10 Best Visual Novels Of 2020, Ranked | Game Rant

The popularity of visual novels has been increasing rapidly. Famous franchises are trying to take on visual novel spinoffs (just look at Lovers of Aether) and even KFC has entered the visual novel ring. Suffice it to say, these games aren’t going anywhere.

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2020 was a year for fantastic visuals novels and at the best time. What’s better than reading through a good story when stuck inside? Visual novel creators are evolving their craft and adding new mechanics to stand out against the typical dating simulators the genre is known for. This year some were particularly noteworthy.

10 Locked In: A Marriage Simulator

Locked In feels like an emotional punch to the gut during the COVID-19 crisis in the best way.  The game features a married couple whose relationship is breaking down due to lockdown. See what we meant? The game is a rare two-player visual novel that is also available for remote play on Steam (so it’s perfect for social distancing).

Each player controls one of the characters in the game choosing their responses and actions while playing off the other player’s choices. It’s based on real interviews done with couples during the pandemic so expect this quick game to feel real and raw.

9 Tiny Bunny

The title makes Tiny Bunny sounds like such a cute game — don’t be fooled. This non-linear horror visual novel is based on the award-winning story by Dmitry Mordas of the same name. Players will explore an isolated Siberian village where horrifying events keep taking place. The entire game is gorgeous with its monochromatic gritty art style.  The game plans to have five chapters so take a chance to play this one while it’s fresh. Just fair warning: things get gruesome.

8 Signs Of The Sojourner

It’s always fun seeing games take the general mechanics of a visual novel and add in unique twists to make something new. Signs of the Sojourner markets itself as a narrative card game about, “…relationships and connecting with people. Your deck is your character, reflecting your experiences and shaping your relationships.”

RELATED: 5 Of The Best Visual Novels (& 5 Of The Worst), According To Metacritic

Each conversation in the game takes place through a card game. Players forge friendships, rivalries, and connections as they help run their mother’s shop after her death. Signs of the Sojourner was also declared the best RPG at the Dreamhack Anaheim 2020 Indie Playground which is a testament to its quality.

7 Pizzaro Project Deep Dish

Pizzaro Project Deep Dish is a story of Anne Chovy, a young woman living in the Cal Zone, and her romance with a sad impoverished clown who went to college for underwater basket weaving. Take whatever time is needed readers. We know that’s a lot to take in. The game plays more like a standard visual novel but is nothing like fans of the genre will have seen before.

It never takes itself too seriously and anyone that tries it will find the puns, jokes, and satirical jabs at visual novels as a whole to be highly enjoyable. Not to mention the story goes to places that Nostradamus couldn’t predict. Seriously, go try this one, it’s free.

6 The Night Fisherman

“The Night Fisherman has got to be the most uncomfortable yet necessary experience I’ve come across in my lifetime.” This quote from a Steam review of The Night Fisherman says it all better than we ever could. The game pays homage to a famous piece of cinema all while tackling relevant topics like racism. No one will regret playing through this short and impactful story of a smuggler.

5 Murder By Numbers

Murder By Numbers is what would happen if Ace Attorney and Picross had a baby. The game has endearing characters and masterfully combines visual novel and puzzle game aspects to create a fantastic experience. The striking character designs and a distinct art style found in Murder By Numbers is sure to impress. Solve puzzles, find clues, and crack open those cases!

4 Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp

The original Monster Prom was a massive success and fans were met with a sequel of equal caliber. A game with single player multiplayer? That’s a dating sim? With incredibly hot monsters? Sign us up! Monster Camp brings back the original formula with a new setting while still adding something new.

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Beautiful Glitch even gave the game amazing accessibility options by adding in the ability to toggle trigger warnings for various topics. The game has plenty of vulgar moments and humor so it’s nice that players have the option to avoid things that hit too close to home to be funny. Not to mention any game with a character named Calculester Hewlett-Packard just has to be good.

3 Mission: It’s Complicated

Fighting evil by moonlight! Dating heroes by daylight? No, it’s not Sailor Moon. Mission: It’s Complicated has players teaming up superheroes to fall in love and save the world. Any combination of heroes can win in the end so players can create the one true pairing of their dreams. The game being LGBT+ friendly is also a huge bonus!

It may be hard to believe the same people that made Daniel Tiger’s Stop & Go Potty made one of the best visual novels of the year but it’s absolutely true. A 91 rating on Metacritic is hard to dispute. Schell Games has a fascinating catalog of games and Mission: It’s Complicated shines strongly among them.

2 Coffee Talk

Many people fantasize about dating a mermaid, elf, or orc, but how many imagine taking them on a coffee date? Coffee Talk has players serving hot brews to an assortment of fantasy creatures. The better the drink, the further branching storylines advance.

The game’s chill 90’s aesthetic is incredibly immersive. Add in a choice of lo-fi and jazzy tunes and players will be absolutely vibing. Coffee Talk has already been up for and even won awards so why not brew up a favorite hot drink and give it a try.

1 If Found…

When a game is nominated for Games with Impact at the Game Awards there’s no way it isn’t good. If Found follows the story of a girl named Kasio who moves home to western Ireland as she interacts with her family and friends. Dreamfeel brings on the Irish charm while respectfully telling the story of a transgender woman digging through her memories. Did we mention there’s a black hole threatening to swallow the entire universe?

It’s hard to say a single thing If Found did poorly — it’s what every visual novel should strive to be. It is one of the best mobile games of 2020 and is by far the best visual novel released this year. Anyone that skips out playing this one is sure to regret it.

NEXT: Top 10 Best Visual Novels on Steam, Ranked


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