Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Teases Iconic Villains With New Adversaries Feature

Dating all the way back to the very first Harry Potter novel, dueling against big and small villains of the wizarding world has always been an important recurring part of the Harry Potter universe. There is a long list of evil witches and wizards for Harry and his friends to face off against in wand versus wand combat and it sounds like some of those iconic fights might finally be making their way to Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.

Although adversaries have been hinted at and mentioned in the mobile AR app since it launched, there hasn’t actually been a feature yet that allowed players to face off against some of these primary villains from the game’s narrative. That may finally be about to change, as a new Harry Potter Wizards Unite teaser trailer suggests that players should prepare to duel some of the most iconic foes from the wizarding world.

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The teaser doesn’t detail the upcoming event or feature and it doesn’t provide any sort of date when more news is coming, but it does offer a look at just about every major villain who has been a part of the primary Harry Potter narrative. Each villain appears on a WANTED sign in a different language as dramatic and ominous music plays…

“Something wicked this way comes as Dark wizards and villains descend upon Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Ready your wands and prepare to duel some of the most iconic foes of the wizarding world in a new kind of magical combat. Coming soon.”

The teaser trailer arrived at the end of the week after days of mysterious teasers. Wizards Unite had been releasing pieces of notes from Harry and other characters that hinted at coming threats that could jeopardize the safety of everyone in the Wizarding World. Now it seems clear that these villains are the threat at hand and it will be up to players to help keep them under control.

How these villain duels will work is still up for speculation, but some players are already looking to Pokemon GO for answers. Team Rocket invasions allow Pokemon GO trainers to battle one-on-one against grunts and work their way up to encounters with Team Rocket leaders like Cliff, Sierra, Arlo, and even Giovanni; so it seems like a logical prediction that the Wizards Unite adversaries may end up appearing in similar feature.

If any additional bonuses or rewards are revealed, we’ll be sure to post an update. Be sure to check back in the comings days for more Wizards Unite strategy guides, news, and updates. Until then, keep your wands at the ready!

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Hogwarts for the Holidays Week 1 – All Tasks and Rewards

Source: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite


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