it and decided to channel dark energy into it. This is just a theory though as it is never explicitly said in the game. 

5 Who Was Astor?

Speaking of, who exactly is Astor? He is never referenced in Breath of the Wild. He was then created seemingly for this game but he has to come from somewhere. This is especially strange considering the dark Terrako absorbs him and the fusion creates Ganon. Can an ordinary human do that or does he have Ganon blood in him like a long lost relative? 

4 How Did Purah Shrink?

In Breath of the Wild, Purah told Link she shrunk down due to an experiment. In this game she is her seemingly normal size, but fans don’t get to see the experiment at question. Also, for that matter, what happened to Robbie? He wasn’t in Breath of the Wild so when exactly does he die and how? 

3 What Happened To Hestu?

Some of the side characters, like the monk and faeries, are not integrated into the story. They are obtained though side missions.

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As goofy of a creation as Hestu is, he is indeed part of the main story. However, after the woods segment he is forgotten about and it just seems a bit odd to write him off. 

2 Why Didn’t The King Say Anything?

Toward the end of the game the king seemingly sacrifices himself so that Zelda and Link could escape a pack of Guardians. It’s at least a handful of missions after this that he returns unscathed. The question then is where was he hiding? On top of that why was he hiding instead going right back to their gathering? If he was gathering forces, or strength that would be one thing but he was just waiting at a church while seemingly his men were dying for Zelda. 

1 Is This Part Of The Official Timeline Or What? 

The biggest surprise of this game is the fact that it may not be a prequel to Breath of the Wild at all. Because Terrako time traveled from the past of the main game, this effected the course of history for this game and not Breath of the Wild. There are now two timelines in other words. Breath of the Wild 2 could actually be a sequel to this and not the original game. This is just a theory, but that would be a twist. Maybe that’s why Nintendo has been so quiet about that sequel. 

NEXT: 10 Biggest Mistakes In Nintendo History, Ranked


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