Among the many glitches found in Cyberpunk 2077, some hilarious, and others game-breaking, one glitch renders tons of tiny trees in random locations around Night City.
Glitches were highly anticipated prior to Cyberpunk 2077‘s release. Alongside some funnier glitches like the one that gives all NPCs guns and even a very NSFW bug, the game is also largely unstable, resulting in scripting issues that fail to trigger gameplay events, failed save file reloads, and even the game crashing altogether for many players. Luckily, Projekt Red released a Day 1 patch geared at fixing many of the known Cyberpunk 2077 bugs.
On a more lighthearted note, players are reporting glitches that cause objects to flash throughout the screen and appear in places they aren’t meant to appear, such as clusters of tiny trees. It’s kind of cute and picturesque, at first, but after the small bug continuously appears throughout Cyberpunk‘s campaign, on top of every other glitch, it gets old after a while.
Still, it’s resulted in a fair share of jokes from Twitter users, like “Cedarpunk 2077” and some calling it the “Bob Ross” achievement. While it looks to be a layering issue of some kind causing trees that are miles away in-game to render much closer to the player character, others are jokingly saying that it’s an “aesthetic choice by CDPR.”
But for those who have gotten tired of this silly bug and the Day 1 patch from CD Projekt Red hasn’t solved the problem, it looks like there’s a simple solution that’s worked for many players. The problem looks to be specific to those playing on PC, so what those affected players will need to do is ensure that their video card drivers are all up to date. AMD released the Adrenalin 2020 20.12.1 update on December 8th and Nvidia released a version 260.79 update on December 9th. If that’s been done and the issue persists, players will simply have to wait until CDPR releases another patch for Cyberpunk 2077.
It’s these inherent bugs that are causing Cyberpunk 2077 to feel incomplete, with some critics calling it a game that’s been released to the public while still “in Early Access,” and others noting that the mandatory company-wide crunch may have exhausted employees enough to cause more bugs than it fixed. Going forward, despite the fact that Cyberpunk has finally been released, it looks like CDPR employees still have much work to do on the final AAA game of 2020.
Cyberpunk 2077 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions coming in 2021.

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