Gotta catch ’em all! The Pokémon series is an expansive wonder spanning eight generations of lore and fan-favorite creatures. Some of the most engaging things about the Pokémon series are the abilities of each Pokémon and how their design showcases them. An ever-evolving series, Pokémon shows no signs of slowing down, and the most recent addition, Pokémon: Sword and Shield featuring generation eight, presents an all-new roster of pocket monsters.
There are usually many new Pokémon introduced every generation, and ever since Pokémon Sun and Moon, regional variances have become part of those introductions. Inspired by the real-world United Kingdom, the Galar region is no exception to the formula.
Updated on December 19th, 2020, by Reyadh Rahaman: What constitutes an ideal Pokémon will vary, depending on the trainer. Some seek the strong, while others wish to corral the cute. Though, there are many that straddle this balance and have won their way into the hearts of franchise lovers the world over. Typing, abilities, design, and originality are all crucial components when considering which are the most highly ranked pocket monsters of the current generation. With this in mind, some clearly stand out from the rabble as the top Pokémon that trainers can come across in the Galar region.
15 Spectrier

This majestic Ghost-type equine was introduced in The Crown Tundra DLC for Pokémon Sword and Shield as not only a legendary Pokémon but a potential fusion partner for the wise Calyrex. With huge base stats that focus primarily on special attack power and speed, this spectral horse would be a great lead in battles against an adversary with physically defensive pocket monsters. Their design also makes them desirable as they encompass equal parts of mystery and beauty.
14 Hatterene

Like many expect from their magical appearance, Hatterene boasts an insane special attack stat. Its witch-like hat and dual Psychic and Fairy-typing give it a suitable aesthetic that goes over well with many fans. With heavy-hitting moves, it can decimate foes that underestimate it, though if it is having trouble its trainer can activate its Gigantimax form for even more magical might. To top it all off, Hatterene’s ability “Magic Bounce” can reflect an adversary’s status moves right back at them as both a great defense and counterattack in one.
13 Dracovish

Although this fossil Pokémon appears like a scientific abomination, it holds many draws for trainers. Firstly, being both Water and Dragon-type grants this beast of the battlefield some great resistances to many kinds of incoming attacks as well as offensive boosts to moves that share its type. Their Water-type signature attack, “Fishious Rend” can allow it to take out some foes with ease as its power doubles if Dracovish goes first or if the enemy switches Pokémon on the same battle turn it is used.
12 Alcremie

Alcremie is one of the sweetest Pokémon to ever be released. But do not be fooled by their cute appearance, as this species has an excellent special defense that can make it a great tank against offensive foes wielding special attacks.
This sugary sidekick is also the Pokémon with one of the most forms ever! There are 64 variants of it, which also gives it the most Pokédex entries out of all Pokémon as well. If a pint-sized snack of a pocket monster is not enough for a trainer, this creamy pal has a Gigantamax form that is literally a colossal tower of cakes.
11 Dragapult

Almost more fighter jet than Pokémon, Dragapult can assault an opponent at break-neck speeds thanks to its high stat in this area. While it strikes fast, it can also strike hard with excellent attack stats for both physical and special damage. It also has great offensive typing as it is both Ghost and Dragon-type with devastating moves such as “Dragon Rush” and “Phantom Force”. It should also be mentioned that Dragapult combines aspects of aircraft, dragons, and ghosts for one of the coolest designs to be seen so far in this generation.
10 Yamper

An Electric-type puppy Pokémon, Yamper is one of the cutest mons’ in all of Galar. The Pokémon loves to run around and store up powerful electric current within its body as it does so. The great thing about this little puppy is that it’s quite easy to find and catch, and it shows up in a number of grass patches within the earlier part of one’s Sword or Shield adventure. With a simplistic, yet eye-catching, design that seems like a take on a puppy-like version of Pikachu, Yamper is an adorable addition to the Pokémon world.
9 Centiskorch

Centiskorch is a uniquely designed Fire and Bug-type Pokémon that evolves from the earlier Sizzlipede. Inspired by real-world centipedes, however, this Pokémon is tremendously larger in size. Centiskorch is hostile in nature but loyal to its trainer. It’s easy to see the hostility due to its intimidating serious leer and razor-sharp fangs. This heated monster can reach blazing temperatures of up to 1,500 degrees. This Pokémon becomes even more powerful in its Gigantamax form and is a sizzling hot addition to the Galar region.
8 Toxtricity

