Avowed: Common PoE Enemies That Are Likely to Appear | Game Rant

Details on Obsidian Entertainment’s upcoming RPG Avowed are still few and far between. At the very least, however, it’s been confirmed to take place in the same world as Obsidian’s highly acclaimed Pillars of Eternity series.

Avowed is set to take place in the world of Eora, and specifically in a place called the Living Lands, a frontier said to be rife with different factions and roving mercenaries. Naturally, a game like Avowed is guaranteed to be full of enemies for players to fight, but what will those enemies be? Pillars of Eternity never explored the Living Lands in either of its two games, but even so, it’s possible to take what PoE does establish and make a few guesses at the enemies that will translate into Avowed.

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In Pillars of Eternity, animancy is the study of souls and their power. Animancers, or spell casters who experiment with the souls of kith, are not necessarily enemies on principle. However, there are good and bad-intentioned animancers, as with any other type of people. Thus, it seems likely that players will run into a hostile animancer or two over the course of Avowed, as has been the case in both Pillars of Eternity games.

And with animancers comes their constructs. Animancers are capable of using kith souls to power both metal and flesh constructs, which are completely under the control of the animancer in who created them. Constructs can serve any number of purposes, but their most common is that of a bodyguard, or instrument of war. If players run into a hostile animancer, it’s likely that a construct won’t be far behind.

Much like the elemental-type monster from Dungeons and Dragons, Blights are beings of nature and chaos; in past PoE encounters, there have been blights of flame, sand, earth, storm, and ice. However, there’s also a unique aspect to the blights of Eora: they’re amorphous clouds that swirl with energy, and within them, faces and hands from snatched souls materialize and vanish in instants. Blights are created from a Bîaŵac, or spirit wind, which rips souls from their bodies. Souls caught up in the storm can bond together with available elemental sources, becoming a roving blight upon the face of Eora.

Dragons are a staple in any fantasy game. Pillars of Eternity had its share, though in the world of Eora, “dragon” is actually both the name of the creature and the term for its final, most mature stage of life. The life cycle of a dragon goes: egg, wurm, drake, dragon. Thus, worms and drakes were more commonly encountered, as few survive into the dragon stage of life and the ones that do are extremely intelligent and powerful.

Lagufaeth are four-armed amphibian creatures with a natural propensity for magic and the ability to craft rudimentary weapons. Though they’re native to the White March, they can be found in many coastal and mountain territories, including the much warmer Deadfire Archipelago, and it’s possible the strange communal wilders may also be found in the Living Lands.

RELATED: Avowed: Every Release Date Rumor and Theory

Nature spirits can take many different forms: the most common type, delemgan, are forest spirits bound to adra monuments or ancient, often petrified trees. They’re not inherently enemies with anyone who encounters them; their level of hostility generally depends on the nature of the kith they’ve previously encountered, and whether those encounters have been peaceful or not.

However, when a delemgan’s tree or adra has been destroyed, it can warp them into delempŵgra (more commonly referred to as pŵgra). Where delemgan merely seek to protect the welfare of their forests, pŵgra exist to corrupt and destroy. Delemgan and pŵgra are natural enemies, and pŵgra are extremely prone to attacking anybody they encounter – as they likely will be again if they appear in Avowed.

Xaurips are a sort of reptilian humanoid creature that regularly adorns themselves in the bones of their fallen enemies – which, generally, are other Xaurip tribes. They’ve got bipedal, lizardlike frames, with skin tones ranging from green to brown. They also can’t speak, due to their elongated snouts, so communication with other species of humanoids quite difficult, and Xaurips often simply attack anyone who ventures too close to their tribes, nestled in the secluded places of Eora.

Vithrack are very rare creatures in Pillars of Eternity, and it’s a good thing; they’re also extremely dangerous, with natural cipher abilities spider-like fangs. Like spiders, they’re also capable of spinning silk, and they use this ability to fashion whole colonies with complex structures made from this silk. Vithrack are highly intelligent creatures, so they’re not guaranteed to be hostile to anyone who encounters them – unless someone were to attack their nests. Because of the low birth rate among Vithrack, all members of the species are protective of their young, and will defend them to the death.

Avowed is in development for PC and Xbox Series X.

MORE: What to Play Before Avowed to Understand the Game’s Setting and Lore


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