The Next James Bond Could Be A Surprising Choice | Game Rant

It’s been known for some time now that the perennially-delayed No Time to Die will be Daniel Craig’s last outing as 007. James Bond executive producer Barbara Broccoli reportedly had to plead with him (and pay $25m) in order to ensure the English actor would reprise the role a final time. The conversation has already drifted onto who’s next: which actor will be chosen to take up the mantle as “Britain’s finest secret agent” moving forward.

Already some strong choices have emerged, but the casting process has nevertheless largely been shrouded in mystery. All that’s known for sure is that the role will likely still be played by a man. Despite pressure for the character to be diversified (having been played solely by white men since 1962), Broccoli has told Variety that “[James Bond] can be any color, but he is male.” With this in mind, some rumors have been circulating about possible studio choices, and with some being rather surprising; here is a round-up of the most noteworthy reports.

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From Bane to Bond? Tom Hardy has been a consistent top contender for the role for some time now, if rumors are to be believed. In fact, earlier this year some newspapers and the general blogosphere even mistakenly announced Hardy had been officially chosen to succeed Craig (it wasn’t official, it was just one convincing tweet). Despite being walked back, the announcement won the support of fans and even former Bonds – Pierce Brosnan said he was looking forward to seeing Hardy “put a bit of wiggle into Bond,” whatever that means.

There are some limiting factors, though. For one thing, the Bond role rarely goes to established A-listers like Hardy – typically the producers prefer a more under-the-radar option that would both keep initial costs low and mean the actor isn’t overly committed to other projects. With Hardy already signed up for Venom sequels, it would seem unlikely that Broccoli would want to share the lead actor with another franchise

He’s got the action chops and is already a British icon. Idris Elba is being pointed to by many as an option that diversifies the Bond role whilst also maintaining its suave nature. Having won Sexiest Man Alive from People in 2018, as well as starring in Bond-inspired films like Bastille Day and Hobbs & Shaw, Elba seems like he ticks all the necessary boxes to succeed as 007.

Despite these qualifications, there is one notable objection: Elba is already reasonably old. At 48, he would be the oldest actor to ever debut as James Bond, at a time when the role has been trending younger and younger (by comparison, Craig was 38 when he debuted). As a result, it could be unlikely that the producers would want to invest in an actor who may not be spry enough to perform in the part for years to come.

Most widely known as Jamie Fraser in the Starz series Outlander, Sam Heughan has an ace card other options simply don’t: he’s the Bond that most audiences want to see. Indeed, in a poll of British filmgoers earlier this year in the Radio Times, the Scottish actor beat out bigger stars like Hardy and Elba to take the top spot. This popularity, paired with his lower star profile, would likely make him a popular choice with producers.

However, many would see Heughan as a step back for the role. At a time where audiences are clamoring for more diverse representation in big-name franchises, casting someone like Heughan is unlikely to appeal to this new sensibility. Moreover, the actor even previously auditioned for the role 15 years ago when Craig was first chosen – if the producers didn’t like him then, why would they like him now?

After enjoying a meteoric rise in recent years following 2018’s Crazy Rich Asians, Henry Golding has emerged as a very strong contender for 007. Offering good looks, diverse representation, a young age, and action experience through films like The Gentlemen and Snake Eyes, many consider Golding to be the leading choice for the next James Bond

It must be asked: would this be a role that Golding would even want? The actor has been fending off countless offers in recent years, ranging from romcoms to actions to award-bait dramas; committing to a role like Bond would likely see these opportunities dry up moving forward. Craig has previously spoken about how ‘the Bond machine’ is very demanding and prevents actors from taking other roles; is this something Golding would be happy with?

In terms of surprising choices, Harry Styles as 007 is likely up at the top, but there are rumors that the 26-year-old pop star is being considered. Having earned his acting credentials through films like Dunkirk and the upcoming Don’t Worry Darling, the English singer isn’t a completely ludicrous option. With Styles championing a less-heteronormative idea of masculinity, it could be a way for producers to diversify the role while still having a white, male Bond.

However, the counter-arguments practically write themselves: Styles not only is a rookie actor at best, but also seemingly a poor fit in an action movie like the James Bond series. Perhaps with a few more movies under his belt, Styles may re-emerge as a contender but, for the time being, he’s a long shot.

Riz Ahmed may be an unlikely choice, but he’s likely to be one of the strongest Bonds if chosen. Not only has the actor received acclaim for his performances in films like 2017’s The Night Of and 2010’s The Four Lions, but he’s also developed an action pedigree in recent years through roles in 2016’s Rogue One and 2018’s Venom; from a cinematic point-of-view, he ticks all the boxes.

Despite Broccoli stating that Bond would always be “male”, there is a high chance she may go back on her word following No Time To Die. In the film, both Lashana Lynch and Ana De Armas feature as female 00 and CIA agents, respectively; there is a reasonable chance that, if audiences warm to their performances, the producers may wish to pursue their characters further rather than reboot Bond straight away.

At the end of the day, money talks in Hollywood. If the response to Lynch or Armas is warm enough, the producers may feel compelled to reshape the franchise around a female talent, despite how unprecedented this may be. Of course, this entirely depends on when audiences can finally see the 25th Bond film, which, at the moment, doesn’t look like any time soon.

More: A History of James Bond in Video Games


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