Demon’s Souls: Every Starting Item, Ranked | Game Rant

The start of any game is an important filled with important decisions that can warp the game experience, choosing the building blocks of the character players will have to live with throughout the journey. This is especially true with a game like Demon’s Souls, relying on weapons and items to support the highly intense battle system that the game brings to the table.

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Not the least of these choices comes in the form of a starting item, dictating how hard the first portion of the game will be depending on the character. A wise choice here will establish the pace of the journey, with each item having a vastly different effect. Knowing what item will benefit each individual player the most is crucial to making it through the tutorial stage without stressing out too much, new players will need all the help they can get.

A daring option that while brave, is obviously the least help to anyone picking a starting item. Reserved only for those players with supreme confidence or a serious case of a frustration wish. Having no starting gift will leave the bare bones character to brave the relentless grind without any aid, relying strictly on knowledge of mechanics and combat ability.

Even though it’s the least popular choice, it might end up being just as useful as some other options above, depending on what type of battle the player chooses. Making the starting gift an important choice, one that can make or break the first impression of Demon’s Souls and set the tone for the rest of the game. Players need to make sure they know what they’re getting or they might as well have picked the most savage option, nothing.

An item that seems important when reading the effect, Soul Remains can distract soul hungry enemies and either let the player slip past unnoticed or give a big window for attack. While Soul Remains are very effective in general, players won’t be able to use them until they get past the first boss anyway. Making their use as a starting item little to none, especially when they’re available as a drop from skeletons or sold by Gravedigger Blige.

Those who prefer evading pointless battles will be more than happy to pick this item up without wasting their starting gift, in fact the Providential Ring would also help provoke this drop much faster from enemies. Soul Remains won’t help in the early game and become an easily accessible item when they actually do become useful, leaving them at the bottom of the food chain.

Firebomb’s are the easy way out when the player encounters a group of enemies that looks like a little too much effort. The beginning of the game is not the time to take shortcuts, get as much practice in as possible before the big bosses start arriving and players are forced to learn on the job. Not that the Firebomb’s aren’t effective to take out low level annoyances but they can be found shortly after the player walks on their own 2 feet.

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Fire is a big damage dealer in the early stages, tempting some to throw out the fiery explosion instead of grinding through the weaker foes that stand in their way. Missing out on perfect opportunities to sharpen their sword skills and grow confidence all at the same time. On top of that, the item has a chance of being a complete dud for players who don’t have a good eye for placement.

Offering no help in battle and requiring some serious foresight to see any use, the Augite Of Guidance is a simple place holder that allows the character to retrace their tracks in case they goes off course. While useful in certain specific areas that get a little messy, choosing them as a starting item will hold little value to all but the directionally dyslexic.

There are no mazes or intricate labyrinths that require any high level navigational skills, making these stones one of the least practical to pick. Although certain dark areas could use a little light to either guide the way or improve the mood, there are other places where players can pick them up if they feel like they need a little help

Coming in handy but only for those who favor the bow above all else, the fire arrows can give the regular archer a significant damage boost from the very beginning. Helping players survive through the start point and shoot their way to a point where some decent upgrades can be made, the Fire Arrows have a specific purpose but will be useless to most players.

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Another item that can be bought without limit shortly after the tutorial stage, it’s most likely to be used by Souls veterans who already know what weapon they’re going to be spending most of the game firing. Unlike melee or magic builds, the bow users rarely have an overpowered option at any stage in the game, lending to a highly specialized skill set when it comes to taking on powerful enemies.

Depending on the players play style, stamina can become a huge factor in how well they perform in a fight. Meaning some might be drawn to the Elixir’s restorative powers in this aspect, giving them back the ability to push forward with the same intensity. This will become very obvious to characters that rely heavily on the physical side of battle, blocking,pushing, and rolling their way to victory.

Even though the straight forward solution is to pace the speed of a fight, some like the option to go all out at the perfect time. Elixir will give them a safeguard if the enemy can take their attack and keep coming forward, leaving players with enough energy to get out of the way before a swift defeat comes rushing towards them.

Not a particularly heavy hitting weapon, the Kunai are used for their chance of inflicting poison to the target and gradually leeching health on top of attack damage. A little less obvious in utility but nonetheless a key item for players that know how to use them. They’ll come in handy in the early game especially with low level enemies that might otherwise cause an inconvenience.

While having them from the jump will be useful, they can be bought from merchants at the beginning stages with no limit. Making choosing them for a starting gift a little pointless besides the few extra fights to practice. While they’re effective in the right hands, players with any patience will just wait to purchase as many as they please a little further down the road.

Restoring HP over time is a useful ability for those who are still fumbling through the battle mechanics at the beginning of the game, it allows a certain amount of mistakes to be made without fearing a quick and frustrating death. Those who aren’t Souls hardened veterans of the series or simply want to knock the rust off the old blade before jumping in fully will appreciate the Grass Jelly.

A franchise notorious for its heightened difficulty and tricky mechanics, Demon’s Souls follow suit with a relatively unforgiving start. Most player will appreciate the little buffer to get acclimated before being thrown into the merciless enemies that lurk ahead. This will come in handy when the Vanguard Demon attacks, a fight that players aren’t supposed to win but early game prizes await for those who can make it through.

Those who like to hard focus on magic will find Bright Water especially useful in the beginning stages of the game. Replenishing MP over time, a rookie character doesn’t have much to spare until some upgrades are made. Melee combat is definitely the road most travelled, especially at the start where even the beginning spells that don’t cause devastating damage are sure to run through the MP bar quick.

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Taking on the tutorial boss with a magician class is a tall order for those that don’t have Bright Water to supplement their low mana, leaving them at the mercy of hand to hand combat with a low level build that wasn’t designed for it. Bright Water is one of the only items that becomes almost necessary for characters that want to up their magical prowess instead of sword play.

The only item in the game that the player won’t use up, the Providential Ring come in handy throughout the game. Raising the chance of loot to drop from all enemies is a big advantage, especially at such an early stage in the game when resources are hard to come by. This should be priority number 1 as it will open up almost every other avenue the character wants to explore, providing key items that help the journey along.

Every other starting gift is an expendable product that will only help the player for a short period of time, most often used as a crutch to get through the first parts of gameplay while still getting used to the mechanics. It’s far better to pace the experience and learn everything fully while picking up more materials that cover any and all aspects of gameplay.

NEXT: Demon’s Souls: 5 Best Rings In The Game (& The 5 Worst)


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