Dark Souls 3: 15 Most Powerful Spells, Ranked | Game Rant

The use of magic in Dark Souls 3 can be a pretty polarizing issue. Some players forgo it entirely, choosing instead to focus solely on hacking and slashing their way through their quest for the Five Lords of Cinder. And it’s totally viable to do so, of course. Many would even argue that it’s the definitive Dark Souls experience. However, players that adhere strictly to that route end up missing out on the fine selection of useful, fun, and outrageously powerful selection of spells available in Dark Souls 3.

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Magic in Dark Souls 3 can be divided into three basic categories: sorceries, pyromancies, and of course, miracles. Each branch has their own respective strengths and weaknesses, but whichever one you pick, you can rest assured that there are a few overly potent spell selections that’ll totally lay waste to your foes. Some even have significant lore attached to them that adds to their intrigue. Whether one efficiently pierces enemies with blue light, immolates them with grand flames, or electrocutes them with divine bolts, there are sure to be spells that suit any playstyle that also boast excellent damage output as well as other beneficial effects. However, one should not get distracted by all the shiny scrolls full of whimsical destruction, for some pale in comparison to others. Which ones are the best to unleash annihilation upon foes? Well, just keep scrolling and check out the ten most ludicrously overpowered spells to be found in Dark Souls 3 below.

Updated December 14th, 2020 by Reyadh Rahaman: The Dark Souls series is still a popular franchise, especially as seen by the popularity of the Demon’s Souls remake. Fans of Dark Souls 3 can find that the title still has replay value after all these years. If players are looking to dive into the harsh world of FromSoftware’s masterpiece, they would do well to review the best spells to utilize in the game, with a few additions to assist in the choosing.

15 Toxic Mist

This dank cloud is a pyromancy that needs tight corners and narrow passages to be fully effective, otherwise, the target will simply roll out of harm’s way. However, if your foe gets trapped in the violent violet plume they will acquire the Toxic status and lose about 1500 health over 90 seconds.

This damage may be slow but can force the enemy to stop and heal or make any number of errors that you can capitalize on. Since many players focus on offense instead of defense, this can allow Toxic Mist to have quicker build up on more people than one initially expects, though it still needs to be paired with other spells for a victory. To acquire this fearsome fog, check out the lower area of the Smouldering Lake in the lava near the Old King’s Antechamber bonfire.

14 Lifehunt Scythe

One of the most sinister miracles for both its use in combat and the lore behind its origin. Acquired by transposing the Soul of Aldrich, its description implies that the devourer of gods himself created this spell after dreaming about a young, pale girl while he was consuming Gwyndolin. This girl is likely Crossbreed Priscilla, the one who wielded a similar weapon in the first Dark Souls game.

Much like when Aldrich uses this against the Ashen One, Lifehunt Scythe has a sweeping animation that creates a hitbox similar to a physical scythe, making it useful in close quarters. True to its name, it also heals the caster every time they slash their foe. Being able to hit through walls also makes this reaping sweep effective for harvesting the heads of foes in both PVE and PVP despite having quite a short-range.

13 Old Moonlight

This Sorcery is one that is transposed from the Soul of Darkeater Midir, and as such is appropriately impressive. It references the original blade of moonlight that existed before the one created by Seath the Scaleless in the first Dark Souls. For the Moonlight Greatsword is originally from a far older FromSoftware game called King’s Field. Though, it acts very similar to the Moonlight Greatsword everyone knows and loves. Just in the form of a spell.

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The caster slashes horizontally with an apparition of the famous greatsword, sending out a swift wave of energy directly in front of themselves. Both the sword and the crescent-shaped wave emitted have their own hitbox which does full damage if either makes contact with the target. Unfortunately, they do not stack and the wave is hard to aim at long range, which makes this sorcery less favorable than other long-range spells.

12 Lightning Arrow

Here is a miracle that can be found in the Ringed City DLC just after the stone bridge where one first comes face-to-face with Midir the dragon. Although it does not do nearly as much damage as Sunlight Spear and other more commonly used miracles, it is far faster and costs less FP. If purely talking about the total amount of damage one can get from their entire FP bar, Lighting Arrow, thanks to its efficiency, will often yield the highest number of any offensive miracle.

In protracted confrontations, it is arguably more useful than other methods of shocking your foe, however in shorter ones at close range it pales in comparison. This can make frustrated casters spam it by holding down the corresponding button, though this will just drain one’s FP while the foe rolls around most of the small bolts.

11 Boulder Heave

Technically this is a pyromancy, though it is an odd one since it does not do fire damage nor any of the usual things that pyromancies can do, like emit poison, insects, or buff the user. Transposed from the Soul of a Stray Demon, it allows the caster to spew huge rocks at their adversaries. As this does physical damage, it is a great spell for pyromancers who are going up against fire-resistant enemies.

The unleashed boulders, both the initial big one and the splash effect of smaller ones that follow impact, do huge poise damage which can easily stagger enemy players and human-sized AI adversaries alike. They also pack a gnarly punch to the target’s stamina bar, which makes it incredibly effective against those using a shield. Worth noting as well that this spell has unlimited vertical range, meaning that the projectile won’t fade until it hits something, granting this pyromancy the title of best spell to use while above one’s adversary. Sadly, the health damage done is lackluster.

10 Seething Chaos

Seething Chaos can be a little complicated to use. Though the initial projectile will do damage, it’s best to cast it on the ground, where it will fester into a landmine of sorts that will do a tremendous amount of damage. The issue is getting your opponent to actually set it off, especially in PVP encounters.

