Red Dead Redemption: 10 Ways John Marston Redeems Himself

Playing through the first Red Dead Redemption will give players a look at John’s life after the gang. John is tasked with working with the Bureau of Investigation to bring down his former friends — Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, and Dutch Van Der Linde. During the story, players can decide to perform tasks that help John redeem himself.

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Some of these tasks can be simple like finding items for someone, while other tasks require John to put his life on the line. By the end of the game, players can tell that John is trying to put his old life behind him.

10 Loyal To His Wife

John and Abigail might have had a rocky relationship in Red Dead II, but it is definitely doing better. During John’s travels, it is obvious he is loyal to only Abigail. He can be approached by prostitutes, but rejects their offers and tells them he is happily married.

He also talks to his newfound friends about Abigail, talking about his love for her. It is so nice to see John’s love of family grow from 1907 to 1911.

9 Tries To Be In Son’s Life

John in Red Dead II seemed to want nothing to do with his son, even doubting if Jack was his. John decides to try to become a better father to his son after leaving the gang. He teaches his son to fish and takes an interest in literature. He did everything he could to give Jack a more normal life.

Even when Jack goes to hunt a bear and gets badly injured, John does not yell at him or get angry. John instead comforts Jack, saying he would no longer be absent.

8 Helps Out Around Bonnie’s Ranch

When John first confronts Bill Williamson, he is shot and left for dead. John is rescued by Bonnie and taken back to her ranch, where he is able to recover and is nursed back to health. Instead of riding off after he recovers, John repays his debt by helping out around the ranch.

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After Williamson burned down Bonnie’s barn, John went in and saved the horses. This help caused a friendship between John and Bonnie. John probably did more than he should have when it came to paying his debt.

7 Helps Gather Flowers For Old Man

It seems John may be a bit of a romantic, helping an old man gather flowers for his wife. The player will be tasked with finding 3 different types of flowers around New Austin. After gathering them, John will return to the old man and be invited inside to meet his wife.

Players are definitely in for a surprise, as his wife is dead and decaying. Still, the old man is very thankful and gives the flowers to his wife. It’s the thought that counts, right?

6 Rescues Woman In Desert

Traveling through the desert of New Austin, players might run across a woman asking for help. The woman was out in the desert testing her faith, causing her to fall very ill. This leaves John the choice to either leave her alone or give her medicine.

Giving her medicine will help her, keeping her from dying. John will offer a ride into town, which she will decline. At the very least, he helped her survive by giving her medicine.

5 Rescues Jimmy Saint

Jimmy Saint is a journalist who is writing about the American West. During his travels, he is captured by multiple gangs and requires saving. This is where John comes in, as he is the one to rescue Jimmy from all of these situations.

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John rescues Jimmy from gangs in New Austin as well as in Mexico. Because of John rescuing him, Jimmy says he will never step foot in New Austin for as long as he lives.

4 Can Donate To Nuns

While in Mexico, John runs into the Strange Man. John is given the choice to give money to a nun or rob her. Most likely John will donate, which causes other nuns to come up to him at random times and ask for donations. Donating enough times will earn John a rosary, which could symbolize he is being redeemed.

3 Can Rescue Prostitute In Mexico

While traveling in Mexico, John might run across a man beating a woman named Eva. It is revealed the man is the woman’s “keeper.” John can intervene and buy Eva’s release, where Eva promises to leave and become a nun. Because of this promise, John later goes to the church to check up on Eva.

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John finds out her captor came back and accidentally killed her in a drunken rage. John challenges the villain to a duel, avenging Eva.

2 Rescues Region From Zombies

During the Undead Nightmare DLC, John is tasked with rescuing the region from a zombie outbreak. This has him fight zombies, Bigfoot, and travel to Mexico to end the curse. Depending on the player’s actions, John could potentially tie up named characters and cure them of the curse after the game ends.

John also rescues towns from the zombie outbreak and helps out old friends. He even gets help from the nuns at Las Hermanas in the fight against the undead enemies.

1 Sacrifices Self For Family

Just when everything seems to be normal, the army attacks the Marston ranch. John, Uncle, and Jack all take up arms and defend the ranch. When it starts to get overrun, John brings Jack and Abigail to the barn and tells them to ride off.

To make sure they have time to escape, John confronts the army and kills as many as he can. This sadly leads to his death. In his last moments, John sacrificed himself so that his family could escape unharmed.

NEXT: Red Dead Redemption 2: Arthur Morgan Vs. John Marston Memes That Are Too Funny


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