Pokemon TCG: 10 Strongest Light Pokemon, Ranked | Game Rant

During the launch of the main Generation 2 Pokemon games, the TCG released related cards in the Neo Destiny expansion that reflected the direction the franchise was heading. With a heavier focus on the morality of trainers and how Pokemon are treated by NPCs in-game, two new groups were established.

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Dark Pokemon (not to be confused with Dark-type Pokemon) and Light Pokemon are pocket monsters who have inherited some traits from their trainers. The latter are those that were raised with love and care, resulting in usually higher HP, more serene card art, as well as moves that imply altruism or kindness. Some end up being merely more friendly in appearance, though a select few are mighty additions to a trainer’s deck.

10 Light Vaporeon

This card plays the role of a healer and helps to remove damage counters from its Benched Pokemon allies. Both of Light Vaporeon’s moves involve allowing its friends to recover some HP, exemplifying the theme behind this card variant.

The Hypnoshower attack can result in the opposing Pokemon becoming Asleep while also doing 30 damage, which are great traits for an attack that also heals the trainer’s other Pokemon.

9 Light Dragonair

This graceful dragon in the form of a Colorless-type card is also a healer, but one that can recover a bit of HP for all of its trainer’s Pokemon that are currently on the field, regardless if they are Active or Benched.

Light Dragonair also has the Protective Wave attack, which can potentially allow it to attack the foe with impunity. With a bit of luck on the required coin flips, this card can take out an opponent’s Pokemon without receiving any damage.

8 Light Sunflora

Despite being the only common-rarity card in the entire Neo Destiny expansion set, this friendly flower is one of the best. Its Reflected Sunlight move allows its trainer to load up any ally Grass-type Pokemon with twice as much grass energy as usual in a single turn, which can make setting up for big attacks much quicker and easier.

Light Sunflora’s Solarbeam may not be the most powerful iteration of this mighty Grass-type attack but it can be charged far quicker, making it quite handy in the early stages of a battle.

7 Light Ninetales

In typical Fire-type fashion, Light Ninetales can dish out some decent damage compared to others during this era of the TCG, albeit while discarding fire energy in the process.

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Their Guiding Flame move makes Light Ninetales a bit more versatile, as it allows the card to help a fallen Baby or Basic Pokemon ally back onto the Bench. Since this move is so low-cost, it can still be useful even after a couple of  Fire Blasts.

6 Light Ledian

Light Ledian is an interesting card because it has a move that affects other Pokemon for a consistent duration without the use of any counters or special identifiers. Flash Touch swaps this Active Bug-type with any other Pokemon on the trainer’s Bench and essentially gives them a shield that protects them from special conditions while they are the Active Pokemon.

This is one of the best-supporting moves of any card released in the Neo Destiny expansion, though if push comes to shove, Light Ledian can unleash a flurry of punches for unreliable, yet potentially high, damage.

5 Light Dewgong

Usually, with an attack that involves a coin flip, there are equal chances for success and failure. However, Light Dewgong’s Freezing Breath will be successful regardless of the coin flip’s outcome. On heads, it will make the foe Paralyzed, and on tails, it will make them Asleep.

Either way, this locks the adversary’s Active Pokemon down for at least one turn, if not longer. With this opening, Light Dewgong is free to frigidly landscape as it pleases with many Ice Pillar attacks.

4 Light Jolteon

As one would expect from the adorable card art, Light Jolteon has some great protective traits. Its Pulse Guard prevents any damage of 30 or more done to it, essentially making Light Jolteon immune to hard-hitting attacks and significantly increasing its longevity. However, this move does not protect the card from special conditions like being Poisoned or Confused.

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Light Jolteon can also attack the foe for potentially a good amount of damage and a chance to Paralyze them.

3 Light Arcanine

Pokemon Powers are essentially the early TCG’s equivalent for Abilities and they can be greatly useful in the right situations. At the beginning of its trainer’s turn, Light Arcanine’s Drive Off forces the opponent to switch their Active Pokemon with one of their Benched Pokemon, assuming any are available.

This can cause enough chaos to prevent the foe from forming a proper defense. It should be mentioned that this Fire-type’s sole attack is only useful against evolved Pokemon, doing little damage against Baby and Basic cards. A somewhat common trait among the gentle Light Pokemon.

2 Light Machamp

Another with a great Pokemon Power, Light Machamp can enter the fray in a unique and more beneficial way than usual. Tag Team lets this muscle-bound pocket monster heal the ally Active Pokemon for 30 damage if they are played from the hand to the Bench.

Furthermore, Light Machamp then automatically switches to become the new Active Pokemon, allowing for a free and fast swap. This is a particularly great play if the foe is a Dark Pokemon or a Dark-type, as the Beatdown attack is especially effective on these kinds of adversaries.

1 Light Dragonite

Possessing a powerful Pokemon Power, this fully evolved dragon Pokemon can be difficult for the opposing trainers to go up against if they try to make use of special energy cards that are anything except Colorless. Miraculous Wind makes all special energy cards on the field not only lose their additional effects but also make their type Colorless.

In addition, like its previous evolutionary form, Light Dragonite has a wave-related attack that prevents certain aspects of enemy moves. In this case, Light Wave prevents all effects done with the exception of damage, meaning that it will be impossible for the enemy to set a special condition, or any other adverse effects, upon Light Dragonite. Being Colorless-type also means that this card can potentially fit into almost any kind of deck for supreme useability and versatility.

NEXT: Pokemon TCG: How To Make The Best Fire Deck


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