Questions Blood of Zeus Needs to Answer in Season 2 | Game Rant

Netflix’s Blood of Zeus, made by the same studio who created the Castlevania animated series, has been a hit with Greek mythology fans and newbies alike. The show features classic Greek myths and gods along with original characters, and centers around the demigod Heron getting wrapped up in a catastrophic war caused by Hera and his father Zeus. Recently, Netflix announced that season 2 and 3 are in the works after the show’s resounding success. It brings in many questions what the future of Olympus is going to look like after that season 1 finale.

First of all, now that Olympus has lost its king, who will rule now? Hera is the obvious answer, since she is its queen. But considering the war that she curated had some devastating consequences, most of the other gods won’t be in her favor. And if the ending of season 1 didn’t imply it enough, Hades may try to take his brother’s crown. This may be the motive that he’s working towards with the help of Seraphim.

RELATED: Played Hades? Watch Blood of Zeus on Netflix

Speaking of which, what is Hades’ motive? It’s not uncommon for the king of the underworld to be casted as the villain, or at least some kind of antagonistic force. With the way the season finale was set up, it seems the writers are going in a Disney Hercules direction where Hades will try to replace Zeus as the king of the gods. Unfortunately it doesn’t sound like Heron and the others are going to burst into song, nor is Hera going to turn into a passive and kind motherly figure anytime soon.

Will Seraphim ever catch a break? After that season finale, the answer is probably no. He’s definitely getting the Hector from Castlevania treatment as his power is continuously manipulated by the gods. This doesn’t look like it will change in season 2, where Hades gives him no other choice but to serve under him. But due to his polar opposite characterization in comparison to Heron, this poor demon may get a chance at a tragic redemption.

What is Alexia’s backstory? Alexia was mentored by Chiron, who traditionally trains heroes like Hercules and Achilles. In episode 7, viewers saw a glimpse of her background as she ventured into the Fields of the Dead. What seems to be her parents appear to her in an apparition, blaming her for their deaths. Perhaps the deaths of her parents lead to her resolve to become a hero and train with Chiron, so the next season has a chance to dig deeper into her history.

Will other demigods be featured? In Greek mythology, the gods are infamous for their elicit affairs with other deities and mortals, having children whose very existences spawn terrible conflict between mortals, monsters, and gods (see the stories of Perseus, Hercules, and well, Blood of Zeus’ Heron). Zeus is extremely guilty of such acts and is known to not “keep it in his pants,” as one god pointed out in episode 6. In that case, it would be a surprise if demigods other than Heron and Chiron didn’t pop up at some point. Whether they’re existing heroes like Achilles and Theseus or made up for Blood of Zeus, it would be exciting to see Heron interact with more people like him.

Which gods will get a spotlight next season? Show creators have acknowledged that viewers want more of the other gods, especially the lovable Apollo. Still, it felt like many of the favorite and important gods, such as Athena and Artemis, have been left out this season. But now that the discourse over Zeus and Hera’s petty blood feud is mostly done with, the debate of who will rule over Olympus will surely involve the rest of the Greek pantheon.

MORE: Hades – Major Greek Gods Still Missing From the Game


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