If you’re combining it with pyromancies that focus on baiting movement and area control, it’s perfect. But its dependency on those spells in order to really pull itself off does hold it back a little bit. Otherwise, it is one of the most singularly damaging pyromancies in the game. It’s obtained by transposing the soul of the Demon Prince in The Ringed City DLC.

9 Sunlight Spear

Sunlight Spear is usually remembered as a miracle best used in PVE, which is no surprise given that it’s been historically associated with the cooperative Warriors of Sunlight covenant. But since it performs pretty well as a solid ranged offensive miracle, its potential in PVP often gets overlooked.

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Sunlight Spear does a healthy chunk of extra damage when it hits something at point-blank range, making it a lethal surprise that opponents might not expect. Proper timing is crucial, but it could potentially be an invasion-ending move when used at the right moment. You’ll probably need to beat the game before grabbing it, as the final boss’ soul must be transposed to learn it.

8 Homing Crystal Soulmass

This spell can be a little tricky in application. But just a wee bit of practice with the associated micromanagement and timing will absolutely make this one of the most useful tools in your PVP arsenal. This one’s purchased from Orbeck after obtaining the Crystal Scroll.

Firing the spell without locking on can cause the projectiles to float around your character, remaining until an opponent gets into range in front of you. It’s a good deterrent that allows you to control the range of the fight, and staggering the projectiles rather than letting them all loose makes them much harder to dodge. However, the opponent is likely to out-roll a few in the process.

7 Great Soul Dregs

Great Soul Dregs is the ultimate form of Deep Soul, and as such, it’s a whole bunch of bad news for whoever it is fired at. It tracks and homes in on targets remarkably well, and the projectile itself has a massive hitbox. Firstly, you’ll need to visit the Dreg Heap within The Ringed City DLC in order to get your hands on it.

It’s great in PVP, as opponents will perform a furious series of panic rolls to get out of the way. Those less aware of the threat it poses will soon learn a harsh lesson. Outside of PVP, this spell is still great for tough enemies and bosses, as it can deal absolutely brutal amounts of damage with the right build.

6 White Dragon Breath

The first thing to be said for White Dragon Breath is that it looks radical, mimicking the behavior of Seath the Scaleless’ breath. Fortunately, it’s also incredibly powerful if you can manage to land it. Casting it will produce a long, straight beam of jagged crystals directly in front of the caster that’ll put anything in their path in significant pain.

It’s a bit of a rare sight, as when players transpose the boss soul of Oceiros, they’re presented with a choice between this spell and the fan-favorite Moonlight Greatsword.

5 Crystal Soul Spear

A tried and true classic. Think of the Soul Spear and Soul Arrow spells as the Dark Souls rendition of “magic missile.” They’re some of the most frequently encountered offensive spells in the Souls series, and with good reason. The weaker versions are reliable and cheap, but the Crystal Soul Spear is the strongest among them.

There’s very little to say for the spell itself, as it’s very straightforward. It’s a little less desirable in PVP as it can take a bit to cast compared to weaker and similar spells, but landing it is entirely worth the effort because it’s going to hurt a lot. Picking it up is as easy as checking with Orbeck once you have the Crystal Scroll.

4 Great Chaos Fire Orb

You can’t get much more classic than hurling a fireball. The Great Chaos Fire Orb is the best possible form of the pyromancer’s most basic and fundamental spell. Its FP and stamina costs are very reasonable, and it is capable of doing a great deal of damage. As an added bonus, it temporarily leaves behind a damaging pool of lava.

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However, the casting and projectile speeds leave a little to be desired, and in order to effectively use it in PVP, a lot of practice with aiming and leading target movements will help more than anything. This spell is picked up from Cornyx after snagging the Izalith pyromancy tome.

3 Chaos Bed Vestiges

Chaos Bed Vestiges is another fairly straightforward offering from the pyromancy department. It has a bit of a wind up when it comes to casting time, but the power and speed of the projectile make it a frequently witnessed favorite for PVP pyromancy builds.

The velocity and AOE of the spell’s projectile make it a breeze to aim, which makes it a little more difficult for your opponent to dodge. This can make it very tempting to spam, but its associated cost will drain your FP bar very quickly. You’ll need to transpose the boss soul of the Old Demon King to add this one to your arsenal.

2 Wrath of the Gods

Already infamous within the Dark Souls series around practically any area with an unsafe cliff, this miracle has been shoving people to their unceremonious deaths for quite some time. As it has been historically, Wrath of the Gods emits an AOE shockwave around your character.

Not only can it do great damage when boosted appropriately, chances are that it’s going to knock over any opponent it touches, and if not, it’ll likely still stagger them. Just pair it with the Sunlight Talisman’s Weapon Art to reduce the chance that you’ll be interrupted and it’s an effective response to being teamed up against. Do a little hunting around the Profaned Citadel if you haven’t located this one yet.

1 Soul Stream

Think of Soul Stream as a magical sniper rifle. Learning to effectively aim this spell at range can be tricky, if not outright frustrating, as it usually goes with free aiming. However, those that take the time to master it will be incredibly well rewarded for their efforts. To find it, just dig through Lothric Castle until you uncover it tucked away within a hidden room.

The projectile for the deadly Soul Stream is incredibly fast and accurate, so much so that it can be utilized effectively over truly insane distances for impressive one-shot kills. It has multiple damage frames and thus the entirety of its damage can be easily dodged, but it is capable of absolutely demolishing practically anything’s health bar – including bosses.

NEXT: 10 Hidden Areas You Didn’t Know Existed In Dark Souls 3


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