The World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion brings with it plenty of secrets that keen-eyed adventures must track down and collect. One of these is the addition of Stoneborn Satchels, treasures that require clever thinking due to their hard-to-reach hiding places. These reward the player in different ways and are only scattered around one World of Warcraft: Shadowlands zone, so they are worth the effort for players to collect.
Stoneborn Satchels are treasures found in Revendreth, the home of the vampiric Venthyr Covenant and prison of Garrosh Hellscream. This is the last zone that players reach in the story, so it will take them some time to properly get to these treasures. Some of these are harder to find than others, and many of them tend to need certain abilities or items in order to reach. Once found, the player simply needs to click and open them up.
The Stoneborn Satchels are mostly on platforms and ledges that aren’t easily accessible to players. Since flying isn’t available in Revendreth, at least for now, players need to be clever about how they can snag these items. Across Revendreth are 12 notable spawn points for these treasures, so players can simply make their way around the zone and tick them off their Shadowlands weekly checklist.

One of the rewards from these treasures is a quest item. These are different items that can be looted from different treasures, but all of them require the player to take the item to Darkhaven or The Night Market. These satchels also contain anima, the main resource of the expansion. Players need anima for their Shadowlands Covenants, so that is enough of a reward on its own.
There are two class-specific abilities that make getting to these treasures easier. Demon Hunters have an advantage when it comes to hidden details due to gliding with their wings, but this can be replicated with a Goblin Glider Kit—something players have been making use of for years. The Warlock’s Demonic Gateway spell can also help players since it allows multiple party members to teleport through it rather than just the caster.
Regardless of class, there is one Covenant ability that can help players acquire these treasures. Door of Shadows is granted by the Venthyr Covenant and allows the player to teleport 35 yards. This is the most recommended tool for collecting these treasures as it allows players to go almost anywhere that they can see rather than having to carefully maneuver around ledges.
/way 58.07 67.22 Stoneborn Satchel Stonevigil Overlook
/way 55.38 42.38 Stoneborn Satchel Chalice District
/way 48.41 47.25 Chalice District Path up the wall
/way 29.93 37.46 Stoneborn Satchel Ember Ward
/way 53.69 57.23 Stoneborn Satchel Grand Palisade
/way 76.60 50.99 Stoneborn Satchel Halls of Atonement
/way 76.23 64.10 Stoneborn Satchel Death’s End
/way 80.45 70.80 Stoneborn Satchel Revendreth
/way 81.14 68.82 Bounding Shroom Revendreth
/way 43.82 57.12 Stoneborn Satchel Charred Ramparts
/way 23.48 48.79 Stoneborn Satchel (The Shrouded Asylum)
/way 24.50 45.17 Dawnkeep
/way 75.82 77.37 Stoneborn Satchel Pridefall Hamlet / Dredgewood
/way 75.73 77.89 use portal/hook here
/way 74.78 78.43 jump down from here
/way 57.76 29.39 Stoneborn Satchel ( The Eternal Terrace / Old Gate)
/way 57.63 33.82 Elevator / The Eternal Terrace Lift to jump from
/way 66.37 65.33 Stoneborn Satchel (East of Darkhaven)
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is available on PC.
Source: WoWHead

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