The Hidden Secrets Many Still Haven’t Found In Bugsnax

Snaktooth Island is a wonderous place, filled with friendly faces, colorful environments, delicious treats, and…imminent danger? Between conflicts among the grumps and the mysterious Snaxsquatch sightings, perhaps Snaxburg isn’t as fun and carefree as it first appears to be. The world of Bugsnax is a curious one, uncovering increasingly puzzling clues as the player makes their way through the game.

With all the twists and turns Lizbert and Eggabell’s tale takes the player on, it can be easy to miss a few hidden gems here and there. As overwhelming as the beautiful island of Snaktooth is, it’s important to take in every painstaking detail developers added in for fans.

RELATED: 10 Hidden Details Everyone Missed In Bugsnax 

The secrets within Snaktooth Island are endless. Here are a few hidden gems some players may have overlooked on their journey to reunite the loveable Filbo and his friends.

8 Protagonist’s Fur Colour Can Vary

Although the Bugsnax protagonist can never truly be seen as the player can only really catch glimpses of their hands and shadow, it may come as a surprise that the main character’s color can change. Upon creating new save files, players may notice that the grumpus on the save file varies in color.

Does this mean something for the overall story of Bugsnax? Maybe this is a cute detail developers decided to add into the game, or perhaps this is an important indication of each protagonist being different grumpuses entirely. The intricacy of the lore behind Snaktooth Island is never to be underestimated.

7 Cromdo Number 1 Dad

Apparently, this business grump has a family waiting for him back home. After convincing him to return to Snaxburg with the others, players are free to explore his hut. Once Cromdo’s settled in, he will have his small collection of ties on display. Not only does this hint toward his interests in music he mentions at the end of the game with the piano tie he has hanging, but also it reveals that he has a child (or children). Perhaps all his hustling and less than honest business practices were all for the sake of providing for his family all along.

6 Summon A Bugsnak For Breakfast

Some bugsnax require specific circumstances to be seen; some need rain, some need the cover of night, and others need to be summoned. In Simmering Springs, one tricky bugsnak needs to be called in order to catch it. The elusive Waffstackarak will only appear once the player rings Wiggle’s triangle found by her old campsite. Once it is rung during the daytime, two Waffstackaraks will emerge out of the ocean, ready for breakfast time.

5 Death By Snaxsquatch

This monster isn’t all talk. After hearing Beffica and the others go on about a scary monster made entirely out of bugsnax early on in the game, the player finally comes face to face with the mysterious creature in the last explorable area. Players first encounter the infamous Snaxsquatch when they first fall into the depths of The Undersnax. When turning a corner, the Snaxsquatch can be seen grimacing which makes for a great time to scan it for a quick trophy/achievement.

However, if the player chooses to wander off when Filbo leads the way to Eggabell, a small unique cutscene plays where the horrifying Snaxsquatch charges at the player, resulting in a quick reset.

4 Taking Advantage Of Infinite HP

Being a master of the elements is key to catching specific bugsnax that live in certain areas; touch an ice-cold Bopsicle, freeze and they get away. Bump into a Flaming Cheepoof, and now flames are everywhere!

RELATED: 10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In Bugsnax

It’s essential to be resourceful in “extinguishing” any threats before being able to catch these tricky snax. However, sometimes the trusty tripwire is just too cumbersome to use. Some players may not notice right away that any source of heat can cool off a freezing enemy; including the very unfortunate protagonist’s body. Instead of using tools, sometimes it’s as simple as sacrificing one’s body to catch that one bugsnak that always manages to get away.

3 Transform Grumble

Grumble isn’t like the rest of the grumpuses in Snaxburg. He sees bugsnax as cute little friends, not food. His barn full of bugsnax (donated by the player) are considered his family and it goes to say he never indulges like the others. However, if the player happens to be roaming around Snaxburg during nighttime, they might notice Grumble sleepwalking. If the player decides to not wake him, they then have the (rather cruel) option of feeding a still asleep Grumble some bugsnax without him knowing.

Shh! Make sure Sprout doesn’t hear!

2 Players Can Kill Every Grumpus (Bad Ending)

Don’t be fooled by the beautiful color palettes and adorable Strabbies and Bungers that roam around each biome. Bugsnax, all in all, can turn out to be a very dark game; that is if the player chooses for it to be. After a bad combination of neglecting side quests, overfeeding fellow grumpuses, and failing to fight back the attacking bugsnax, the endgame sequence (the “Point Of No Return” during the “Major Celebration” quest) can indeed result in everyone’s death (other than Filbo).

Instead of fighting off their attackers, the grumps will succumb to their hunger and feast on any bugsnax that comes their way. After giving a heartbreaking line about giving into their insecurities and weaknesses that brought them to Snaktooth Island in the first place, they fall to pieces, finally (as the saying goes) becoming what they’ve eaten.

1 Second Chances Are Allowed

Incase players wanted that perfect run with all grumps safe and sound, there is hope, right up until the very end. Upon reaching the beach after the escape from Snaxtooth, Filbo will ask the player if they wish they had done things differently. From here, the player can either commit to the bad end, or try to redeem themselves, as responding with “I wish I could do it over…” will turn back time, allowing the player to start from the beginning of the endgame sequence once again.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips For Bugsnax You Need To Know


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