Video Appears to Show Walmart Fight Over PS5 Console | Game Rant

Sony’s PlayStation 5 is easily one of the hottest products of the holiday season, so it’s unfortunate that it’s in such short supply. Thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, bots, and scalpers, it’s been quite difficult for many consumers to get a PlayStation 5 console of their own. Unfortunately, this scarcity has led to some real world violence, with the latest incident reportedly taking place at a Walmart near Charlotte, North Carolina.

First reported by TMZ, two women had a confrontation at Walmart on December 13, allegedly fighting over a PlayStation 5. The confrontation escalated into a full-blown fight between the women, one wearing a hoodie and the other a jean jacket. Early in the fight, the woman in a hoodie got the advantage over the woman in the jean jacket, standing over her and punching her repeatedly. The fight ended after the woman in the hoodie repeatedly stomped on the other woman’s head, seemingly knocking her out in the process.

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The violent altercation was shared online by Twitter user _justkeith, and the clip has since gone viral. Despite video evidence of the incident, though, police apparently did not arrest anyone involved, as both women had already left the store by the time they arrived on the scene.

Situations like this could very well be one reason why Walmart is supposedly moving PS5 sales online. Not only will that hopefully keep people from fighting in Walmart stores over PS5s, but it could also make sure people aren’t crowding around the electronics section and potentially creating a hazardous COVID-19 situation.

It should be noted that this isn’t the first time violence has erupted over next-generation consoles. Near the PlayStation 5’s launch, the Toronto police warned that people trying to sell consoles online were being robbed and threatened with weapons. There have been similar reports elsewhere as well, which is a good reminder that people should always exercise extra caution whenever attempting to sell something through online marketplaces, especially when it’s a high value, high demand item like a PlayStation 5.

Unfortunately, the PS5 scarcity issue looks like it will be continuing well into 2021. But on the bright side, at least efforts are being made to make sure real people manage to get their hands on PS5 consoles as opposed to automated bots. To its credit, Walmart blocked 20 million bots that were attempting to claim PS5 restock units, and politicians in the UK have discussed the possibility of banning scalping altogether.

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Source: TMZ


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