Deep Rock Galactic: 10 Pro Tips For Playing The Scout

The Scout serves a helpful role in Deep Rock Galactic. As the name suggests, the Scout is largely responsible for reconnaissance and team awareness. As a result, he’s very mobile and comes with a unique set of skills and abilities.

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Getting the most out of the Scout requires some out-of-the-box thinking when compared to other team members in this multiplayer game. It’s not a straightforward role and there are a lot of tips that can help aspiring Scouts do more for their teams.

10 Mine Hard To Reach Minerals

When it comes to mining, the Scout is responsible for grabbing the minerals and ores that are out of the way for the rest of the team. A Scout can quickly navigate hard to reach areas and begin mining valuable materials long before anyone else can.

Because of this it’s important for the Scout to start grabbing the hard to reach things first and leave the easy ground level stuff for their teammates. Once everything out of the way has been mined, then they can work their way back to the simple stuff.

9 Get Secondaries

After the main hard to reach nodes have been cleared the Scout should then hunt for various Secondary Objective items. Boolo Caps are particularly known to be in odd areas and the Scout is ideally equipped for tracking them down.

While the rest of the team is progressing on the primary objective the Scout can secure the bonuses. This can help everyone gain an extra chunk of credits and experience to level up faster. So once the out of the reach minerals are mined, the secondary objectives come next.

8 Control Crowds With Throwables

When the bugs arrive a Scout should begin working to help control the crowd by using their throwables to survive. Cryo Grenades are arguably the most useful as they can quickly freeze troublesome units making it easier for teammates to attack them.

The Pheremone Canister can also thin out the herd and keep enemies distracted by fighting each other. The Inhibitor-Field Generator can slow down enemies and limit their damage potential. Whatever the player chooses their primary goal in a fight is to control the crowd to maximize the damage teammates deal.

7 Distract Enemies

Another important aspect of the Scout is their ability to distract the enemy. A good pro tip is to kite parts of the swarm or more dangerous units to help allies. The Scout should be able to stay one step ahead of whatever’s chasing them.

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A clever Scout can drag units into the line of fire of turrets, draw some away from an overwhelmed teammate, or even coordinate with a Gunner and some well placed C4. The Scout should be less concerned with dealing damage and more with controlling the flow of combat.

6 Flare Gun Large Rooms

The Flare Gun is a powerful tool best reserved for large rooms in this multiplayer. In smaller chambers and tunnels teammates can light things up sufficiently with a few well placed flares. But the large chambers take too many flares to keep lit.

A well placed shot from the Flare Gun can light up the whole room for quite some time. It’s handy for saving flares and being able to see everything clearly for mining or combat purposes. It’ll make tracking down secondary objective items easier as well.

5 Light Up A Room Upon Entering

Generally speaking it’s a good idea for a Scout to fire off a round from the Flare Gun upon entering a large chamber before doing anything else. The main reason behind this is to identify any Leeches that might be hiding on the edges of the cave.

It’s also easier to get the room lit before swarms arrive to make preparations. Engineers can see where to put turrets and mines, Gunners will be able to see troublesome enemies, and the Driller can see where they should be focusing their efforts. It benefits everyone and there’s no reason to wait.

4 Save A Flare For The Last Swarm

The amount of flares for the Flare Gun is limited, even with full upgrades and modifications. It’s important for the Scout to use them sparingly and only when needed. But the smartest thing is to hold onto one flare.

The worst timing for the lights to go out is right when a swarm starts flooding into the chamber. Because of this it pays to have one round in the Flare Gun set aside. That way the Scout can quickly relight the room and give everyone the visibility they need to survive. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s better to end the game with one flare unused then risk fighting a swarm in the dark.

3 Don’t Die In Strange Places

Because the Scout is capable of traveling to hard to reach places they often run the risk of dying there. This creates a problem for the others who will have a hard time reaching the Scout by using drill fuel or valuable platforms.

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There’s also the matter that it takes time to mount a rescue when the Scout is somewhere strange. Some players may decide it’s not worth the risk and cost of resources when trying to survive. So the Scout needs to ensure that if they’re low on health they stay close and only travel to somewhere odd if its relatively safe.

2 Grab Iron Will Perk

The Iron Will perk is handy for any class, but for the scout it’s essential. Iron Will for a Scout allows them to stay up long enough to grapple closer to a teammate. This may not seem very helpful until factoring in a previous mentioned tip to not die in hard to reach places.

With Iron Will the player has a chance to negate that rule to some degree. This gives the Scout a higher chance of being rescued as they can make it easier for allies to do so.

1 Be The Medic

The final tip players should consider when playing Scout is that they can be effective medics for the team. The game doesn’t feature a standard medic per se’ so anyone can fill that role. The Scout is uniquely qualified thanks to their mobility and crowd control skills.

A Scout can quickly reach a fallen comrade, toss a Cryo Grenade into the swarm, and revive the teammate while everything is frozen. So while the player is zipping around the room on crowd control duty they should also keep an eye on teammates with low health.

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