Blizzard has been making games since the early 90s, and it has created some truly popular franchises, but none of those franchises have reached the level of success and popularity of World of Warcraft. The world’s best MMORPG began in 2004, and its latest expansion: Shadowlands, has been well received by players, despite the fact that it has some issues.
WoW’s story mainly focuses on the endless conflict between The Horde and Alliance factions, but there are times when they are forced to work together, and each faction has seen numerous champions rise and fall. WoW’s lore is vast and detailed, and there are plenty of powerful Horde characters in it, but the Alliance has powerful characters as well-some of whom are stronger than others.
10 Turalyon

High Exarch Turalyon was one of the original Paladins, but he started out as a priest. He played a prominent role in the Second War in Warcraft II, and he distinguished himself to such a degree that he became the leader of The Alliance for a time.
Orgrim Doomhammer was the former Warchief of the Orcish Horde, and when he struck down King Anduin Lothar, Turalyon rallied the troops and beat him. Now that he has been touched by The Light, he is capable of healing and protecting his allies, but he can also incinerate demons.
9 Alleria

Alleria is Turalyon’s wife and Sylvanas’ sister, and like her famous sibling, she was a skilled High Elf Ranger. In Warcraft II she commanded her own group of archers and fought against the Orcish Horde, but she disappeared for a while when she ventured into Draenor.
She finally re-appeared during Legion, where she absorbed the power of the dark naaru L’ura. This process turned her into the very first Void Elf, which means that she can now impart feelings like despair, doubt, and panic onto her enemies.
8 Tyrande

Tyrande is part of Illidan’s tragic backstory, but she is much more than that. She is a Night Elf and the current High Priestess of the Goddess Elune, but prior to her appointment, she battled the Burning Legion in War of the Ancients.
As a Night Warrior, Tyrande is basically a combination of a Druid and Paladain, but she is also quite skilled with warglaives. She has fought against demons all her life, and leading up to Shadowlands, she slew Nathanos Blightcaller on her own.
7 Malfurion

Malfurion Stormrage was the first mortal on Azeroth to become a Druid, and he used those powers to lead the Night Elves against the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients. He slept for 10,000 years until he woke up during Warcraft III, where he fought the Legion yet again.
As a Druid, he can command various forms of nature, and he used this power in the Firelands when he fought the Elemental Lord of Fire, Ragnaros, who allied himself with Deathwing back in Cataclysm.
6 Khadgar

Khadgar fought against The Horde in the original game, and he is regarded as one of the most powerful mages in Azeroth’s history. He is the current Guardian of Azeroth, which is why he is willing to work with the Horde at times, and he would be far more powerful if his predecessor had transferred his powers to him.
Khadgar defeated his mentor Medivh to stop the Titan Sargeras, and he destroyed the Dark Portal in Warcraft II. He may not have true Guardian powers, but Khadgar was still able to hold his own against Gul’dan.
5 Arthas

Many consider Wrath of the Lich King to be WoW’s best expansion, and it has players facing off against The Scourge-an army of Undead led by the Lich King, who at the time was Arthas Menethil. As the Lich King, Arthas was one of the strongest beings in all of Azeroth, but he was still powerful even before he put on the Helm of Domination.
Arthas was the Crown Prince of Lordaeron, which was a human kingdom that was part of The Alliance, and he was one of the faction’s main champions during the war in Warcraft III. As a Paladin, Arthas could pretty much do it all, and he also wielded the legendary longsword Frostmourne-which is one of the most powerful weapons in the game’s lore.
4 Uther

Arthas was a powerful Paladin, but even he needed to be trained by someone, and that person was Uther the Lightbringer. Uther was one of the original five Paladins, and he led his order of holy warriors against the forces of the Horde in the Second War in Warcraft II, where they decimated Gul’dan’s forces.
Arthas defeated Uther in Warcraft III, but this only happened because Arthas used Frostmourne at the time, and it allowed him to overpower his former teacher. Before Arthas gained the powers of the Lich King though, Uther was the stronger of the two.
3 Jaina

Mages have some great transmog sets, but they also happen to be extremely powerful beings. Jaina Proudmoore is regarded as one of the finest mages in Azeroth, and she is the most powerful human sorceress alive, having once led the Kirin Tor Wizard Council of Dalaran.
She led the Alliance forces against the Lich King’s Undead army and Archimonde-a powerful Draenei who served in Sargeras’ Burning Legion. Jaina is so powerful that she is capable of destroying The Horde’s capital city of Orgrimmar by herself.
2 Aegwynn

Aegwynn is one of the strongest NPCs in WOW, and this all stems from the fact that she was once The Guardian of Tirisfal. Like Khadgar, She was empowered by The Council of Tirisfal, so she could battle the Burning Legion and any other demons who might appear on Azeroth.
800 years ago, the Alliance fought against the Burning Legion in Northrend, and during this battle, Aegwynn battled against the Avatar of Sargeras. She won the fight, but the two were so powerful that they almost destroyed an entire continent.
1 Medivh

Medivh is Aegwynn’s son, and he was destined to become her successor. It was thanks to Medivh that Gul’dan was able to open the Portal which allowed the Orcs to enter Azeroth-thus creating the entire conflict between the Horde and Alliance.
He may have been a Guardian and a member of The Alliance, but Medivh was possessed by Sargeras while he was still in his mother’s womb, which is why he became the main antagonist in the original Warcraft. He had command of Necromancy, Arcane, Fire, Ice, and Fell magic.

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