Cyberpunk 2077 has plenty of clothing options for players looking to customize their character. These range from cosmetic options to powerful stat boosting pieces. While many of these clothing items are expensive, there are several pieces of gear that can simply be looted in the world for free. Several of these clothing items can be found in the Cyberpunk 2077 region Rancho Coronado.
Many clothing items in Cyberpunk 2077 are legendary and provide even better stat benefits. There is a cowboy set in the Watson district that can be picked up off the ground or found on bodies. Similarly, there are legendary coats, pants, and boots that players simply need to head to Rancho Coronado in order to collect.
This legendary coat can be found near the broken Ferris wheel in Rancho Coronado. Once the player heads there, they will find a metal box beside a cabin that contains this coat. The stat benefits from this outfit piece are an increased carrying capacity of 7%, an empty clothing mod slot, and reduced damage from negative status effects by 5%.

Players can head to a big truck that is parked near a cliffside, not far from the previous item. There they will find a corpse nearby that has this pair of pants as loot. This legendary item increases Crit chance by a whopping 15% and also reduces fall damage by 5%.
Slightly south from the previous two items is a rooftop that players can make their way on top of. Once on the roof, there is a pile of trash that can be rummage through in order to find these boots. This legendary item grants increased armor and movement speed, making it perfect for running down the streets of Night City.
Northwest of the previous items is an interchange. If the player goes underneath this, they will encounter a homeless man who has these sunglasses. The aviators increase damage against enemies with a moderate or higher threat level by 5%, making them perfect for some of the bigger fights in Night City.
The last item on the list can be found westward from the aviators. There will be two large garbage containers with dead Night City police officers. If the player goes to loot these officers, they will find this coat. While wearing this item, players have reduced stamina consumption while blocking melee attacks by 8%. In addition, damage from negative status effects is reduced by 8% and damage from explosions is reduced by 5%. Finally, this coat has an empty clothing mod slot.
There are plenty of other rare items that players can hunt down. One popular free item in Cyberpunk 2077 is the Skippy pistol, which talks to the player and offers unique firing modes. There is a whole world of strange or interesting loot that players will need to spend plenty of time in if they want to collect everything.
Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It will release later on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: GosuNoob

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