10 Immersive Sims To Play If You Loved The Original BioShock

Ken Levine is a name that most people are slowly forgetting in the gaming community, which is quite a shame. After all, this brilliant director used to be one of the biggest names in gaming less than a decade back, but his inactivity has somewhat quietened the buzz around him over time. That being said, there’s no denying the fact that Levine is responsible for some of the biggest games in the gaming industry, with his most notable work being on the BioShock franchise.

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The first BioShock was stellar for a whole host of reasons, but the one thing that stuck with players throughout their experience was the story, which was easily one of the greatest tales in gaming at that point and took bold strides when it came to defining the power of a gripping narrative in gaming.

Any person who played this game for the first time has definitely relished this experience, and would obviously want to play more games that capture this immersive sim that BioShock went for. Here are ten such games that can scratch this itch.

10 Deus Ex

One of the greatest immersive sims of all time was bound to make an appearance on this list at some point or the other, so it’s only fitting that Deus Ex should start off this list in a resounding fashion.

There’s endless rhetoric that one can spout about the first Deus Ex title… but instead, players are better off just experiencing this masterpiece on their own to either light up or rekindle their love for immersive sims.

9 Thief II: The Metal Age

The Thief series is an easy recommendation for anyone who got a taste of what immersive sims can provide in BioShock and wants to enjoy a deeper dive into this genre.

The original Thief is definitely a great title, but even its strongest defenders will agree with the fact that the first game flounders quite a bit before reaching the finishing line. The same can’t be said about the second game, which is a tightly woven experience from start to end and showcases exactly what a stealth-driven immersive sim is capable of.

8 Thief: Deadly Shadows

Most people tend to discredit the third Thief game as an inferior counterpart to the first two games, but people who manage to see past these comparisons will realize that Thief: Deadly Shadows is a solid title in its own right.

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After all, there’s barely any other games that have a Wikipedia entry solely devoted to just one level in their title! If Thief: Deadly Shadows managed to achieve that, then there’s a ton of other special things that could be lying in there as well.

7 Dishonored

Of course, it would be impossible to talk about immersive sims without mentioning one of the biggest names in gaming that has continually strived to turn this genre into a thing of beauty. Arkane Studios have definitely make a ton of other titles in the genre, but it’s the Dishonored series that truly put them on the map as one of the best video game developers around.

The tight stealth-driven gameplay of Dishonored is a joy to behold, and all the brilliant mechanics in the first game were somehow cranked up to the max in the second title, which is easily one of the greatest immersive sims ever made.

6 Prey

Of course, it’s not like Arkane Studios would just ride the coattails of the Dishonored series. They also took over another dying IP and reinvigorated it in the best way possible — Prey.

Roaming around the desolate Talos-I space station is not for the faint of heart, but players who manage to power through the initial fear and worry will soon find themselves experiencing a truly excellent title that shows just how much Arkane Studios has matured over time.

5 Pathologic

Most people had never even heard of the game Pathologic before its remake (which is oddly named like a sequel) was announced. In fact, one might argue that most people still don’t know — or just don’t care — about this unique experimental game that is unlike any other title ever played before.

Any gamer who might find themselves stuck in a rut when it comes to accessing an experience that is completely different from the norm should definitely check out Pathologic — words simply can’t do justice to just how hauntingly mesmerizing each and every second of this game really is.

4 Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Warhorse Studios is the perfect example of a studio that genuinely put in all the love and care they could possibly muster and put it all into Kingdom Come: Deliverance — the studio’s first title.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance might feel like a rather uninspired video game at multiple points throughout one’s run, but powering through all these minor annoyances will definitely help the player enjoy what is easily one of the biggest achievements and success stories in modern gaming history.

3 Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines

While Kingdom Come: Deliverance got the recognition it deserved, the same can’t be said for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, which was easily one of the greatest games of 2004 yet never received the praise it truly deserved.

Thankfully, with the release of Bloodlines 2, more and more people can finally get acquainted with one of the most sublime and unique role-playing experiences of all time.

2 System Shock 2

One of the first major projects that Ken Levine worked on was System Shock 2 — a title that eventually inspired him to create the amazing world of BioShock.

So, it’s only a given that players should try out the immersive sim masterpiece that gave birth to one of the greatest gaming franchises of all time.

Speaking of which…

1 BioShock Infinite

It was only a given that there was truly just one title that could capture the magic of the original BioShock experience, if not augment it to a whole new level.

BioShock Infinite is easily one of the greatest video games ever made, and an absolute must-play for anyone who’s played the original BioShock but has yet to experience the amazing story of Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth in the city of Rapture.

NEXT: 5 Reasons Why BioShock Infinite Is Better Than BioShock (And 5 Ways It’s Worse)


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