When Devil May Cry first came out, many were in awe of its unique gameplay style. Although it had a general aesthetic similar to a Resident Evil game, the combat allowed the first in the franchise to blossom, and these gameplay elements would only improve as the series continued to evolve. The Devil Arms in the first game helped to lay the groundwork for what came afterward and offered plenty of unique gameplay changes.
Here is every single weapon in the original Devil May Cry, along with their backstories and gameplay.
11 Force Edge

Force Edge is the sealed version of Sparda and it is the main weapon that Dante uses throughout the course of the game. Although generally speaking, the weapon gets surpassed by Alastor fairly early in the game.
In terms of gameplay, Force Edge generally plays similar to every other sword that Dante uses throughout the franchise. However, Force Edge doesn’t have anything that makes it stand out, at least until it reaches its true form.
10 Ebony & Ivory

Ebony & Ivory is the classic handguns that are used by Dante. Originally made for him by Nell Goldstein, the grandmother of Nico, these handguns are specially customized pistols that the character carries with him all the time.
Although they don’t do a lot of damage, the pistols really help with the combos in Devil May Cry. These pistols stuck around throughout the rest of the franchise, becoming one of Dante’s most iconic weapons.
9 Alastor

Alastor is the first sword that Dante receives in the game. Also known as the “Spirit Of Lightning,” it is said that the sword could only be used by a chosen one and that it grants the user incredible speed.
Alastor has the same basic combos as Force Edge but also a more in-depth moveset. Its lightning effect allows it to be very useful against the majority of enemies. By using the Devil Trigger, Dante can use all of the speed and movement granted by Alastor, and by using it in the air, he can fly and summon lightning.
8 Shotgun

One of the first projectile weapons that Dante can receive over the course of Devil May Cry, the Shotgun is a powerful weapon capable of doing decent damage against the hordes of darkness.
However, the downside with the weapon is how it has a slow rate of fire and its spread hinders the range. The Shotgun has become almost as prevalent of a firearm in the franchise as Ebony & Ivory, and it eventually got a name in the form of Coyote-A.
7 Ifrit

Ifrit is the first gauntlet-based Devil Arm in the franchise, at least from a release standpoint. Containing a fire-elemental demon, this weapon is empowered by powerful hellfire.
As a gauntlet Devil Arm, Ifrit is by far the slowest melee weapon used by Dante. However, it makes up for this by having the highest base damage next to Sparda, with the Devil Trigger enhancing that even further.
6 Grenadegun

The Grenadegun is a powerful weapon that can easily decimate a large number of demons. Dante takes this grenade launcher from a deceased soldier. Utilizing destructive shrapnel shells, the Grenadegun is easily capable of inflicting lots of splash damage.
Unfortunately, it still has a couple of weaknesses such as long recoil and animation times. Not only that, but the weapon is fairly useless against enemies who are able to fly upwards. However, it is useful against weaker foes as it fills the Devil Trigger gauge very quickly.
5 Needlegun

The Needlegun is only available during the water sections of the game. As a result of its status, it is easily one of the most unmemorable weapons in the game.
The Needlegun is a burst-type weapon that shoots six rounds. Each needle has a very large hitbox and the weapon is considered the only automatic in the entire game, with only a slight delay in the reload speed.
4 Nightmare-β

Nightmare-β is the last projectile weapon that Dante can obtain within Devil May Cry. Unlike the previous projectile weapons that came before, this item is specifically created by demon hands and is very similar to the Nightmare boss.
Nightmare-β also has unique ammo that draws directly from Dante’s Devil Trigger energy. It fires green energy bolts that can bounce around walls for a certain amount of time.
3 Yamato

The Yamato is the sword that is most commonly recognized as Vergil’s weapon. The sword isn’t usable in Devil May Cry in a story capacity and is only available when Dante wears the Legendary Dark Knight outfit. Subsequent games would explain that the katana used to belong to Vergil and Dante’s father, Sparda, and it was designed to separate a person’s human and demon halves.
In the first game, Yamato acts similarly to Alastor rather than how it is used later in the franchise. Not only that, but Yamato has a slightly different design compared to what fans are more familiar with, such as a gold hilt.
2 Luce & Ombra

Luce & Ombra are the handguns that Dante’s father used. Generally speaking, they look very similar to Ebony & Ivory in design, although the customizations in lore are a little different. They are also designed to be rapid fire.
However, in the actual game, Luce & Ombra simply act as skins for Ebony & Ivory. With the gameplay essentially being the same as those two pistols, Luce & Ombra is more focused on combos rather than big damage.
1 Sparda

The final sword Dante obtains in the game is Sparda. It is created after Dante fuses Force Edge with the perfect amulet, which results in a unique sword that bestows the protagonist with the power of Sparda. It grants enough power to defeat the evil prince of darkness Mundus.
Gameplay-wise, Sparda is very similar to the other swords in the game. However, it offers a couple of features not seen before. During attacks, it is able to shape-shift from a scythe to a spear. The only issue is that Dante can’t use the Devil Trigger until the Mundus boss fight, which hinders Sparda’s usefulness to a degree.

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