With Halo Infinite delayed until 2021, fans are eager for some news on the franchise’s coming release. 343 Industries commented recently on the lack of information regarding the new game since the delay was announced, leaving much room for speculation, and consequently, a plethora of rumors to flow freely online. As with any game, the rumors range from being pretty possible to wildly ridiculous, but what they all have in common is they add to the hype surrounding this long-awaited game.
In a sea of rumors, there are some that are particularly interesting, some that should absolutely be included in the new game, and others that perhaps 343 should shy away from. The will of the fans pulls in all directions, but even in a rumor frenzy such as this, there are things fans can agree on: things they want out of the game and things they want nothing to do with the game.
10 Hope Is True: A Platform, Not An Entry

Despite Bungie having left the Halo franchise in 2012, it seems that Bungie’s influence can still be found. Bungie’s franchise Destiny 2 is unique in its platform-structure, using the game as a foundation for multiple years of content release and expansion. Rumors say that Halo Infinite will follow a similar structure, rather than simply being another installment in the Halo franchise. (Perhaps this is one of the reasons Infinite carries this name instead of “Halo 6.”)
By being a platform for years worth of new content, this is an exciting prospect for the franchise that could use some novelty. As it unfolds, fans will be eager to see if 343 manages to make it their own, or if the likeness will bear too much resemblance to Bungie’s brainchild.
9 Hope Isn’t True: Half-Games

When the delay for Infinite was announced, it was made clear not long after that the multiplayer of it all was not responsible for it. Although not really an implication for anything, rumors spread that Halo Infinite might be released in two separate packages: the multiplayer half and the single-player half, respectively. It’s possible that 343 is simply antsy to get something out, particularly with the recent release of Microsoft’s new line of Xbox consoles (that include a Master Chief Easter egg), but such appeasement to the fans wouldn’t win them over.
In an age where fans complain about unfinished games, it seems unlikely that players who have already been vocal about anticipated disappointments with Halo‘s upcoming installment would support a split-game release. Since the delay is already here, perhaps it would be best to deliver to the fans a complete experience that shows the delay was worth it.
8 Hope Is True: A Test By Flighting

Fans were unhappy with Halo Infinite‘s initial announcement, with many complaints knocking the graphics, so the delay is welcome in the respect that fans want the Halo experience they’ve been waiting for. This extended period of wait time is promising for the fact that 343 may be testing the game through a flighting program.
Select players will hopefully get to test out parts of the game and give the feedback that 343 needs for the new title. With a thorough test program, 343 would hope to release a Halo title that delivers on its promises and more.
7 Hope Isn’t True: An Unfinished Ending

One of the most unusual rumors out there is that Halo Infinite has no ending yet. This is particularly head-spinning, considering the game was supposed to be released this year. While this may not necessarily be a bad thing, it begs the question of how much focus is Infinite‘s story being given; not to mention, since the Multiplayer is not responsible for the delay, it sounds as if the multiplayer is much more prepared for publication than the single-player campaign.
For a franchise like Halo, who has for a long time been in a unique position of boasting both a strong online and solo experience, the idea of the campaign not being given the same attention as the multiplayer is, at the very least, concerning. However, the time that 343 is taking could result in a campaign that fans have been hoping for.
6 Hope Is True: Two Spinoff Titles

Halo has always enjoyed an expanded universe, through novels and other spin0ff games (and soon a television series!) such as Halo Wars or Halo 3: ODST. While the focus has been unsurprisingly on the main video game franchise, these other titles have enjoyed decent popularity, resulting in a sequel for Halo Wars and a remaster of ODST. Despite being in the same universe, the connection between these different titles has not always been the most direct, though Halo Wars 2 does feature both Cortana and Atriox and The Banished, the new enemy faction in Infinite. Now, rumors say 343 has new ideas in mind.
This rumor suggests that Halo Infinite will be the basis for 2 spinoff titles set in the Halo universe that will be connected to the events in Infinite. For players who enjoyed ODST and Halo Wars, the idea of more universe expansion is a welcome one, to be sure.
5 Hope Isn’t True: Villainous Cortana

Halo 5: Guardians was met with mixed reviews, not least because of the one-eighty that the beloved AI Cortana took during the campaign. Fans who grew up with the strong friendship and commitment to doing what’s right that existed between Master Chief and Cortana were less than pleased to see a schism occur in that relationship.
With such discontent from players, it’s unclear whether or not Halo Infinite will include the rogue Cortana. Cortana’s presence in Halo Wars 2 alongside Atriox and The Banished doesn’t make that any clearer, though 343 has only confirmed The Banished as Infinite‘s opposing force. With the ending of the story still up in the air, it appears there are changes still to be made, and perhaps 343 will attempt to win over fans by returning Cortana to them as she was once known.
4 Hope Is True: “Like The Old Halo: CE”

This is a tagline that has pulled in many a-fan for some time. It’s the line that reeled players into the new Star Wars: Battlefront and it’s a line that’s been said for titles in the Assassin’s Creed franchise. It appears fans have the same hopes for Infinite returning to the nostalgic feel of Halo: Combat Evolved, the first entry in the franchise, that made it the wildly popular series it is today.
By taking a look at the sample gameplay that 343 released, the promise of that feel seems to be half-right. It certainly does remind one of the old Halo, including seeing the iconic ring in the distance. However, whether or not the game will live up to its aim to revive that Combat Evolved essence will remain to be seen until 2021.
3 Hope Isn’t True: Possible Microtransactions

In this day and age of gaming, “microtransactions” have become something of a bad word. It’s forced fans to condemn games that were once their favorite. Rumors have surfaced that suggest Infinite won’t be spared the same treatment. Exactly how involved the microtransactions will be integrated into the gameplay isn’t quite certain, but the suggestion alone is disconcerting. There will be cosmetic customization for Spartans, as there always has been, but with the whiff of microtransactions in the air, it’s leaving fans with an uneasy feeling.
One of the most celebrated parts of Halo is its multiplayer community, and it would be less-than-desirable to see that community burdened with the curse of microtransactions. Should Infinite be released with such a system, fans will have their fingers crossed that they will merely be cosmetic options.
2 Hope Is True: A Whole Wide Ringworld

One of the great promises to come out of the Halo Infinite hype is the mention of an “open world” format. In 343’s gameplay reveal earlier this year, Master Chief is able to take a look at his rather large in-game map and explore it on his own. With the welcome return to a Halo ring, this is an exciting prospect. Halo‘s campaign has always been linear, and they’ve succeeded time and again despite other games embracing the trend to opt for open-world formats. However, it seems Infinite is not immune and will feature something very similar. The art and design of previous Halo games has been gorgeous, so the thought that players will get to explore the ringworld freely is an enticing one.
1 Hope Isn’t True: Battle Royale Mode

Perhaps the strangest rumor to come out about Infinite, the suggestion that the new game would include a Battle Royale mode had fans scratching their heads. Would Halo try to join in on the Battle Royale craze alongside the likes of Warzone and Fortnite? Luckily, this was a rumor just recently dispelled. Halo Infinite will not include a BR mode. With the return of the much-loved Forge mode, players will be free to make any kind of map and game mode they desire, so BR modes in Custom Games will be possible and likely.
However, 343 will not be developing that mode themselves, nor should they. In the middle of the Battle Royale hype, one of the most attractive parts of Infinite is that it will offer something different; and, amid that craze, that promises to be very refreshing.

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