Castlevania: The 10 Hardest Bosses In The Series, Ranked

Konami’s early Castlevania titles held some of the hardest challenges in classic gaming. However, some games posed much harder platforming stages while the bosses could otherwise be trivialized depending on the strategy.

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From Dawn of Sorrow onwards, bosses required more pattern-based reading and became far more punishing. As such, enemies from the DS games offered some of the hardest-hitting challenges in the series, although other entries also delivered in this area. Which are the most difficult boss fights in the entire Castlevania series?

10 Gravedorcus

This sand-dwelling demon from Order of Ecclesia marks the standard for the game’s hard bosses. Order of Ecclesia was notoriously harder than its DS predecessors thanks largely to the lack of items.

With that being said, Gravedorcus dug through the sand, coming up either to attack with its huge body or to spit poison and projectiles as it seeks to destroy the pillars at the center of the boss arena. As with all bosses, Gravedorcus follows a set pattern, and, as such, once players discover it, the boss could be a total cakewalk. But for unprepared players not dishing out enough damage, Gravedorcus was tougher than any boss encountered thus far in the game.

9 Galamoth

The superboss from Symphony of the Night appears in the Floating Catacombs. This giant demon could stomp on the players and summon electricity. Galamoth’s massive HP kept it in the fight longer than most players could heal off with their items.

However, Galamoth had a distinct weakness. While players unequipped with the Valmanway (aka Crissaegrim) or Shield Rod + Alucard Shield fought an incredibly tough boss, those who obtained these weapons made short work of the creature. On Richter Mode, a few hits of Knife Crash should quickly get the job done.

8 Blackmore

If Gravedorcus was the hardest boss outside of Dracula’s Castle, Blackmore was one of the tougher enemies within. As previously mentioned, Order of Ecclesia‘s bosses dish out punishing levels of damage to players unfamiliar with their patterns.

Attacking Blackmore’s demon up close is difficult thanks to its meteor attacks and long-ranged arm strikes. However, players armed with holy weapons could make short work of the demon. But if someone comes in unprepared, he will take their shadow.

7 Boss Gauntlet

Whatever happened to Darkwing Bat, Medusa, The Creature, and The Mummy from the original Castlevania? These four classic bosses all reappear in the 6th stage of Rondo of Blood. Prior to the fight against Dracula’s servant, Shaft, the player must fight all four of these bosses in a gauntlet battle.

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While the game is kind enough to heal the player, it becomes quite a trial having to fight all the bosses again should the playable character die during the fight. However, only Richter truly struggles with the fight thanks to his limited mobility. As with the rest of the game, Maria’s mobility and damage output will trivialize these foes.

6 Hydra

As the boss gauntlet from Rondo of Blood just wasn’t hard enough, enter the boss from the Piers level in its remake, Dracula X Chronicles. The Hydra did not appear in the original Rondo of Blood.

As if the stage wasn’t already one of the most difficult trials in the game, the Hydra fights the player in several phases. This multi-headed reptile will spit fire, lightning, and even swing its head like a pendulum to attack a wide range. This fight can be troublesome even when playing as Maria, and it takes several minutes to finish thanks to the Hydra’s multiple health bars and the patience the fight requires.

5 Dragon Zombie

The hardest boss fight in Circle of the Moon comes around midway through the game. Players will enter a chamber to fight two massive dragons. Their slamming attacks and multiple projectiles leave the player with an incredibly narrow room for error.

To make matters worse, the surviving Dragon Zombie will feed HP off the dragon the player slays first. Players who aren’t dishing out enough damage will be forced to use every amount of patience they have to finish this fight. For those who want an easier method, it is completely okay to abuse the RSS glitch and summon spam Cockatrice. Rinse and repeat to get the job done.

4 The Forgotten One

The secret boss of Lament of Innocence lurks deep within a labyrinth. The player will fight this horrific monstrosity in three different phases. During the battle, it will attack with its own blood, maggots, and even death rays.

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The Forgotten One is both an incredibly difficult fight as well as a testament to some of the best and most disgusting boss design in the series’ history. Akin to Beelzebub from Symphony of the Night, the Forgotten One is an undead beast with exposed bones, rotting flesh, and exposed organs. Players who can defeat this boss will also remember it as a testament to proper preparation and a high degree of patience, especially on Crazy Mode.

3 Nuculais

Much like The Forgotten One, Nuculais serves as the secret boss of Curse of Darkness. As with its disgusting counterpart, Nuculais comes from the infamous Legion. Longtime Castlevania fans will remember this recurring boss as a massive mound of zombies.

Nuculais fuses into itself after the Legion form is defeated. This humanoid creature has several health bars and can attack with death rays and powerful attacks to nearly wipe out the player’s HP. Plus, as a giant, Nuculais will continuously stomp at the player as they try to eek in whatever damage they can manage.

2 Death

Death appears in every Castlevania game as a boss. Oftentimes the penultimate boss of each game, Dracula’s right-hand man attacks with a myriad of techniques over the course of the series. However, his trademark move involves summoning sickles around the stage to attack players.

In the games, Death can attack with his scythe as a melee weapon or even transform into a powerful skeletal beast. However, his hardest incarnation was in the original Castlevania. As if the stage getting to Death wasn’t difficult enough, proper preparation would make or break the fight with the boss. Without smashing Holy Water combos into him repeatedly, Death could wipe out any player who opposed him.

1 Dracula

The final boss fights of most entries in the series are naturally some of the hardest. Beginning with the original Castlevania, as with Death, players lacking Holy Water or Cross (III) were doomed upon facing the Count’s final form. Speaking of the retro Count, the R.Count enemy in Harmony of Despair could send fireballs across the entire stage. Struggling players would be doomed before entering the boss room while R.Count was immune to the Valmanway, one of the game’s strongest weapons for Alucard and Soma.

Dracula is oftentimes one of the hardest bosses in the game. The SNES rendition of Rondo of Blood, known as Dracula X, featured a Dracula battle atop multiple pitfalls. Meanwhile, several modes in Circle of the Moon make him incredibly difficult to fight, such as Thief. Finally, in Dracula X Chronicles, after defeating his second form, he introduces a third and even more powerful dark-angel form not seen in the original Rondo of Blood. Dracula, Lord of Darkness, is truly one of the most powerful entities across the decades of Castlevania.

NEXT: Castlevania: The 10 Worst Games In The Franchise (According To Metacritic)


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