Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] Keyblade War Explained: Master Aced Battle

The Kingdom Hearts Union Cross protagonist needs to make a choice: participate in the Keyblade War and disappear, or become a Dandelion and survive. The correct option seems simple, but they can’t bring themselves to leave behind their fellow wielders, even though their increasing violent clashes and pigheaded Union loyalties have made it painfully clear that war is inevitable and that the protagonist is running out of time to escape it. MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD ahead.

The events of the Keyblade War were wiped from the minds of everyone save a select group of individuals. For this meta reason, Kingdom Hearts Union Cross does not include the event in its usual numbered chronology of quests. Instead, Union Cross hosts it as a separate, special event told across three parts. According to the original Kingdom Hearts X [chi] browser game, if the event had a placement, it would occur right between Union Cross quests 585 and 586. Despite its displacement in Kingdom Hearts Union Cross, the war’s events are canon.

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Arguments between Keyblade wielders have become commonplace. The protagonist returns to one in Daybreak Town after helping Aladdin finally get Abu back in quests 556 through 585. At first, the protagonist refrains from interfering as Chirithy notes that they can’t solve every argument they come across. But when the two arguing wielders attack each other, the protagonist steps in, deflecting them both.

Chirithy tries to reason that they’re all on the same side. Even Skuld, who’s just returned from her training in the realm of sleep, overhears the commotion and tries to assist Chirithy in its argument. The wielders aren’t having it, though. They believe the other and their respective Union to be traitors, servants of darkness that have been stealing the Lux for their own purposes. The commotion draws other bystanders, and an all-out brawl threatens to erupt until Master Aced speaks over the chaos.

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Instead of calming things down, though, Aced stokes the fire. He agrees that they all shouldn’t trust each other, but fighting over Lux is meaningless. If they’re going to fight, they should do it for the sake of victory, as only victors decide what constitutes justice. When Skuld tries to contest his belief, he disregards her, as she’s a member of Master Ava’s Dandelions, and therefore just another extension of Ava’s power. However, Aced takes an interest in the protagonist when they agree with Skuld despite not being a Dandelion. He learns what Union they’re from and then proceeds to force them into a duel, where he defeats them and claims they’re unworthy of the Keyblade.

Aced’s actions earn him a lecture from the newly arrived Master Ira, who tells him he should be ashamed for bringing harm to another wielder while still calling himself a master. As far as Aced is concerned, though, he was only testing the protagonist. Regardless, war is coming, and it’s all Ira, Gula, Ava, and Invi’s fault for having convinced their wielders that they need to collect more light than one another.

Aced believes them all to be failures, and as such, he’s going to enact the assigned role given to him by the Master of Masters and take charge of the situation. While they all bicker over inconsequential light, he will gather a legion, a powerful organization, and use it to enforce his will on the world. Once he has, his first order of business will be banishing Ira and the rest of the Foretellers and taking control of their Unions. With his proclamation out of the way, he takes his leave, telling a mocking Ira that they’ll settle their differences on the battlefield.

The protagonist teeters on the edge of consciousness while Skuld expresses her confusion about the situation. Master Ava told her no one participating in the war would win it, so she doesn’t see why everyone is eager to fight it. But making sure no one wins is the whole point, at least for Ira. He’s fighting because he doesn’t want anyone to have complete control of the world the way Aced wants or for anyone to adopt Aced’s mindset in the future. As Ira departs, the protagonist passes out.

Exactly what set Aced on his current path and triggered his hostility toward Ira is unclear. In Kingdom Hearts Back Cover, the only Foreteller that Aced ended up on good terms with after his battle with Invi — and then subsequently Gula, Ava, and Invi — was Master Ira. The two planned on repairing the relationship between the Foretellers around the time Ava sent Skuld into the realm of sleep, which didn’t happen too long before this encounter.

Also during this time, Master Aced told Ira that Gula possessed the Lost Page of the Book of Prophecies and that he would never forgive Gula for allowing them all to turn on each other when he had pertinent information. He trusted Ira to handle the situation because he needed to recover from his recent bouts. It’s possible that Aced found out Ira didn’t press Ava for Gula’s whereabout when he learned that she knew, resulting in a disagreement that disconnected Ira and Aced. No longer tied to any of the Foretellers, Aced decided to follow through with usurping Ira as the leader, something the Master told him to do should the need arise.

Resting in their apartment, the protagonist has a dream of the far future. It shows Kingdom Hearts 3‘s ending, with Sora’s guardians of light and Xehanort’s thirteen darknesses preparing for their final confrontation in the Keyblade Graveyard. The dream itself only actually shows silhouetted figures and not the identity of the characters. However, the number of figures on each side lines up with the number of individuals on Sora’s and Xehanort’s teams, respectively. As the two sides stare each other down, the protagonist witnesses Kingdom Hearts open up overhead, which jerks them out of their sleep.

Seeing Skuld in their room, the first thing the protagonist asks is if she managed to find Ephemer. She hasn’t. Not only that, but Ava has disappeared, and her absence is causing the Dandelions to lose focus. Chirithy guesses that Master Gula might know where Ava is because he’s particularly close to her, so the protagonist decides for the group to go see him, and Chirithy leads the way.

Kingdom Hearts Union Cross is on IOS and Andriod.

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