10 Hidden Details Everyone Missed In Cyberpunk 2077 | Game Rant

There is a big conversation going on about Cyberpunk 2077’sCD Projekt Red’s latest game since The Witcher 3. While plenty gripe justified, no one can deny the sheer amount of detail present in the game world, evidenced by the ten details in the entries below.

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Some of them stare players right in the face, but most would chock it off as window-dressing without realizing the reference or homage. After finding out, it gives one a deeper appreciation of where the artists and designers took influence in order to craft the impressive world.

10 Matrix Reference

It is easy to dismiss the commercials in the game as useless drivel. However, the content is well made and contributes heavily to the bleak, corporate-run world. One of the commercials features an actor in a white room startled as a rack of clothes zooms right in front of them. This is a direct reference to the famous “guns, lots of guns” moment from The Matrix, which appropriately also stars Keanu Reeves.

9 Silver Pixel Cloud

The Lovers tarot card graffiti, collected as a part of a side quest, is located in Silver Pixel Cloud Cinema. Do not immediately leave after collecting this one, however, since the abandoned theater tells a story. All evidence shows the depressing end of the business, including foreshadowing the death of theaters in this world. One also gets a glimpse of the movies they showed, all of which are cheeky references to real films and television shows.

8 The Braindance Dealer

When looking for Evelyn in the “Automatic Love” quest, players have to convince a Braindance dealer to tell them where they get their products from. This character looks a lot like Lenny Nero from Strange Days, a ’90s cyberpunk cult classic written by James Cameron and directed by Katheryn Bigelow. The movie focuses on people using a drug and experience similar to the game’s braindance sequences.

7 Alanah Pearce

“These Boots Are Made For Walkin'” features V going to a junkyard to find their car. Upon arrival, a woman stops V from taking the ride, claiming it is indeed her pair of wheels. This character is modeled after and voiced after video game journalist and Internet personality Alanah Pearce. She used to work for IGN and several other outlets afterward before landing a job at Santa Monica Studios, known for 2018’s God of War.

6 You’re Breathtaking

Photo mode is included in Cyberpunk 2077, which makes sense considering the gorgeous visuals. Like other games that include this feature, particularly Ghost of Tsushima, there are plenty of ways to manipulate the image, including changing V’s pose.

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One of these is called “you’re breathtaking”, which is a reference to Keanu Reeves’ reaction at an E3 event when his participation in the game was announced. What he says is true; we are all breathtaking in our own way.

5 Hideo Kojima

Hideo Kojima is no stranger to cameos in video games, but usually they are in games he has made, like Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. CD Projekt Red includes him in the main quest “The Heist.” Before heading to the hotel suite, look around the bar and to find someone sitting on a couch who looks just like Kojima talking about movies and his artistic ambition. Hopefully, all this time showing up in Cyberpunk 2077 and Control does not take away from whatever project he is working on now.

4 Music References

Any music fan will get a lot of mileage out of the quest names alone. Many of them, both side quests and the main story missions feature names that are direct references to famous songs. Additionally, Judy Alvarez has several tattoos taken from lyrics of songs by Radiohead and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. It is good to know people still listen to rock music in 2077. One wonders if any of the members are still alive by then.

3 Dolls

One of the more uncomfortable aspects of the world are dolls, night workers who fulfill the deepest desires of clients and have their memory wiped afterward so they do not know what they did.

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This idea is almost exactly the same as meat puppets from William Gibson’s Neuromancer, one of the first pieces of cyberpunk fiction. They similarly have their memories deleted after working with clients so those purchasing the services feel unrestrained.

2 Misty’s Hair

Misty is Jackie’s girlfriend and works with Viktor. To those who like science fiction movies, her hair looks awfully familiar. The style in particular looks like Pris from Blade Runner. Anyone who has not seen this Ridley Scott classic should definitely check it out, especially if they are enjoying Cyberpunk 2077. Time will tell if Misty turns out to be a replicant running from the law.

1 The Dev Room In Kabuki Market

Developers always like putting themselves in their games in places other than the credits, and Cyberpunk 2077 is no exception. Hidden in the Kabuki market is a locked door with a keypad. It is unlocked with the code 605185. Inside is a TV. Turn it on and it will show a slideshow of many developers who worked on the game. It calls back to the classic Easter egg from Adventure for the Atari 2600.

Next: 10 Games To Play After Cyberpunk 2077


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