Paranoid is an upcoming horror game made by Madmind Studio, the development team behind such titles as Agony and Succubus. A new trailer released for the game earlier today and it leaves quite an eerie impression, to say the least.
Madmind is a much smaller studio, currently comprised of a small number of developers, but those developers have experience working on an impressive lineup of games, such as The Witcher 3 and The Division, to name just a few. In the four years that Madmind has existed, the studio has produced two horror games, and now, the studio’s newest game is incredibly startling at the offset.
Paranoid features a playable character named Patrick who suffers from mental illness that gradually worsens as the game progresses. In the trailer, a large amount of frightening imagery is put on display, including a shot of a faceless person walking down a hallway viewed through a peephole. The shot composition for that scene in particular is extremely reminiscent of classic Resident Evil. As the name of the game implies, the voice-over gives off an incredibly paranoid feeling.
It will be interesting to see what the future holds for this game. While a release date was not provided for the title, it surely will join the long line of horror titles releasing in the future, such as The Medium, Resident Evil 8, and Martha is Dead, to name just a few examples. Hopefully, the gaming community will soon know how well this game fares comparatively.
Paranoid is currently in development.
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