10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising is a game that took many by surprise. Being a Ubisoft title, its scale and quality were never in doubt, but the level and degree of it all make the game so incredibly good that it’s become a favorite of many gamers this year.

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This newly released game is an open-world game, meaning there are a whole lot of things the players can do besides the main campaign. There are also mechanics that aren’t shown in-game, but these things will ultimately make the gaming experience more fun and effective.

10 Mount Before Landing To Avoid Fall Damage

Mounting is another mechanic present in this title. There are a ton of wild animals present in the game the players can tame in order to mount them. This makes the exploration much quicker, and truthfully, much more exciting.

There is one very neat trick that involves mounting that the game doesn’t tell the players. When jumping from a high place or falling after gliding, the players can prompt the call to mount action before landing when they’re free-falling. This way, they will immediately mount their horses as soon as they land and avoid the fall damage altogether.

9 Resources On The Loading Screen

Collecting resources is the way to make Fenyx stronger in the game. There are a ton of different resources players can collect around the massive open world, which will help in increasing their health and stamina, improve their weapons, earn skills, and more.

There is one particular resource that the players can get just by playing around at the loading screen. The loading screen sees Fenyx gliding out of Tartaros. During this small span of time, there are blue Adamantine Shards that will occasionally fly their way to the players. The players can collect these and it will actually reflect in their inventory. It’s not much, very minimal actually, but it beats doing nothing at the loading screen.

8 Throw Rocks At Enemies

The glorious throw-rocks-at-enemies tactic. It never grows old. Thankfully, it is something you can do in the game as well via a skill upgrade. For eight coins, the players can earn the Quick Throw skill which allows them to carry objects and throw them at a targeted enemy.

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There’s also an upgrade of this skill called the Heavy Lifting skill which will allow players to carry and throw even heavier objects for more damage. This costs 10 coins to earn.

7 Using Ares’ Wrath To Triple Jump

Ares’ Wrath is a skill the players can earn for six coins. This skill will give players an upward thrust attack which will send enemies flying into the air for considerable damage and stun bonus. There is also an improved version of this skill which will give the attack higher damage and a wider area of effect.

Aside from being a powerful attack ability, this skill will also give players a boost if they want to reach higher places. The players can only do a double jump at maximum, but the Ares’ Wrath ability will give them a third upward boost.

6 Throw Enemies Off Ledges And Cliffs

This one won’t happen too often, but whenever it does, it’s incredibly helpful. Whenever the players are fighting enemies at higher altitude places, they can take advantage of the terrain and push enemies off ledges for an instant kill, save for those who can fly.

This is also applicable on Vault of Tartaros levels where there are broken pieces on the ground. The players can fall off of these as well so they should be careful. They can throw the enemies off by using the axe attack or using godly powers.

5 Be A Misthios


The development team behind Immortals Fenyx Rising is Ubisoft Quebec, the very same one responsible for Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. Those who enjoyed Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey will surely love this game too. They can even become their beloved Misthios, should they wish.

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During the character customization, whether the players will choose a female or a male character, they’ll be able to pick hair, skin tone, and other various options that will make them look like either Kassandra or Alexios. There’s also an achievement in the game called “Join the Creed” which players can earn after they do a minimum of 10 stealth attacks.

4 Fire Arrows

The bow and arrows weapon in Immortals Fenyx Rising is much more useful during puzzles, but when handled well, they can also be very effective during combat. They can even douse the tip of their arrows in flames should they want. Not only do they hit strong, but they simply look incredible as well.

The players can do Apollo’s Arrows skill which will allow them to control its trajectory, guide it to a burning flame before it lands on an enemy. They can also just go up to a source of flame and draw their arrows out. This will allow the arrow to catch fire automatically.

3 Swim Faster

Swimming is a mechanic in games that players either hate or love. Some love and appreciate it because it diversifies gameplay and it shows the developer’s dedication to crafting the game, while others hate it because it can be boring and monotonous. Whatever the case, swimming is something you could also be doing in this game, but you can make it so much faster should you choose.

There’s an ability called Swim Dash which allows players to swim faster. Interestingly, this also consumes lesser stamina compared to normal swimming.

2 Farm Items Faster

The world of Immortals Fenyx Rising is filled with collectibles and resources the players can gather up to make Fenyx stronger. There are Ambrosias to increase health, Bolts for stamina, and coins for abilities. These resources require a little bit of digging and finishing side quests. Everything else, however, can simply be picked up from anywhere in the world.

To make farming easier, the players can unlock the Telekinesis Gathering ability. This will allow them to automatically collect all ingredients within a small range of area. This also works when mounted on a horse.

1 New Game Plus

Like so many other games, the players can replay Immortals Fenyx Rising after they’ve completed a playthrough, this time with everything they have in their arsenal from weapons to skills.

A new game plus option is pretty much a given already in modern games, but it’s even more so incredible in open-world games. If the player’s first playthrough was more on prioritizing the campaign, they can do the second one with exploration and discovery in mind.

NEXT: 10 Hidden Details Everyone Missed In Immortals Fenyx Rising


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