10 Of Garrus’ Best Quotes In Mass Effect, Ranked | Game Rant

Shepard’s companions are a major reason why the original Mass Effect trilogy is so beloved. The collection of rogues make every one of the Commander’s adventures more exciting. Yet, they’re not all appreciated in the same way. Fans regularly differ in opinion over which are the best and worst squadmates.

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However, few members of the fanbase complain about Garrus. From his first appearances in the original game, he proves himself to be such a comedic badass that it’s hard not to like him. And almost every time Garrus opens his mouth, he says something powerful or hilarious. Here is a collection of some of his greatest lines in the series.

10 “We Can Disobey Suicidal Orders? Why Wasn’t I Told?”

There’s plenty of humor in the Mass Effect series, and Garrus provides much of it. On one such occasion, Shepard complains that Detective Anaya’s superiors are sending her to certain doom by getting her to detain Samara.

Garrus even tells Anaya that she has the right to disobey orders as risky as those. Upon hearing this, Garrus points out Shepard’s hypocrisy as he often sends his squad into mortal danger.

9 “A Quarantine Zone For A Plague That Kills Turians. Why Don’t We Ever Go Anywhere Nice?”

While Turians are one of the most powerful species in the series, the plague on Omega is still a death sentence for them.

Yet, an irresponsible Commander Shepard can force Garrus to go into the Quarantine Zone and put himself at risk. Before he does, though, the Turian hilariously questions why they always go to such terrible places.

8 “You Know What Else Is Bad For Business? A Broken Neck.”

Most of the time, Garrus is a nice guy, but he can be very cruel and intimidating to people he doesn’t like. During the “Eye for an Eye” mission, he comes face to face with someone nobody likes, Harkin.

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Garrus proceeds to interrogate the man, going as far as threatening to break his neck. It’s some harsh words, but an awful individual like Harkin isn’t going to get much sympathy.

7 “Fighting A Rogue Spectre With Billions Of Lives At Stake And No Regulations To Get In The Way? I’d Say That Beats C-Sec.”

Some aspects of Mass Effect are considered overrated, while other things are underrated. But everyone can agree that the painfully slow elevators from the original game are neither, they’re just bad. However, they do sometimes provide great bits of dialogue.

One of them includes Garrus pointing out how exciting his life is now that he’s joined the Normandy crew. It’s a perfect example of the Turian’s personality as most other individuals would be terrified of the danger and pressure that comes with trying to save the galaxy.

6 “You Humans Have A Saying: An Eye For An Eye; A Life For A Life. Well, He Owes Me Ten Lives, And I Plan To Collect.”

By nature, Garrus is very relaxed and doesn’t get worked up easily. However, there are occasions where someone wrongs him so much that he becomes desperate for revenge.

For example, when Garrus’ former ally Sidonis betrays him and gets most of his squad killed. The badass quote in question is the reason Garrus gives to Shepard as to why he has to take his former friend down.

5 “Raise Your Hand If You Haven’t Been Killed Before.”

In the prologue of Mass Effect 2, the unthinkable happens as the Collectors destroy one of gaming’s best-looking ships, the Normandy. They also murder Shepard in the process, which makes the game a lot more interesting.

More importantly, though, it allows Garrus to deliver this sweet retort in the third game. When Shepard mocks the Turian for receiving so many scars, Garrus points out that at least he’s avoided death.

4 “It’s So Much Easier To See The World In Black And White. Gray? I Don’t Know What To Do With Gray.”

Throughout the original trilogy, Shepard has the chance to do both honorable and terrible things. And most of the decisions the protagonist has to make fall into one of those two categories. Garrus likely wishes everything else in the galaxy was as black and white, as this quote proves that he’s not a fan of moral grayness.

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It’s an interesting thing for Garrus to say as the Turian has had his fair share of morally gray moments where he has done or wanted to do anything to bring justice. Yet, maybe he doesn’t see those actions as morally gray. It’s a powerful quote, regardless.

3 “I Am Garrus Vakarian, And This Is My Favorite Spot On The Citadel.”

A Mass Effect quote that fans joke about a lot is “My name is Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel.” The line is funny because Shepard can say it about any store on the space station to get a discount. So, that exact piece of dialogue tends to be repeated a lot throughout a single playthrough.

Garrus pokes fun at the words in the third game after he beats Shepard in a shoot out at the top of the Presidium. The Turian’s line makes for a great little in-joke.

2 “I’ve Seen So Many Things Go Wrong, Shepard…”

Full quote: “I’ve Seen So Many Things Go Wrong, Shepard. My Work At C-Sec, What Happened With Sidonis. I Want Something To Go Right, Just Once.”

Shepard’s romance with Garrus is among the best in the series. It’s sweet, funny, and emotional. And the couple shares some great moments.

One of their best occurs in Mass Effect 2 when they finally spend a night together. After some awkward flirting, Garrus reveals how much he wants their relationship to work out, unlike everything else in his life. It’s great to see how much Garrus truly wants to be with Shepard.

1 “I’m In The Middle Of Some Calibrations.”

No quote in Mass Effect history is as synonymous with Garrus as this one. Any time he wasn’t willing to talk to Shepard in the second game, he’d use the excuse that he’s in the middle of some calibrations.

Garrus says it so much that it has since become a running joke within the fanbase and the subject of many Garrus memes. Even in Mass Effect 3, the character makes multiple references to the line. It’s funny that despite all of his big speeches and witty comments, he’ll always be known for a piece of dialogue that is only in the game to signify he doesn’t have anything important to say.

NEXT: 10 Hidden Details Everyone Missed In The Original Mass Effect


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