Cyberpunk 2077 has plenty of different weapons for players to choose from. These vary between the Smart, Tech, and Power classifications and each one fits different playstyles. Some of these powerful weapons are specially named with significant abilities. Iconic weapons can be found in Cyberpunk 2077 at different levels depending on how far the player has progressed, but each can be acquired in the same way regardless of level.
Iconic weapons are a broad umbrella for several of the different guns and melee weapons in the game. Cyberpunk 2077 is nothing if not iconic, so it makes sense that players would want to seek out these legendary weapons as soon as possible. While most of these are obtained during from Main Jobs or Side Jobs, there is at least one that is acquired simply as a piece of loot.
Chaos is a Tech pistol that can be acquired during “The Pickup” by killing Roce during the trade or at the end of the mission. Chaos has a unique ability that causes crit chance, damage type, and status-effect application to randomize every time the player reloads.
Kongou is a Power pistol that players can find during “The Heist” on Yorinobu’s bedside table. All the player has to do for this one is pick it up. Kongou can use ricochet tech even if the correct cyberware isn’t installed. In addition, this pistol has increased rate of fire and reduced recoil at the cost of a small magazine.
Cottonmouth is a one-handed club that players can find during “The Space in Between” lying on Fingers’ bed. This club has the special ability to deal Electric and Chemical damage. It also has a small chance to apply Poison and/or Shock when it hits.

Dying Night is a Power pistol and is one of the easiest and earliest iconic weapons that the player can get. Once the player leaves their apartment for the first time, they need to head downstairs and look for a weapon shop called 2nd Amendment to find this useful Cyberpunk 2077 weapon available for free. This pistol deals 50% increased headshot damage with a short reload time.
Skippy is a Smart pistol and one of the strangest of the bunch. Once players can reach Heywood, they need to walk near College St. Metro Station and find a nearby alley where this pistol is waiting. This gun scales to the user’s level, making it viable no matter when the player acquires it. It also talks to your Cyberpunk 2077 character, so that might make or break it for some players.
Buzzsaw is a Power submachine gun with a rare mod and is crafted with schematics. Players need to head to the Watson district and go to the left side of Northside. Once there, they need to defeat a named boss leader and loot her in order to get the schematics to craft it. The Buzzsaw has a special mod that fires high-penetration rounds.
Since Cyberpunk 2077 is such a large game, there is always the possibility that there are more iconic weapons that just haven’t been found yet. Players just need to keep exploring and keep taking odd jobs as they uncover more of Night City and all that is has to offer. Cyberpunk 2077 is still very new, so there is no telling what all is on the horizon for players.
Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One and later on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: IGN

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