Red Dead Online: 15 Best Weapons (& How To Get Them) | Game Rant

Red Dead Online has a huge array of western weaponry to choose from, each serving its own unique purpose. From revolvers to repeaters, every weapon in Red Dead Online is useful in its own right, but there are a few weapons that rise above the rest. There are multiple weapons in each class as well, leaving no shortage of firepower to choose from.

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When creating a loadout, players have to keep in mind that they can hold multiple weapons at once, meaning they should think about how each gun covers another’s weaknesses. These are the best weapons to use in Red Dead Online for everything from bounty hunting to the showdown series.

Updated December 5th, 2020 by Hodey Johns: This game has taken on a life of its own quite literally since the writing of this article. Originally combined with Red Dead Redemption 2, it is now it’s very own game available for purchase. Along with this change has come a slew of updates, items, quests, and weapons. This quantity of patches necessarily changed the game and how it plays, though, surprisingly, the ten items initially listed are still fantastic. So the list has been expanded by five to account for more great weaponry.

15 Varmint Rifle

Yes, some players are going to laugh at this inclusion, but anybody who hits rank fifty with only $100 or so to their name will wish they had invested more into this weapon. It’s impossible to rain down death without the proper financing.

With a little money for upgrades and a ton of patience, the quickest way to make money is to go hunting. The big bison are tempting targets, but only one can be sold at a time, whereas killing fifty rabbits with the Varmint Rifle takes up no space and gives players a windfall when returning back home. After doing the necessary daily quests, money-hungry players will find this at rank 8 for $72.

14 Repeating Shotgun

Players who have been doing Red Dead Online since the beginning are fully aware that snipers have reigned supreme in PvP since day one. Recognizing the need for an advantage to those brave enough to get in close, this gun was added for some serious lethality.

While it’s single-handedly tipping the scales, it is certainly one item that is not a recommended buy for new players. Though available at rank 11, it costs a gigantic sum of $434, so it’s recommended to buy it after earning some cash and engaging in more PvP combat.

13 Semi-Automatic Pistol

Some mistakes in Red Dead Online are unavoidable for everyone, but hopefully, more players stop sleeping on this gun. Yes, it’s only unlocked at rank 22 and yes, it costs $537. But those who grind out the levels and save up the cash are in for a treat.

The live-action makes it hard to find a perfect use for Deadeye in the game, but having two of these death-dealers is where it shines most. The ridiculously fast fire rate is unmatched in a quick-moving firefight.

12 Ancient Tomahawk

Most players will recognize the value of the Ancient Tomahawk when it one-shots a variety of the game’s most ferocious animals. They’re hard to aim and use, yet those who have been playing PvP at the game’s highest level will usually notice somebody using them and usually winning the match.

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It one-shots players, too. If there’s no cover around, this thing takes down even the best of players. It takes some level grinding, rank 36 to be exact, but it’s cheap, $5.50 at the local fence. It might seem pricey to use more than one in battle, but the cost of victory it’s cheap!

11 Litchfield Repeater

With all of the great repeater options out there, too many people are passing up on the Litchfield Repeater, especially when factoring in its winning reputation among the game’s top players. Yes, it’s got fewer shots in it. Yes, it’s too powerful to cleanly kill a flock of the game’s rarest birds.

What people forget is that the damage is perfect for combat when targets are moving. Other repeaters require headshots to bring down enemy players quickly. The Litchfield Repeater only needs two shots to the torso and it’s all over. At $348 after hitting rank 18, it’ll more than make up the price in victories over opponents.

10 Evans Repeater

Boasting an impressive 26 round capacity, the Evans Repeater can take down huge groups of enemies without having to reload. It’s an ammo dump, but finding cover to reload safely shouldn’t be a problem, and this weapon’s power and accuracy help put down enemies without too many shots.

The Evans Repeater can be purchased from any Gunsmith or the Handheld Catalogue for $300. It’s available from rank 1 because it was added to Red Dead Online after launch. It’s very expensive for that rank, but catch some of the game’s most profitable fish and it won’t take too long to purchase.

9 Bolt Action Rifle

The Bolt Action Rifle trades the fire rate and ammo capacity of repeaters for much higher damage and accuracy. It’s unlocked at rank 7, making it one of the most powerful weapons that a new Red Dead Online player can buy. Players will be able to safely line up shots from a distance thanks to this weapon’s increased range, especially if when it’s scoped.

