Casual Fire Emblem: Three Houses players may find themselves a bit confused on why the leader of the Blue Lions house, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, has started to trend on Twitter, but hardcore Blue Lions fans will definitely know what all the excitement is about. As one of the main characters in the game, it is not a surprise that fans have come together online to celebrate such an important event in the fictional royal’s life.
Developed by Intelligent Systems and Koei Tecmo, Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a tactical role-playing game for the Nintendo Switch wherein players control the main character named Byleth. The game is set in the continent of Fodlan, which is split into three currently peaceful territories – the Kingdom of Faerghus, Adrestian Empire, and Leicester Alliance. As Byleth, players choose between three respective houses when they are brought in to become a professor to the students of Garreg Mach Monastery.
Picking one of the three houses, the Blue Lions, Black Eagles, or the Golden Deer, determines which route the story will move forward on, and which characters Byleth mainly spends his/her time with, including who can be talked to or romanced. And as one of the most-loved Fire Emblem: Three Houses characters around the world, avid fans have taken special note of the crown prince of Fargheus’s birthday on December 20.
Massive and festive greetings in the form of fan art and comics in different types of languages have been shared all over Twitter and social media to give the spear-wielding royal family member a happy and well-deserved birthday celebration. Fans have even shared their favorite pairings between Dimitri, Byleth, and the host of Blue Lions characters, most of which are from the game’s Faerghus territory.
In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Prince Dimitri is one of three integral house leaders, alongside Edelgard, the heir to the Adrestian Throne, and Claude, the grandson of the leader of the Leicester Alliance. When Byleth chooses to teach his house, Dimitri is known to be a prim and proper prince with a lot of darkness hidden behind his well put-up facade. No matter if the player chooses the Azure Moon route or one of the other three available in the game, Dimitri’s life before, during, and after the game’s time-skip is wrought with sadness and tragedy. This can be part of the reason why fans truly adore him.
Winning popularity polls left and right in North America and Japan, fans continue to make a big deal of celebrating his birthday every year on December 20 (or the 20th of the Ethereal Moon in-game) on social media. With such fan favor, it is definitely not a surprise that he has made appearances as a rare unit in Fire Emblem Heroes, the gacha mobile game spin-off of the Fire Emblem series, and even as part of the Byleth DLC in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Source: Twitter/Trending Topics

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