10 Things Most Gamers Missed In Gunfire Reborn | Game Rant

Gunfire Reborn’s been out since May 2020, and to this day it’s still getting weekly updates with brand new content added monthly. Duoyi, the Hong Kong-based developers behind it, have put a ton of content into this early-access dungeon-crawling looter-shooter, and because of that, there’s a lot of little details people might have missed. Seriously, unlike some other first-person shooter games, this one isn’t very short.

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For example, those who played it on release might not know that there is an entirely new character to play as, along with new bosses, scrolls, challenges, and weapons. So, to help current and returning players out, here are some mechanics and aspects of Gunfire that people seem to be missing.

10 What’s A Fusion?

Gunfire has an Elemental system, just like a lot of recent titles such as Borderlands 3 or Genshin Impact. And that’s okay! A lot of games can be described as combinations of two other fantastic titles (like how Outriders is just Mass Effect x Borderlands). In any case, certain enemies in Gunfire take more damage from certain elements. And, like Borderlands, Corrosive damage is great for Armor, Electric damage is perfect against shields, and Fire damage is the best way to tear down red health. But, these Elements also create combined effects (like Genshin Impact) when multiple are inflicted on one enemy at once. This is called the Fusion system, and there are a ton of players who simply either never picked up on this extra mechanic or forgot it existed entirely.

9 Lucky Shots Aren’t Crits

The Lucky Shot mechanic that Gunfire Reborn has is a perfect example of how shooters have been steadily growing and changing over the years. Basically, it’s like another type of crit that does extra damage no matter where the enemy is hit, and can even stack with regular critical hits. Lucky shots are just that, lucky, and with certain inscriptions, these Lucky Shots can proc constantly to cause some pretty absurd amounts of damage. But, because of the wonky translation of Gunfire in some areas, a lot of players thought (some still do) that Lucky Shots and Crits are the same thing, which they aren’t.

8 Bounty Hunter’s Use Beam Weapons

On the final Tier of the Talent Tree, there’s a skill called Bounty Hunter. And, with this Skill, players will receive one copper for each Critical Hit. Now, that might not sound like a lot, but it really adds up, especially if players focus on it during a run. For example, if hypothetically, an Ao Bai or Crown Price intentionally looked for a high rate-of-fire weapon with low damage, such as a beam weapon, they could use this weapon to farm easy money from enemies with obvious crit spots.

7 Some Scrolls Literally Do Nothing Or Hurt When Combined

So, with the constant bug fixes, patches, and updates Gunfire has been getting, this is now less of a problem, but it’s not completely gone yet. Basically, there are certain scroll combinations that just don’t work well for certain characters or builds, sometimes even becoming detrimental.

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A few patches back, there were a couple of scrolls that only affected Shields and not Armor, so Qing Yan was left high & dry. Thankfully, many of these effects/descriptions have been fixed, but there are still some odd combinations that exist.

6 Plenty Of Scrolls Can Be Abused

While the topic of the Occult Scrolls is being discussed, a good portion of players seemed to miss how easily certain scrolls can be abused. For example, players can use the same Paranormality Scroll that was previously mentioned to double their Shield/Armor while still being able to open the Red Chests that require some Health in return. It’s simple, drop the Paranormality Scroll, open the chest, pick up the scroll, and move on. And, while that’s just one example, there are a ton of other exploits that work similarly well. Plus, it gets even wackier in Multiplayer, since players can share the scrolls they drop.

5 Pick Up & Drop Any Guns In Multiplayer

And, another aspect that has to do with the multiplayer is Gun Sharing. Gunfire has a ton of different weapons in it to function very differently, like most shooters these days (Destiny 2’s still adding new ones with every update). In Gunfire, each player has their own “instance” of Guns that drop, similar to the Coopeition mode in Borderlands 3. But, that doesn’t mean that these players can only ever see their own guns. All they have to do is pick up a weapon then drop it, and it’ll show up on the ground in their co-op partners’ “instance” as well. So, a good habit to get into early, but one that many players (at least in random matchmaking) seem to be missing, is the practice of picking up & dropping any guns they don’t want for their teammates.

4 Go Back To The Inn Between Levels

Wow, a ton of players seemed to have missed or misunderstood how the Resting Points work. Level design is pretty important for video games, and 2020 has actually had some pretty iconic stage design. Gunfire also has some fantastic level design, with each new stage feeling more unique than the last. There are three main “zones” in Gunfire Reborn, the Longling Tomb, the Anxi Desert, and the Duo Fjord. And, between all of them, there’s a rest area where players can heal up at a well/campfire. But, this area is also meant to function as a break area for players, as it allows them to go back to the Inn so they can exit & continue the run later. So no, not every run has to be finished in one sitting, thankfully. But, be aware, this is a feature that’s only intended for singleplayer.

3 Get That Foundry Out Of The Scroll Options

Yes, the weapon that all players “start” with (before they unlock the Arms Support Talent) is called The Foundry and it absolutely comes up when using the mouse wheel to cycle through guns. Not a huge deal, but it can be annoying for builds that switch back and forth constantly.

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Luckily, there’s actually a way to turn this off, and it’s right there clear as day in the settings menu. It seems like something small, but little options like these are so nice and every game should strive to include them as much as possible. Borderlands 3, bringing them up once again, also has a neat little feature in its PS5 version that has to do with switching weapons too.

2 Pop Those Ichthyosaurus Orbs

People love talking about bosses in video games. It’s why there are still discussions about the bosses in something like Dark Souls 2, six years after its release. This is because of how intricately designed a lot of them are, and Gunfire Reborn is no exception. For example, a surprising amount of players didn’t seem to know that the orbs the Ichthyosaurus Offspring launches from its tail can be shot mid-air. Yes, that’s right, these annoying Corrosive spheres can be shot down before they ever have a chance to land and ruin a run. Again, this seems like something all players would know by the time they unlocked Elite Mode, but there are quite a few that just never picked up on this & just toughed it out. And, using a beam or explosive weapon during this section is a fantastic way to inflict some real damage while more efficiently getting rid of most if not all of those annoying orbs.

1 Look For The Enemies Outlined In Red

And lastly, here’s a little aspect of the UI design that a ton of players didn’t pick up on, even on Nightmare mode. Simply put, if an enemy is outlined in red while underneath the crosshair, it means they’re within range of whatever weapon the player is using. That’s it, that’s the whole tip. It seems like a given, but considering how lightning-fast & chaotic Gunfire Reborn’s moment-to-moment gameplay is, a ton of players missed out on this little design hint. It doesn’t seem like much, but quite a few weapons benefit from it.

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