Cyberpunk 2077 has not had a particularly smooth launch. The game runs poorly on PS4 and Xbox One, has a significant amount of in-game bugs, crashes often and can corrupt players’ save files, and lacks a significant number of features that players would love to see. There’s no telling when CD Projekt Red will be able to patch the game, let alone start making feature changes. As such, players are taking things into their own hands with modding on PC, the latest example being a way to change your hair.
For a massive game like Cyberpunk 2077, it’s somewhat silly to consider that it doesn’t include a way for players to change their hair after the initial character creation. PC gamers weren’t happy with that status quo, so they figured out a way fix it. The In-Game Haircuts mod doesn’t exactly deliver what its promises, however. It allows players in Cyberpunk 2077 to change their hairstyle in-game as many times as they want, but only by leaving the game running while they alt-tab out to fix their hair.
The idea is simple. Somewhere in players’ save files is a hexadecimal value that assigns the player their hairstyle. The In-Game Haircuts mod provides players with instructions for how to edit this hex value so that they can change their Cyberpunk 2077 hairstyle. To be clear, this doesn’t provide an in-game menu or anything of the sort. It requires players to download a hex-editing program and make manual changes to their save files.

The process works like this. First, players need to open their save file in their hex editing program. Be warned that altering a Cyberpunk 2077 save file incorrectly can corrupt it. Make a copy of the save before making any changes. Next, search for the hex value for their current hairstyle using the included hairstyles reference guide. Once they’ve found that value, players can edit it to another hairstyle’s value, once again using the hairstyles reference guide. After that, the save file can be saved and then be loaded normally.
While the editing technically doesn’t happen in-game, players can still use this guide. Just stand in front of a mirror and save, then alt-tab out of Cyberpunk 2077. Use the guide to edit the save file that was just made with a new hairstyle, and then alt-tab back in and load the save so the game never has to be closed.
Keep in mind that Cyberpunk 2077 was only released just over a week ago. Mods are still very basic, and more robust mods will likly be made available in time. Hopefully, those mods will allow players to actually edit their hair while in-game using a simple menu, but until then this is the next best thing.
Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PC, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S
Source: NexusMods

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