Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Consumables You Should Have On You At All Times

With so much focus on crafting, equipment, and cybernetics, it’s almost as though consumables have been an afterthought in Cyberpunk 2077, which would explain why players are finding the Very Hard difficulty a bit too extreme. The difference between wins and loses in Night City is razer thin and ignoring an entire series of buffs is going to make the journey close to impossible.

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Those who are sick and tired of reloading autosaves should give serious consideration to actually ingesting or injecting more of their consumables. Many of these items are net negatives and only exist to provide flavor to the world. The alcohol is pretty much all debuffs and punishment. But there are a few core items that V will stock up on that are imperative to victory.

  • Allows V to breathe underwater.

This is an item that players won’t care about until they need one. Mainland Night City is one beast, but the offshore area is another and there are plenty of hidden items, side gigs, and secret locations in the water. The first-week mods can do a lot of cool things, but they can’t turn players into fish (yet).

There’s no real segment of the game that forces V to go through a long stretch underwater, but it’s handy when looking for something on the ocean floor so gamers don’t have to constantly come back up for air. 1800 seconds is 30 minutes, by the way, so one puff should be plenty.

  • Instantly restores 15%/20%/25% and then grants health regeneration of 3%/4%/6% per second for 30 seconds.

Even the very first level of this consumable does incredible amounts of healing, more than enough to get V back to full health from most any circumstance, even during some very disturbing quests. Higher levels of this craftable unit make V feel invincible in the middle of a bullet storm.

The best news is that the common version of the Bounce Back can be found about anywhere in Night City. Even pedestrians seem to carry them wherever they go. So just make sure not to sell them in bulk and there will be a trove of them ready for use.

  • Instantly restores 40%/60%/80% of health.

Players will recognize this as the default consumable when starting the game. There are a lot of plot holes that need to be fixed in the game, but there are plenty of things Cyberpunk 2077 does well, and giving starting players a few charges of this is perfect.

It’s just a basic heal for overall health, but it’s a huge number. And it’s the ideal unit to hotkey for quick use, as soon as the screen starts to flash red, there is no other item that V would rather have at the ready.

  • Increases maximum health by 20%.

Considering how almost all healing is based on percentages and damage is based on flat numbers, mathematically anything that increases health by a percentage is going to feel extremely powerful.

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The Health Booster is a rare item and it doesn’t come cheap, but the effect lasts for 30 minutes, so it’s perfect to use right before a battle with a cyberpsycho or a boss. There are some great skills in the Reflexes tree that can help with survival, but becoming 20% harder to kill has no rival.

  • Increases maximum stamina by 50%.

Much like the Oxy Booster, V will either need this a lot or not at all. Players that go for a melee weapon build will be using stamina constantly, so a 30-minute buff to increase it by 50% becomes near-mandatory.

The Cool tree has some great skills for staying on top of stamina, but this consumable alone is about as good as all of those combined. In the “Beat the Brat” side gig, make sure to take some of this before really getting into it.

  • Increases maximum RAM by 2.

Odds are good that Vs who specialize in intelligence will only laugh at this boost with their nearly limitless RAM capacity. While the game is busy fixing its issues, this item may be given another glace to bring it up to speed for them.

For any other kind of build, however, this is huge. Even if hacking isn’t a priority, V will probably run into some kind of boss fight where a perfect quickhack can significantly cripple the enemy, but the RAM required is just a little too high. This makes it so anybody can use at least one big quickhack on a problematic enemy.

  • Increases carrying capacity by 50%.

When recalling the best quotes of the game, “You’re carrying too much! Remove unnecessary items from your inventory,” probably won’t be on the list. With how few eddies are given out, every item is necessary, to sell at the very least.

Players that manage their inventory well will still need to use this consumable during longer main plot missions, which don’t allow time to place items in the vault. Don’t be afraid to take some of this powder anytime the message pops up to finish and then get to a sell-down station before the buff ends.

  • Increases a skill tree’s experience by 500.

Those who are wondering where this consumable is in the inventory will be searching for a long time. The item is used automatically when it is picked up.

These valuable skill shards are found on cyberpsychos and in secret areas. The game has been notoriously stingy with giving out experience, which makes this shard an extremely pleasant exception to that general rule.

  • Applies the Nourishment status, giving V 5% max health and 0.5% health regeneration per second outside of combat.

All food, whether it is gas station sushi or escargot in a box, will give V a Nourishment buff. Unlike some other action-adventure games, V does not appear to put on any pounds, so eat guilt-free.

Unlike some of the other buffs on this list, it only lasts for 7 minutes and 30 seconds. However, food is everywhere and, so long as V is doing missions expeditiously, this buff should probably never need to fall off.

  • Applies the Hydration status, giving V 10% max stamina and 50% stamina regeneration per second.

While it might not be possible to survive on just soda in real life, in Night City, drink away. Everything from healthy, sparkling water to Blood Breeze cola will give this buff out as a reward.

Like the food buff, it lasts for seven and a half minutes, so it’s best to take food and drink in at the same time to keep them both refreshed. The soda vending machines are all over the place, so don’t worry too much about running out of beverages.

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