Final Fantasy 8 released for the PlayStation in 1999 to critical acclaim and it secured itself as one of the best titles in the Final Fantasy franchise to date. Like other games in the series, Final Fantasy 8 offered a great plotline, interesting characters, and plenty of enjoyable gameplay sprinkled with humor.
One of the best parts of any Final Fantasy game is the variety of bosses and Final Fantasy 8 definitely has a few that could be considered a bit strange. Check out some of these bizarre bosses from the game, as well as tips on how to find and defeat them. Be warned, there are some spoilers ahead.
10 X-ATM092

X-ATM092 is not notable for being difficult, but it has always stood out for its strange sequence of events. After first battling it and damaging it enough for it to lapse into repair mode, players must escape through Dollet with this mechanical crab in pursuit.
It is possible to avoid battling it again, and players can even hide in the pub to avoid it, though this will negatively affect their SeeD ranking, as well as various other aspects such as not shooing the dog out of the way of this machine. X-ATM092 can be properly defeated, though it is difficult due to its high HP and the time limit. Notably, it is weak to thunder spells and so Quetzacotl is recommended.

NORG is a strange boss in Final Fantasy 8 mainly due to the revelation that this strange being has been living beneath Balamb Garden since it was built. Unlike other Shumi that players later come across in the game, NORG sought out wealth and money and does not hide his creepy, long-fingered hands.
He is the second part of a boss battle, with the first being the NORG Pod. It’s recommended that players draw Dispel from the Right Orb to cast on NORG, as he frequently casts status enhancements on himself. NORG is weak to wind, so using magic such as Aero or Tornado is advised, as well as junctioning this magic to GF for the elemental attack.
8 Sorceress

There are multiple Sorceress mini-bosses that are encountered during the time compression sequence. The weird thing about these is that they are meant to be Sorceresses from different time periods, and while the first two designs are fairly standard, Sorceress C is particularly disturbing as it is deformed.
The two more normal Sorceresses are weak to Death and so junctioning Death to Status Attack or casting Instant Death should one-shot them. Sorceress C is more difficult, and it is advised that players buff their party until she begins her countdown, at which point they should go all out with damage to avoid the Sorceress completing her attack.
7 Diabolos

Diabolos is an optional boss that can be fought at any time after Headmaster Cid gives Squall the Magic Lamp item. Successfully defeating it will reward the player with Diabolos as a GF. Though strangely, this boss can be accidentally missed if players mistakenly sell the Magic Lamp item, as it cannot be replaced.
Diabolos can deal high damage with its physical attacks and also uses Gravija to reduce all party member’s HP by 75%, so it’s important to stay on top of healing. It’s recommended to cast Blind and Slow on Diabolos, to make the fight a lot easier. Additionally, casting Demi from a character’s spell stock on Diabolos will cause it to cast Curaga on that party member… a strange strategy for a boss!
6 Tonberry King

Tonberry King is an optional boss that can be found in the Centra Ruins, but there’s a bit of work that players will have to put in to spawn him. Players must defeat between 20-50 Tonberries in order for the Tonberry King to appear, which he does immediately after the player has killed a normal Tonberry (after the threshold number has been reached).
Tonberries have always been weird enemies as they look so unsuspecting and innocent, but they can do some serious damage and players can easily find themselves wiping to these brutes. The key to this battle is to keep party members well-healed, as Tonberry King’s It’s Sharp! attack can deal damage equivalent to the target party member’s enemy kills multiplied by 30. Once he is defeated, players will receive Tonberry as a GF.
5 Odin

Odin is a strange boss as he doesn’t attack during the battle at all, but will only perform his signature Zantetsuken move once the timer runs out, which will wipe the party and kick the player to the Game Over screen. This means players just have to whittle down his HP and beat him before the timer runs out. Defeating him will grant players the Odin pseudo-GF, who cannot be summoned like other GFs, but will randomly appear at the beginning of some battles.
He is an optional boss found in the Centra Ruins; players must find the code to enter the room where Odin is waiting, all while the timer is ticking. However, players can open the entrance and then leave the ruins and re-enter to reset the timer for when they battle Odin.
4 Gerogero

Gerogero is one of the earlier bosses that players will encounter in the game. It is the true boss that is unveiled only when enough damage is done to the Fake President Deling boss that precedes it in battle.
The weird thing about this boss fight is that because Gerogero is undead, players can hurt it by casting Cure or Life spells on it. Additionally, it can be insta-killed by chucking a Phoenix Down on it, which makes this arguably the easiest boss fight in the game.
3 Jumbo Cactuar

Jumbo Cactuar is similar to Tonberry King, as both are larger versions of their normal counterparts (though Jumbo Cactuar is sporting a curly mustache) and they both look rather cute but deal horrendous damage to the party. Jumbo Cactuar can be found on Cactuar Island, and once he is defeated, players will receive Cactuar as a GF.
Because of Jumbo Cactuar’s devasting 10,000 Needles attack, as well as its Ker-plunk move, which damages the whole party, players should have a dedicated healer to keep their HP topped up. Jumbo Cactuar is weak to water moves, so using the GF Leviathan is good. Additionally, players could summon the GF Cerberus or cast Triple and then cast Water three times to deal a decent amount of damage.
2 Abadon

Abadon is a strange boss mainly because it doesn’t really seem to serve a purpose to the plot. It is found in the Great Salt Lake, and while players could surmise that it is meant to be the guardian of Esthar City, this is never actually explained or elaborated on.
Like Gerogero, Abadon is undead and so casting healing spells on it will damage it greatly. Players are also able to one-shot it by using Alexander’s Revive command, or by throwing an X-Potion or Elixir at it.
1 Sorceress Adel

One of the weirdest things about the Adel boss battle is that she has junctioned Rinoa to herself, resulting in Rinoa being weirdly attached to Adel’s chest throughout the fight. This causes some issues for the player as they have to be careful not to attack Rinoa by accident, as if she dies, it’s game over.
Players can’t use GFs or most Limit Breaks due to the risk of attacking Rinoa, and throughout the fight they must heal Rinoa as Adel periodically drains HP from her. The easiest way to kill Adel is to use Cactuar’s Kamikaze command, which can potentially one-shot Adel. Even if it doesn’t kill her in one go, it’ll deal massive damage, though at the cost of the party member that had Cactuar equipped.

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