The Bolt Action Rifle is at its deadliest in showdown series. It will only set gamers back $216, so it isn’t an incredibly expensive gun to acquire. Along with a few other items, it’s ideal for the role of bounty hunter.

8 LeMat Revolver

The LeMat Revolver not only has a higher capacity than other weapons of the same class, but it also has a devastating secret. The LeMat Revolver can fire 9 revolver shots before needing to reload, but it also contains a second barrel that fires a single shotgun shell, which can catch enemies by surprise.

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This gun is incredibly powerful at close range, and dual-wielding LeMat Revolvers can allow players to clear groups with ease. The LeMat Revolver can be purchased from any Gunsmith or the Handheld Catalogue for $317. It is unlocked at rank 1.

7 Bow

Many would rather use a gun in Red Dead Online shootouts, but a bow can prove just as deadly, if not more, in the right hands. Arrows deal massive damage to enemies, killing NPC characters in one shot to the chest and heavily wounding other players in showdown series.

Of course, the Bow has a considerably slower fire rate than most other weapons, but any sharpshooter can use the Bow’s pinpoint accuracy and various arrow types to become a real threat. The Bow can be purchased from any Gunsmith or the Handheld Catalogue at rank 10.

6 Navy Revolver

The Navy Revolver doesn’t have any fancy additions like the LeMat, but it’s still a solid weapon to have in the holster. The Navy Revolver is a standard six-shot revolver, but it hits very hard. Not only that, but it has incredible accuracy. Reticle bloom when using this weapon is minimal, making it easy to land repeated shots.

The only downside to this weapon is its slow reload speed, but the damage and accuracy more than make up for it. The Navy Revolver can be purchased from any Gunsmith or the Handheld Catalogue for $275. It’s unlocked at rank 1.

5 Carcano Rifle

When taking out a target from far away, the Carcano Rifle is the singular go-to gun. There isn’t a whole lot of aim assist to help land shots, but considering the Carcano Rifle isn’t unlocked until rank 50, players will have had plenty of practice lining up shots by then. It’s a sniper rifle, so it will beat out just about every other Red Dead Online weapon at range, and this is best leveraged when dealing with other players.

PC players will have an easier time aiming because they can use a mouse, but console players should be fine, too. It’s a costly item at $456, so be sure to save up while grinding out those ranks.

4 Lancaster Repeater

The Lancaster Repeater is the most reliable weapon Red Dead Online has to offer. It doesn’t do anything particularly well, but it also has practically zero drawbacks. It’s also relatively cheap and obtainable at a low rank, so just about everyone has one.

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The Lancaster Repeater never has to be replaced with anything else if it feels right. There are several high-level players that still use Lancasters and for good reason. It takes a bit of money and leveling; it’s available for $243 after reaching rank 12.

3 Mauser Pistol

Although the Mauser Pistol might not do as much damage as a revolver, it makes up for the difference in other ways. It fires much faster than any revolver, and it reloads much faster as well without having to manually load each round. Combine its fast fire rate with relatively high accuracy, and it’s a recipe for one of the deadliest sidearms in all of Red Dead Online.

Dual-wielding Mauser Pistols allows players to fire a nonstop stream of bullets that is sure to put down any group of enemies. After reaching rank 34, a wealthy gamer can buy a Mauser for the steep asking price of $600.

2 Semi-Auto Shotgun

Every shotgun in Red Dead Online is incredibly powerful at short distances, but the Semi-Auto Shotgun has the benefit of being one of the fastest firing shotguns in the game. It deals devastating damage up close with rapid-fire blasts.

Using slugs will give the gun a little more range, and other ammo types like incendiary shells give the Semi-Auto Shotgun several different uses. Exercise some patience and be frugal, though. It costs a whopping $900 and isn’t unlocked until rank 42.

1 Schofield Revolver

Just like the Lancaster Repeater, the Schofield Revolver is the safest bet for a holster in Red Dead Online. It’s a standard six-shot revolver, packing the perfect blend of damage, accuracy, and range. Before other guns like the LeMat and Navy Revolver were added to the game, the Schofield Revolver was the go-to sidearm for Red Dead Online players, and it’s still a very popular choice today.

Unlocked at rank 9 and only priced at $192, it’s an inexpensive firearm that keeps new players competitive with for a long time.

NEXT: Red Dead Online: 10 Animal Hunting Tips


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