After the long-awaited release of Cyberpunk 2077, the player reaction has been mixed at best. Fans have shared opinions that range from complimenting how beautiful the world of the game is all the way to complaining that the PS4 version was so utterly incomplete that Sony removed it from their storefront. Other developers like Bethesda have seen their fair share of buggy releases, but this is a rare occurrence.
As you likely know, however, when the internet gets angry at something they were expecting to love, there will be a heck of a lot of memes. While not all of the best memes are complaints, a good number of them are. Either way, these memes are sure to hit hard if you’ve been fighting your way through Night City!
10 Expectation Vs. Reality

One of the more talked about aspects of Cyberpunk‘s launch has been the wildly different graphics seen between versions of the game. The PC version has been noted as looking incredibly nice (even if the latest hardware still struggles to hit consistent frame rates), though console versions have been notably worse. This meme is a great representation of how it feels.
This is the kind of expectation vs. reality that you may have from a fast food advertisement, much less a game as hyped as this. The developers say they are working hard to patch these issues away, but many fans are skeptical it can even be done at this point.
9 The Most Difficult Choice In Cyberpunk

In an early quest, players will have to make the most difficult story choice in all of Cyberpunk 2077. “Was Angel or Skye the girl’s name?” This meme feels light in comparison to some of the more pointedly critical ones on this list. It shows that despite the issues, players are still having an incredibly fun experience they can poke fun at. At least until they play long enough to be surrounded by 20 t-posing cops that teleported behind them. It is not a matter of if, but when!
8 Aww! Good V!

Another aspect of the game players have been poking fun about is the way the main character, V, sleeps in bed. They kind of just flop over and lay perpendicular to the direction you would expect someone to sleep. As you can see from this meme, in at least one alternate timeline V is a very good boy who plays with their good friend Johnny Silverpaw. Seems a lot less bleak than the story we got!
But real talk, this would such a terribly painful way to sleep. You’d never get comfortable, and just imagine the charley horses!
7 Truly The Most Customizable Game Ever

If you had been keeping up with the hype surrounding Cyberpunk 2077, you probably would assume that it was this holy grail of customization in an RPG. The reality is, however, that is not quite the case here. This meme points out one of the things players felt incredibly confused to learn after hopping into the game. Of all the things you can change and upgrade, your haircut is simply not one of them.
To many players, this meme is highlighting a feature that seems so basic and normal to include in an RPG is just not included. They have voiced that they feel more than a little deceived by the hype train.
6 A Fair Comparison

This one may go over your head if you don’t look too closely. For those out of the loop, those are not the developers of Cyberpunk 2077, but you likely remember the game they did develop. Does No Man’s Sky ring a bell? This meme is showing that players are comparing the state of Cyberpunk 2077 at launch to No Man’s Sky, which is not great for the developers.
No Man’s Sky released to generally negative reviews in 2016. Fans felt the game was a hollow shell of what they were promised and it has only been recently that patches have brought the game to close to what was promised. Here is hoping Cyberpunk can be a little quicker!
5 Priorities

What you are witnessing in this meme is the coalescence of a few different trends. Since it was announced it would be an option, fans have been excitedly discussing the option to customize your genitals in the game. Now that the game is out it turns out there are actually very few customization options. Not to mention, your character has underpants grafted to their flesh in-game.
Couple this underwhelming, ahem, feature with the overall distaste for the current state of the game. That recipe for disaster leads to memes like this where players assume the developers were joyless while making the game.
4 Just Let It Go To Voicemail

If you have played Cyberpunk 2077 for five minutes then you have likely already received 50 text messages from Regina Jones. Jones is one of the Fixers in Night City, regional crime bosses you encounter. Unlike some of the others, Jones has a few more missions than the other fixers. This is fine because content is content, but maybe finish your first phone call before starting another one. Okay, lady?
That said, she does lead you to a number of different boss fights around the city that can be fairly fun. So, she’s not all bad!
3 Always Follow The Money

Now, this meme serves as a bit of meta-commentary on the fan reactions to the game’s launch. Much of the initial conversation saw players arguing a few key points. One of these was that the game had to have been rushed due to fan demand. While this is something that likely played some role, it is not the only force at play.
Many fans seem to forget that AAA game developers are a business, first and foremost. Holiday shopping is big for game sales and leads many to wonder what their priorities were. Maybe not the best decision in hindsight.
2 “What Do You Mean? I Haven’t Had A Single Bug!”

One of the comments that have led to flame wars online has been to say you have had zero issues with Cyberpunk 2077. Sure enough, someone will come out to share their horror stories and dissatisfaction. This meme, however, suggests that the bugs must just be overflowing into the real world for those lucky few.
One of the most immersion-breaking bugs in Cyberpunk is exactly what is going on in this meme. Characters are constantly floating in unnatural positions and t-posing around. It isn’t as bad as some of the more game-breaking bugs, but it isn’t what most people signed up for.
1 Seriously, Even Just A Hot Fix?

This meme is poking fun at the way fans have reacted to Cyberpunk 2077. Despite the glitches, broken promises, poor optimization, borderline-false-advertising-on-current-gen-consoles, and numerous flaws overall, players are still desperately waiting for patches. The game must be doing something right if so many people clamor for each and every piece of news on updates.
If this goes anything like what happened with No Man’s Sky, players will be waiting for quite some time before they feel these errors were rectified. Until then, fans will still be able to meme to their heart’s content.

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