Cyber Shadow Looks Like A Ninja Gaiden Metroidvania, Compatible With Shovel Knight Amiibo

Cyber Shadow was officially unveiled during the most recent Nintendo Indie World Showcase today, and it looks impressive to say the least. The trailer showed off a surprising amount of information regarding Cyber Shadow and what fans can expect from the game when it comes to Nintendo Switch and other platforms next year.

Cyber Shadow is developed by Mechanical Head Studios, and published by Yacht Club Games – the studio behind the popular indie hit Shovel Knight. Back when it first released, Shovel Knight arguably revitalized the style of classic NES-era games with its pixel art and tight control scheme.

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That said, Cyber Shadow appears to be taking on a much different approach. Similar to the 2018 indie title The MessengerCyber Shadow will feature Ninja Gaiden-style gameplay and includes twelve different bosses for players to fight against. However, from a mechanics standpoint, this game will be changing things up in a major way.

Cyber Shadow also features Metroidvania-styled abilities and skills that will allow players to permanently improve their character. In addition, the game will also feature support for the Shovel Knight amiibo. With Yacht Club Games publishing Cyber Shadow, it will be interesting to see what this new studio will manage to produce. Although, what has been shown off so far promises something fans of the genre can likely look forward to.

Cyber Shadow is set to launch on January 26, 2021 for Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Shovel Knight Developer Working on 3D Project


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