10 Underrated Electric Pokemon (That Are Actually Very Strong)

Even though everyone has a favorite, each type of Pokemon in the series has impressive aspects. Some excel in offense, while others in defense, or speed. Electric-types are those that possess much of the latter. Their swift movements combined with shocking force can leave most foes reeling or unconscious.

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There may not be as many Electric pokemon as other types, however, plenty of them fall victim to becoming gimmicks or end up being underwhelming in combat despite looking cool. While others have the opposite problem, where they look bland and weak while possessing hidden strength. For an Electric pokemon with no spark is not much of a pokemon at all.

10 Magnezone

As a new evolution to an original pokemon, Magnezone inspired a lot of debate among fans of the franchise. Many criticized the design choice of fusing the separate parts of Magneton into a metallic mass resembling an alien spacecraft. In combat, however, players cannot doubt that it fits a usable niche. With its secondary Steel-typing and a high Physical Defense stat, it can take more blows than most other Electic-types. Its high Special Attack and access to the devastating combo of Lock-On and Zap Cannon make it a dangerous foe for all, save ground types.

9 Rotom-Heat

This poltergeist may seem comical, but it possesses a not often seen type combination. Fire and Electric attacks are considered to be some of the best offensive types because they hit more adversaries with Super Effective damage than others. In Rotom-Heat, their trainer has access to both simultaneously while also having the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) which grants a sizeable damage multiplier. One could unleash a fearsome pivot by using Overheat to utterly scorch their enemy before swapping out organically with Volt Switch.

8 Arctozolt

This species represents many qualities that are at odds with how most Electric-types function. Slow instead of speedy while being more Physically oriented rather than Special makes it truly stand out. However, Arctozolt has well-rounded stats that grant it better HP and defenses than most of its dynamic kin. Moves like Avalanche and Payback allow it to take advantage of receiving inevitable incoming damage before returning it with added force.

7 Zeraora

Plenty of people complained when this pokemon was revealed, stating that Game Freak was putting too much focus on humanoid pokemon. Despite looking a bit like a Digimon, Zeraora proves it fits into the Pokemon universe by exhibiting many traits that exemplify what its type is all about.

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This bipedal speedster can strike first more often than not, granting the potential to land a heavy blow with its signature Plasma Fists attack. In addition to doing damage, this move makes all Normal-type attacks used this turn into Electric-type. With Zeraora’s Volt Absorb ability, it can get healed from certain incoming attacks for increased longevity.

6 Heliolisk

This reptilian pokemon is underwhelming under most circumstances, though has its power truly revealed with the climate. Weather can affect many things in a battle, usually in the form of a damage multiplier or debuff. Heliolisk has multiple abilities that grant it great boons either under the effects of Sunny Day or Sandstorm. One example of this being useful is that with the ability Solar Power, Heliolisk’s already dangerous Special attacks deal even greater damage under the sun.

5 Electrode

Despite having low stats in offense and defense, this ball pokemon was the fastest out of all the original pokemon and is still one of the swiftest to ever exist. This Speed combined with tricky Status moves like Taunt and Thunder Wave make it an excellent lead. Its Electro Ball attack lets it take advantage of its Speed to do increased damage. Furthermore, if things are looking grim, Electrode can use Explosion to try and take the opponent down with it. All this as an opening gambit can shatter the opposing trainer’s resolve.

4 Eelektross

As a creature inspired by equal parts Sea Lamprey and Electric Eel, it is understandable why most people would want to stay away from this species. Though doing so will deprive a trainer of a pokemon with technically no weaknesses. Electric-type pokemon are only weak to one other type: Ground.

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Since Eelektross has the Levitate ability, it can avoid this threat altogether, allowing it to set up with near impunity if going against a defensive foe. Coil lets this EelFish pokemon boost its Attack, Defense, and Accuracy to follow up with normally hard to land attacks like Zap Cannon or HP siphoning Physical ones like Drain Punch to stay in the battle longer.

3 Boltund

This dog pokemon joins the ranks of many other dog pokemon and it does not stand out very well among them. It essentially looks like a crossbreed between a Greyhound and a German Sheperd that someone spilled yellow paint on. Despite the lackluster appearance, Bolthund is a fast and a potentially deadly mixed attacker with decent Attack and Special Attack. Its Strong Jaw ability in combination with various bite-themed moves gives it an even more versatile offense.

2 Lanturn

Lanturn is the light pokemon, according to the Pokedex, though this fact is apparent upon looking at this dweller of the seas. Its cute appearance often makes foes underestimate how tough it is, which can be the last mistake they ever make. A huge HP stat lets it soak up hits fairly well, which lets it literally Soak its foe in return with ease, potentially removing all of their Same Type Attack Bonuses by changing their type to that of Water. This species can also learn Whirlpool to trap foes with bad matchups against it before dragging them below the waves with great STAB moves like Surf and Thunderbolt.

1 Stunfisk

Many consider this flat pokemon to be one of the dopiest-looking pocket monsters in creation. Just looking at it can cause humorous reactions in gamers everywhere. Although, this is merely a trap. Stunfisk has access to many hazardous moves that can paralyze, poison, or debuff foes in a variety of manners. Some of which even stack with each other and can make simply existing on the battlefield a torturous experience for almost any adversary. That yellow symbol on its body is not merely for decoration. It is a warning for all enemies to beware.

NEXT: 10 Pokemon That Are Supposed To Be Cute, But Are Actually Terrifying


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