League Of Legends: 10 Champions Who Are Owed A Legendary Skin

Just over a decade ago, Riot Games released a free MOBA called League of Legends, and it has since become one of the most popular games in the world, with millions of people playing it every day. The game now has over 150 champions, all of whom have their own abilities. Most players gravitate towards one role – be it Top, Mid, Jungle, ADC, or Support – and tend to main certain champions.

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Some champions are played more than others, which is why they receive skins that players can buy for cosmetic purposes. While some just change a champion’s outward appearance, most skins also offer new spell effects for abilities and different recall animation. Furthermore, Legendary skins also give new dance animations and voice lines. Many champions already have at least one Legendary skin, but there are some who still don’t have one. That needs to be fixed.

10 Lissandra

Thanks to her ice powers, Lissandra can take on literal Gods, but it also helps that she is technically one of the strongest mages in the lore. Lissandra’s Q shoots out ice shards, and her E shoots an icy hand that she can teleport to, and she encases herself in ice with her ultimate. Her passive also creates ice clones of her slain enemies.

All of these abilities look good with all of Lissandra’s current skins, but they would look even better with a Legendary skin, especially if it’s part of a skin line with a history of great particle effects like the Star Guardian set.

9 Gangplank

Gangplank doesn’t really need a rework, and although he isn’t the best Top Laner right now, he can still carry a team with the right build. GP fires his pistol with his Q, and he eats an orange with his W to heal and get out of stuns and slows, and he lays down explosive barrels with his E.

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Each Gangplank skin gives him barrels a different look, and a Legendary skin could give them interesting animations; for example, a Dragon Trainer skin could turn the barrels into a little dragon. When he ultimates, Gangplank calls down an aerial assault, which could have great effects if it’s ice or cosmic themed.

8 Aphelios

It makes sense to give Aphelios his own Ultimate skin, but Legendary would be perfectly fine too. Aphelios is an ADC, which means that he excels in ranged combat, but unlike other ADCs, he uses more than one weapon and only technically has two abilities.

Aphelios has five weapons at his disposal and they each come with their own effects, so the skin development team has a lot to work with. The Pulsefire skin line looks amazing because of its chrome aesthetics and blue spell effects. Thanks to Caitlyn and Ezreal, fans know that the skin line works well with ADCs.

7 Shaco

Shaco is League’s Demon Jester, and he can be incredibly annoying to deal with because of his throwing knife, invisibility, and traps. The traps go invisible too, but once an enemy walks up to one, it fears and shoots them. When Shaco pops his ultimate, he creates a clone of himself that bursts into traps when it runs out of health.

If Shaco received a Dragon Trainer Legendary, the traps can be baby dragons who spit fire at enemies who spring them. Alternatively, Riot could also go the Robot route and give Shaco a PROJECT or PsyOps skin, and both of which offer military aesthetics.

6 Azir

Azir requires a great deal of skill to play properly, so beginners should definitely avoid him, but he has always received great looking skins. Riot doesn’t give Azir skins often, but when it does, it puts a lot of effort into them, and rightfully so because his abilities are incredibly unique.

Azir attacks by summoning sand soldiers, and when he ultimates, he creates a wall of soldiers who can knock enemy champions backward. The soldiers always have impressive sand effects, and they would look majestic in a Pulsfire or even a Dragon Slayer skin.

5 Orianna

League has a lot of mages, but very few of them are used in professional play. Orianna is one of the exceptions though, and this is because she can throw her ball at her allies to shield them from damage. Her ultimate is also very useful because it can pull the entire enemy team together-thus leaving them open for attack.

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Orianna is basically a living robot, and given her popularity, she deserves a unique Legendary skin. She would look great as a Star Guardian, especially if Riot gives her a human form, and a PsyOps skin could also give her patches of real skin.

4 Lulu

Lulu can slow enemies and speed up her allies, but she can also turn them into harmless little animals for a few seconds. When an ally has low health, Lulu can use her ultimate to potentially save them. It’s because of these abilities that she is considered to be one of the game’s best supports.

In terms of spell effects, Lulu has quite a bit, and that’s why it makes sense to give her a Legendary. Most of Lulu’s skins make her look cuter than she already is, so Riot might want to make her look menacing with a Legendary skin. As she’s a mage, a Coven skin would be perfect, especially since Lulu can turn enemies into animals associated with witches.

3 Ornn

Tanks and juggernauts rule over Top Lane, and Ornn is good because he’s a tank who can counter other tanks. Ornn is a master forger and craftsman, and his passive allows him to build items in lane without ever having to return to base.

Other than that, Ornn breathes fire and charges at enemies, but he can also summon a giant elemental ram that he can slam into opponents to knock them up. Given his bulky frame, Ornn would look great in a Mech-themed skin, and his fiery abilities would work well with the machine aesthetic.

2 Warwick

Warwick is one of LoL‘s original champions, and he is more than capable of defeating tough opponents. He started out as an ordinary human, but thanks to a variety of experiments, he is now a werewolf who terrifies the citizens of Zaun.

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Warwick’s abilities are pretty simple, as he slashes and bites enemies, but he can also fear them with his howls. Nearly all of the original champions have a Legendary skin, so it’s about time Warwick got one, even if it would probably have to be part of a new skin line.

1 Mordekaiser

According to the lore, Mordekaiser is one of the strongest beings in LoL, and if that doesn’t make him worthy of a Legendary skin, then his model and abilities do. Morde is a towering necromancer who now possesses his former armor, and he attacks using a giant mace.

Morde pulls enemies towards him with a massive spectral hand and when he ults an opponent, he fights them one-on-one in a pocket dimension. Morde would look great in a Mecha or Mecha Kingdoms skin, but the best option would be to give him a Battlecast skin so he could look like a cybernetic demon.

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