Xbox, Nintendo, and PlayStation Join Forces for Good Cause

Gamers have long been used to the sense of rivalry that has existed between the three major console makers for the better part of twenty years. That’s why it’s a big deal that Xbox, Nintendo, and PlayStation have formally come together with a shared commitment towards making gaming a safer environment for everyone.

Gaming is one of the main ways people come together these days, especially in a year where quarantines and lockdowns have made them more reliant on games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Among Us to be able to hang out with friends. As beneficial as it can be, though, the online gaming space has had to deal with player toxicity for about as long as it’s been around, and 2020 has seen its fair share of games with a toxicity problem. It’s a problem that Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony are all working to address once and for all.

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On Microsoft’s website today, Dave McCarthy, the Corporate Vice President of Xbox Operations, outlined the basic principles that will guide each company’s efforts to protect gamers online. In doing so, he stated that the big three believe that “gaming is for all people of all ages, including our youngest and most vulnerable players.” With the sheer variety of experiences that players can find online, they want to make sure their interactions with others remain “positive and respectful.”

McCarthy explained that this shared commitment between industry rivals is based around three key pillars. The first is “Prevention,” and is focused on providing gamers (plus parents of younger players) with easy-to-use and easy-to-access customization options, as well as investing in “technology to help thwart improper conduct and content before a player is subject to harm.” The second is “Partnership,” which revolves around collaborating with the gaming community, industry experts, ratings boards, and law enforcement to share research and promote safe gaming behavior.

Lastly, the third pillar, “Responsibility,” focuses on making it easier for players to report violations, while compelling the companies to work with law enforcement to address unlawful conduct online. In addition, another part of this collaboration between Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony involves making rules and regulations readily available so reported players “understand the requirements for continued engagement” with the online community.

Being that these are all more long-term goals, it will likely take some time before players can see if this collaboration will have any impact on the problem of toxic player behavior, but it’s still good that the big three are coming together and declaring themselves accountable for keeping their platforms safe. With any luck, this will be the push they need to work towards a more pleasant online experience for more gamers.

MORE: Nintendo of America President Congratulates Microsoft on Xbox Series X Launch

Source: Xbox


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