A nearly thirty-year-old Super Mario manga has finally been translated into English. The Super Mario-Kun manga was first created in 1991 by Yukio Sawada in Japan, and now readers from all over the world can enjoy the content in English.
Super Mario Mania Manga is the name of the re-released manga in English. The manga has seen over 50 volumes since first publishing nearly three decades ago, and it is still going strong with the most recent entry having been released back in October. The version that has been re-released in English does not include all 50+ volumes, but instead a hand-picked collection of stories by Sawada himself.
For Mario fans, this unique manga has not been easy to find before now, especially any localized versions. This new publication that Viz Media released on December 8 allows fans to finally explore the Mushroom Kingdom from a different perspective.
The art alone offers a totally different look to Super Mario and the best games from its long-running series. It is interesting to see Mario and his friends, like Princess Peach and Luigi, with an art style that is unlike anything else in the video games. The feeling is similar to when a franchise gets its own TV show or a spin-off with a brand new art-style.
As far as the writing style and the stories, the manga focuses on comedy and silliness, which is in-line with a lot of manga and anime. Even an emotional and story-driven manga like One Piece spends a lot of time creating laughs for the readers; and the Super Mario manga is almost all comedy.
The Super Mario franchise may have more spin-off games than any other in the industry. Mario has played sports, tactically battled evil Rabbids from Ubisoft’s Rayman series, and prescribed pills to destroy viruses. Even outside of gaming, Mario has had his fair share of experiences, including the upcoming Super Mario movie. One of his longest-lasting, non-gaming adventures is in this Super Mario manga, so it is great that English readers will be able to enjoy the collection in Super Mario Manga Mania.
It is not yet known whether or not the entire Super Mario-kun manga will be translated to English, instead of just this hand-picked collection. However, it would not be a surprise if the collection is expanded on if Super Mario Manga Mania is a huge hit in various regions around the world.
Source: Amazon
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