Punk rocker inspired in design, the reptilian looking Toxtricity is the first dual-type Pokémon centered around both poison and electric attacks. Evolving from the baby Pokémon Toxel, the stylish pocket monster has two variations of its evolved form depending on its personality, referred to in the game as its “nature”.
The “Amped” form (pictured on the right), excels in physical moves and has a higher base attack stat, whereas the “Low Key” form (left), is based around special attack power. Having both the option to poison or paralyze foes during battle makes Totricity an excellent strategic member of a Pokémon team in Galar. To top it off, Toxtricity even has a Gigantamax form!
7 Galarian Ponyta

Galarian Ponyta is a generation eight rendition of the original generation Pokémon Ponyta. Instead of the original gen-one pony with Fire-type abilities, the Galar version of Ponyta is a Psychic-type and resembles a mythical unicorn. This pocket monster quickly became a fan favorite due to its adorable appearance, but it is also a powerful exclusive to Pokémon Shield. Galarian Ponyta can later evolve into a Galarian Rapidash, becoming a dual Psychic and Fairy-type. Exclusivity, potential, and charm earn this little pony Pokémon a spot on the list!
6 Grapploct

Grapploct is an awesomely designed goon of a Pokémon, inspired by the real-world octopus. Although it predominantly lives in the ocean and within the waters of the Galar region, this rowdy pocket monster is not a Water-type! Grapploct is a Fighting-type that uses the martial art Jujitsu. By taking advantage of its many tentacle arms, it pummels its opponents. The Pokédex notes that its arms are extremely powerful because its body is made up of pure muscle. Due to its unique appearance and unexpected type, Grapploct is a unique addition to the Pokémon world and a great choice for a Fighting-type on a battle team.
5 Grimmsnarl

An instant fan favorite, Grimmsnarl is a nightmarish dual-type Pokémon that wields both Dark and Fairy-type abilities. It’s the final evolution of Impidimp, which evolves into Morgrem, and then finally to this form. The Pokémon has exceptional physical strength said to even rival Fighting-types like Machamp, though it also has very strong special attack powers.
Devilish in its design, Grimmsnarl uses its long hairs to ensnare opponents and is equipped with sharp brandished fangs. Grimmsnarl is able to Gigantamax and when it does, it becomes one of the tallest Pokémon to ever exist. With power and popularity on its side, Grimmsnarl is a definite icon of generation eight.
4 Obstagoon

Obstagoon is a Dark and Normal-type Pokémon that is the final form of a Galarian Linoone, which evolves from Zigzagoon. This pocket monster quickly became popular as its design is clearly inspired by real-world musician Gene Simmons from the famous band “KISS”. Although quite an intimidating presence, Obstagoon is said to rarely attack an opponent first. With knife-like claws, expert survival skills, and a homage-paying design, this Pokémon is a staple member of the generation eight lineup introduced in the Galar region. Obstagoon is the first regional variant to have a third evolution added to it, as Linoone did not evolve when it was originally introduced in generation three.
3 Sirfetch’d

The evolution of a Galarian Farfetch’d, Sirfetch’d is an embodiment of the Pokémon Sword and Shield titles. Though this valiant knight is exclusive to the Sword version of the game, it carries both a sword and shield made from the leek of its previous form. Sirfetch’d is a Fighting-type, but can use some Flying-type moves like “Peck” and “Brave Bird”. This makes it extremely useful in combat, as it can easily dominate competition against other Fighting-types and unsuspecting opponents. Prideful in appearance and a powerful combatant, this little fighting Pokémon makes a fitting addition to a Galar team — it’s always ready for a fight!
2 Rillaboom

Rillaboom is the final evolution of the Grass-type starter Pokémon Grookey, and evolves from Thwackey. This Gorilla inspired pocket monster is burly, both psychically and with special attacks. Rillaboom quickly became a fan favorite starter in Sword and Shield due to the strength and bravado in its design. Many have pointed out the Pokémon’s hair loosely resembles the popular Dragon Ball Z Super Saiyan 3 form.
Rillaboom is able to summon and control surrounding plants by playing on the large drum that it obtains during its evolution from Thwackey. Strong and memorable, this Pokémon has even received a Gigantamax form upon the release of the first Pokemon Sword and Shield expansion pass!
1 Zacian

Zacian is a legendary Pokémon within the Galar region. It is exceptionally powerful in battle, said to be able to strike down even Gigatamaxed opponents in a single blow. A Fairy and Steel dual type, this mythical Pokémon wields a golden broad sword in its jaws and is revered as a Pokémon hero. Known as “The Fairy Kings Sword” within the region, and the “poster-boy” of the Pokémon Sword version, Zacian’s majestic demeanor accompanied by its status in Galar make it the most iconic addition to generation eight thus far.

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