Mediatonic unveiled its plans for Fall Guys‘ third season as part of The Game Awards 2020. A new cinematic trailer was shared that captured the themes and ideas of Season 3, but served as more of a concept than a deep look at what’s next for Fall Guys. Now that Mediatonic has pulled back the curtain, however, it’s ready to start going into more detail. A new, lengthy video has been shared giving Fall Guys fans their first look at Season 3’s levels, breaking down the new season’s bigger obstacle mechanics.
In a nearly 6-minute video, Mediatonic level designer Joseph Juson reveals a variety of upcoming content for Fall Guys Season 3. The focus of the initial part of the video is on new obstacles added in Season 3. The list includes flippers, which are found on the ground and do as their name implies. Punch Gloves are also appropriately named, punching out from a wall. Fans blow Fall Guys in certain directions. Snow Balls get bigger as they roll. Finally, Ice Tiles crack and break the longer players stand on them.
While it isn’t explicitly mentioned, and isn’t entirely new, there’s also one big mechanic that Fall Guys players will see a lot of in Season 3. That being ice itself. The surface makes the ground slippery, so players go sliding in every direction. It’s not entirely new, since slime floors worked similarly, if not identically, in the past two seasons. That slime’s now become ice, giving Season 3 a more wintery theme while still using past seasons’ mechanics.
In revealing these new obstacles, Juson also shares an in-depth look at several of Fall Guys‘ new levels for Season 3. In place of Hexagon, there’s an ice tile level, for example. The only stage with a given name is Freezy Peak, which is a new obstacle course with lots of fans and rolling snowballs, akin to Hit Parade. At least one other race that looks like an obstacle course is shown, too, with lots of Flippers. With seven total new levels this season, there’s still a lot to show.
Fall Guys is available now on PC and PS4.
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