Ever since Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim released back in 2011, the game has continued to have fans who have played hours upon hours into the world. Throughout their journey, their Dragonborn has fought against all kinds of threats. From bandits to living-breathing dragons. Not only that, but there have been plenty of weapons and armor that they have worn to become more powerful. One of the best weapons being the DLC weapon of Miraak’s sword. However, newcomers might not know how to get the sword.
Here is how to get Miraak’s sword from the Dragonborn DLC. Note that because this is a campaign sword and is a guide, this will be done in a summarize, abridged and straightforward manner.

In order to start obtaining Miraak’s sword, players have to play Skyrim up to a certain point into the story. In other words, players have to meet a couple of conditions in order to actually play the DLC. First the player has to at least reach the quest where they have to reach High Hrothgar. After the player finishes their training, they are tasked by Arngeir to visit Ustengrav where they are tasked to retrieve the horn of Jurgen Stormcaller.
Once the player finishes that, feel free to visit any hold that they would like to go to. A good example being Whiterun. From there, they will encounter a group of cultists who will attack the player regardless to the answers they give to them. Outside of that, the player can also go through the Dragonborn quest if they head down to Windhelm docks to talk to Gjolund Salt-Sage. There, he will take them to a new world although the quest can still only be activated if the player meets some cultists.

Once these prerequisites are met, the player is able to travel to the land of Solstheim. This is an island region that is located within the sea of ghosts. When travelling there, the player will arrive in an area known as the Raven Rock which is where the majority of the quest will be. From that point onwards, players will be tasked to visit the shrine of Miraak after speaking to a dark elf named Adril. Who mentions the shrine indirectly. Once the player is there, they will meet a Dunmer who talks about the temple of Miraak. After the player finishes investigating the shrine through the story, they will eventually start to venture off into the temple. From there, they will meet Frea and eventually encounter a mysterious book. This book will transport the player directly to Miraak who will kick them out just as quickly as they arrived. From there, the player has to finish the questline for the Skaals.

At this point in the story, the player has to just continue going through the DLC. Once they arrived at the Skaal village, meet up with the leader Storn Crag-Strider, who will explain to the player that they must learn a new shout in order to destroy the monuments. Heading down towards Saering’s Watch, the player will be able to learn a new shout called Bend Will. Once the player obtains the shout, head down to the Wind Stone which was on the way and activates it with the new ability. Then use a regular shout to destroy the construction. There, the player will have to face against the Lurker boss. After that, the player will obtain a new shout unrelated to Bend Will and travel back to Skaal village. From there they have to complete two new quests, Cleansing the Stones and The Path of Knowledge in whichever order they like to finish it. After finishing the two quests, head down to Nchardak (assuming the player wasn’t already there through the latter mission) and read the Black Book.

Once the player reads the Black Book, they will be taken to Apocrypha, the world that is controlled by the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. From here on out, the player has to fight through the world in order to go through the different chapters of the book. Once this is all finished, the player will eventually be approached by the Daedric Prince. From there, they will be offered certain choices in conversation. Regardless of what they pick, they will get the second word for Bend Will along with a choice of three powers from Mora.
Afterwards, the player will leave and head back to Skaal village. Once the player gives the book to Storn Crag-Strider, they will be reminded that they won’t be able to finish any side missions of the game relating to the DLC until the main mission is over. After a certain point in time, as Crag-Strider reads the book, he will be possessed by Hermaeus Mora and killed. But the player will learn the final word for Bend Will. Now able to enter Miraak’s prison, it’s time to kill him.

Once they enter Apocrypha, similar to the last time they entered, the player must go through multiple chapters in order to eventually face him. At this point, most of what they have to do is generally straightforward with nothing they haven’t exactly done before. However, there is a certain point where they will have to face a dragon known as Sahrotaar. By using the Bend Will shout, players will be able to ride it and head down to Miraak’s tower where he lives for eternity.
From there, it is a straightforward battle against the two Dragonborns, although Miraak brings in certain techniques that the player may not be used to fighting. Utilizing things like breath fire and Bend Will, Miraak’s shouts seem to not have a time limit. However, they aren’t used as frequently. He is also a powerful mage who is able to conjure up all kinds of magic from bolts to healing. Afterwards, once he is defeated, the player will be able to obtain his sword from his corpse. While also finishing the main story of the Dragonborn DLC in the process.

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