Shadowlands: 5 Reasons Night Fae Is The Best Covenant (& 5 It’s Venthyr)

One of the primary objectives of the new Shadowlands expansion is choosing a Covenant. While some aspects of Covenants took on much scrutiny during their tumultuous beta phase, they remain an integral part of the game. The Night Fae and Venthyr are two very popular choices as they introduce characters, races, and concepts unlike anything else in World of Warcraft.

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When the time comes to choose a Covenant, barring the individual class abilities, should players side with the vampires or the fae? There are many reasons why players might choose one over the other. Before making this important decision, consider what these two Covenants have to offer. Warning: May contain spoilers for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.

10 Night Fae: Beautiful Environments

Ardenweald has some of the most distinctive designs and aesthetics Blizzard has ever developed. From the mysterious, blue, atmospheric haze to the cerulean runes lighting up the local flora. Not to mention the handful of galaxy-like trees that look like the Heart of the Forest. Atop their spiraling branches is what appears to be a starry galaxy in the heavens.

These same concepts trickle down to the designs of the many fae denizens of the forest. The fauns have glowing, blue horns and the deer have glowing runes across their bodies. Everything sparkles and glows like something out of the Avatar film from James Cameron. It’s a truly remarkable zone and an absolute standout of the Shadowlands expansion.

9 Venthyr: Door Of Shadows

The ability that all Venthyr Covenant members receive is known as the Door of Shadows. Using the magic of the locals, players teleport to a specific location, almost like a mage’s Blink ability. It’s incredibly useful and allows users greater mobility in battles.

An additional upside to the Door of Shadows is that it grants access to secret areas. A great example of this occurs during the main Revendreth questline as players must traverse a magic barrier with the use of the ability. Those who enjoy the mystery of exploring World of Warcraft’s darkest corners appreciate having such a useful tool.

8 Night Fae: Collectible Soulshape Forms

The standout Night Fae ability that all Covenant members acquire is Soulshape. It allows players to assume the form of a ghostly fox, increasing run speed and granting the ability to blink forward every four seconds. Even if it’s only temporary outside of rest areas, such an ability comes in handy within The Maw.

What makes this ability even more interesting is that Night Fae members are able to collect multiple form options for their Soulshape. This includes the original fox (vulpin), a deer, a raptor, and more.

7 Venthyr: Significant Lore Implications

Those who enjoy Warcraft lore have a lot to look forward to with the Venthyr. Thanks to several clever retcons, Revendreth is the source of nearly every bad thing that has ever happened to Azeroth, and it all centers around Sire Denathrius. Players find several notes that piece together a great puzzle that shakes up everything fans thought they knew about World of Warcraft.

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The letter appears to be from a subservient Dreadlord, indicating that Denathrius created them. They are so clever and manipulative, that they infiltrated the ranks of the Legion, using them and even Sargeras as their pawns. Denathrius’ end goal remains a mystery for now, but it’s a safe assumption that he’s plotted the downfall of the machinery of death for eons.

6 Night Fae: Grow A Magical Garden

As a Night Fae Covenant member, one of the weekly events players tend to is the Queen’s Conservatory. Players have the chance to act as grove protectors, just as the fauns do, nourishing seeds until they grow. Those who cared for a farm in Pandaria may find this feature familiar.

The garden features catalysts and seeds (spirits). Players plant the seeds in the chosen spot and catalysts empower them. For the garden to work properly, there are designated spots for seeds and the same for catalysts. It’s an interconnecting system that relies on different parts functioning properly for it to work as intended.

5 Venthyr: Host An Extravagant Party

Venthyr players have the opportunity to host a party and entertain guests with the Ember Court. There are different types of guests available for an invite, including more well-known individuals of Revendreth. Each one has their own preferences of what they enjoy at parties. It’s the player’s job to speak with all of them, discover their interests, and find a proper balance so that all guests have a pleasant experience.

Throughout the event, players have a unique UI element that gauges areas of interest such as cleanliness, danger, and more. These scales change depending on the actions players take or random events at the party. Along with keeping up appearances, players must serve guests as well by offering wine, desserts, and even dark rituals.

4 Night Fae: The Amphitheater

One of the most unique and interesting quests of this expansion so far is only available to Night Fae members. During the introductory questline, all of the fae, including the Winter Queen, gather at the amphitheater to listen to the hero’s tale. The player re-enacts memorable moments from the last several expansions. For one of the newest souls to awaken in Ardenweald, Ysera has some heartbreaking and often hilarious reactions to the scenes she witnesses.

Throughout the play, with a bit of fae magic, the player dresses up as either themselves or as significant lore figures and acts out scenes such as the burning of Teldrassil. It’s an emotional, yet heartwarming way to catch up with recent events for both the player and the denizens of Ardenweald.

3 Venthyr: Discover The Fate Of Sunstrider

Regardless of what Covenant players choose, they come into contact with many deceased heroes and villains from Warcraft history. However, one of these souls made their way to Revendreth for the atrocities they committed in life. It’s none other than Kael’thas Sunstrider, a famous figure from Warcraft III and The Burning Crusade.

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While little is known at this time of Kael’thas’ story in the afterlife, only Venthyr Covenant members get to meet him first-hand within a questline. Otherwise, the closest a non-Venthyr player gets is during the Sun King’s Salvation boss event in Castle Nathria.

2 Night Fae: Unique Armor Transmog

Every Covenant in the Shadowlands has distinct aesthetics that show in both their armor set and transmog options. The difference with Night Fae is that Blizzard opts to use unique textures and designs unlike anything seen before in World of Warcraft.

For example, the plate set is comprised of smooth tree bark, creating a very Ent-like creature from Middle-Earth. The leather set comes with glowing antlers, the cloth set adorns itself in warped tree limbs and leaves, and the mail set comes with glowing faun horns and leaves galore. Other than the druid leather set pieces from Ulduar, it’s rare that players get plant-based armor designs, especially as detailed as these.

1 Venthyr: Control Loyal Stoneborn In Venthyr Dungeons

As part of the many bonuses of being a member of a Covenant, players also get special abilities within dungeons. While in Revendreth dungeons, Venthyr players get the unique opportunity to activate Loyal Stoneborn and have them fight for the party. Stoneborn are stone, gargoyle-like creatures that populate Revendreth. Within the main questline of the zone, it appears that the Venthyr have control over some of them.

Upon joining the Venthyr Covenant, players earn a similar power, at least while in Sanguine Depths and Halls of Atonement. All they have to do is approach a stone gargoyle and a button appears on-screen to activate it. Upon doing so, it attacks with the group, adding additional damage during large trash pulls.

NEXT: World Of Warcraft Shadowlands: 10 Things Fans Miss From Previous Expansions


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