World of Warcraft: Shadowlands players have spent the last few weeks discovering all that the new expansion contains. There are plenty of new mounts, Battle Pets, and armor sets for players to hunt down and collect. There are also plenty of hidden secrets through World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, and one of these is a bit more complicated to unlock than others.
Between completing dungeons and trying out different Covenant abilities, there are plenty of secrets for players to find. Much like the Stoneborn Satchel treasures in Revendreth, Bastion also has a special treasure that takes some work in order to unlock. The Thenios Chest is a treasure in Bastion that requires players to receive a special buff before they can open it.
The Gift of Thenios is located in the Kyrian zone of Bastion. Players need to make their way North of the Sagehaven flight point. Once there, they can take the Transport Pad to the building above. The chest is there for players to open, but it first requires the Proof of Wisdom buff in order to access. A scroll beside the chest hints at this but doesn’t lay out the steps exactly.

Players can obtain the Proof of Wisdom buff by completing a Bastion puzzle in the correct order. First, they must use the transport pad behind the treasure. This will start them on a puzzle that requires using incense in a particular order. According to the scroll, players should use the Incense of Patience, then Knowledge, then Insight. After this, they can travel to the platform with Incense of Judgement and activate an orb near the wall. The orb will teleport them to the real Incense of Judgement, which they should then activate. The Transport Pad will grant them Proof of Wisdom buff.
/way 41.67 23.28 Transport Pad/way 40.60 18.90 Gift of Thenios/way 37.10 18.36 Incense of Patience Top Platform/way 40.77 15.65 Incense of Knowledge/way 37.37 18.76 Incense of Insight Bottom Platform/way 41.93 18.42 Incense of Judgment use Orb
Once players have the buff, they can return to the chest and unlock it to get their rewards. The chest grants anima, which is the main resource that Shadowlands players need for their Covenants. In addition, the chest also contains Harmonious Sigil of the Archon. This back item is only given to players who are members of the Kyrian Covenant, unfortunately.
There are plenty more secrets throughout Shadowlands that players can hunt down and discover. From locked puzzle chests in Torghast to strange incense events, players are still discovering more about the new zones. With the expansion still very new, the following weeks and months of content are sure to add even more special surprises for determined and keen-eyed players.
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is available on PC.
Source: Wowhead

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