League Of Legends: 5 Champions Who Are Broken Because Of The New Mythic Items (& 5 Who Are Worse Off)

MOBAs have been around for decades, but very few have managed to achieve the level of success and popularity that League of Legends has. Riot Games released the MOBA back in 2009, and the game now has over 150 champions and a daily playerbase of millions. In order to keep the game fresh, Riot has had to make changes, whether they be visual or mechanical in nature, and the company has done so yet again by reworking the shop and in-game items.

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League now has Mythic Items, and players need to build one of these items first because they have unique passive abilities and they also buff other items. Certain champions benefit way too much from these items and are now kind of broken, but there are also champions who haven’t profited that much from them.

10 Broken: Brand

Whether he was used in Mid Lane or as a support, Brand was difficult to deal with because his burning effects were enhanced by Liandry’s Torment. Riot now calls this item Liandry’s Anguish, and the developed turned it into a Mythic item that is even more powerful than it was a season ago.

When Brand lands an ability, the item will burn an enemy for 4 seconds, and it deals damage based on the enemy’s overall health. The item also ignores up to 15% of an enemy’s magic resist-which means that Brand can now melt tanks, and if that wasn’t enough, it applies cooldown reduction on other magic items.

9 Worse Off: Gangplank

Gangplank is a champion who didn’t really need a rework, but he got one nonetheless, and he ended up becoming a handful in Top Lane. What made GP so troublesome was his crit build, as he could buy items to get maximum crit and basically one-shot squishy champions with one Q or a well-placed barrel attack.

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Mythic items still offer crit, but now that players can only buy one of these items, no champion can get maximum crit anymore. GP can still deal out a lot of damage, but it’s less than what it was in Season 10.

8 Broken: Shaco

Riot removed Hextech Gunblade when they introduced Mythic Items, and it was one of Shaco’s best items, but the addition of Prowler’s Claw makes up for it. What makes Shaco so good is his traps and invisibility, but he loses the latter when he uses an ability or item. However, Prowler’s Claw allows him to stay invisible while using it.

Shaco can now dash through an enemy and deal damage to them without warning. It also reduces the target’s armor and pairs perfectly with Shaco’s passive that deals bonus damage when he’s behind an enemy.

7 Worse Off: Bard

Bard may not be the best Support, but his E can be very useful depending on the situation, and his ultimate is good for starting fights and defending teammates. With the addition of the Mythic Items, Bard is pretty much in the same spot he was last season, as long as he builds full AP.

As a support though, Bard has lost some of his luster. This is because Riot removed the Twin Shadows item that paired well with his ult, as it would slow enemies so they could get hit by it.

6 Broken: Ornn

Before the Mythic Items came along, Ornn was already one of the game’s best Top Laners, and now he’s even better. Ornn is a tank who naturally counters other tanks with his basic attacks. With the new Sunfire Aegis, Ornn can deal magic damage that depends on his level, and he gains stacks every time he attacks, which boosts the damage even more.

At max stacks, Ornn’s basic attacks will explode on enemies and burn them for a time, and it will add cooldown reduction to all his additional items. Thanks to his passive, Ornn can upgrade this Mythic Item, and he can do the same for his allies too.

5 Worse Off: Rek’Sai

Most Jungle mains play champions who dish out a lot of damage, but in order to play the role well, a champion also needs to be able to gank a lane in a way that catches the enemy by surprise. Rek’Sai may not be all that popular, but her ability to travel through underground tunnels makes her perfect for ganking.

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The only way to properly build Rek’Sai is with tank items. While there are good Mythic Items for tanks, the problem is that they don’t really help that much. Almost every offensive Mythic Item ignores armor and/or magic resist in some way, which makes Rek’Sai less tanky than she was last season.

4 Broken: Vladimir

Vlad may not be the strongest champion in the lore, but he is still a powerful being who can dominate in both Mid and Top Lane. Unlike other mages, Vlad can build tanky and still do insane damage, but he can now initiate team fights and wreak havoc on the enemy with the new Hextech Rocketbelt.

Like its predecessor, Rocketbelt shoots out rockets that can damage enemies, but the rockets now deal more damage, and it gives champions bonus movement speed for 2 seconds. This works well with Vlad because he can activate Rocketbelt’s ability while in his blood pool, and thanks to the movement speed, he can start a team fight while unleashing his whole combo.

3 Worse Off: Poppy

An armored Yordle with a massive hammer, Poppy is used a lot in pro play and higher elos because she can initiate fights and ram enemy champions into walls, and her ultimate can knock away the entire enemy team if needed.

Like Rek’Sai, Poppy is a tank, and Sunfire Aegis does work well on her, but she suffers in the same way too, especially against mages who can melt through magic resist items. It also doesn’t help that ADCs can now avoid her E and ultimate with Galeforce or Immortal Shieldbow.

2 Broken: LeBlanc

One of the reasons why players stay stuck in Silver is because they get frustrated easily. LeBlanc is a rare AP assassin, but she is technically a burst mage, and thanks to Night Harvester, she can now one-shot a squishy opponent before either player can blink.

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LeBlanc is a difficult champion to play, and beginners should definitely avoid her, but if her combo is executed properly, she can deliver over 1,500 damage at once. Night Harvester can add up to 200 damage to LeBlanc’s attacks, and it adds an additional 15% magic damage, which is why she can destroy ADCs and mages who have shields. The item also gives her 25% more movement speed.

1 Worse Off: Ivern

Ivern is one of several champions who has received a much-needed buff, as only his ultimate did real damage. His Q damages enemies, but it’s just a snare, his W creates bushes, and his E summons a shield.

Since Ivern doesn’t dish out damage, none of the offensive Mythic Items really work for him, and Jungle items don’t offer much because his passive allows him to take down monsters without fighting them. This leaves tank items, and Ivern isn’t meant to be a tank.

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