Marvel’s Avengers: 10 Tips To Get Characters To 150 Power Level

While the game struggled mightily in the first months after its launch, Marvel’s Avengers has improved drastically as of late and the road ahead looks at least somewhat promising. The game isn’t without its issues, still, but the launch of the Kate Bishop DLC has been a much-needed boost.

RELATED: Marvel’s Avengers: 10 Tips For Iron Man Players

For any new players to the game, or players who took a break and need a refresher now that Kate is out, this list provides some tips, tricks, and reminders on how to take your characters from zeroes to heroes.

10 Simply Play The Game

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of leveling your character, it’s important to remember not to overthink things and get overwhelmed by the lack of direction in this game.

While there are some ways to level faster and get top class gear along the way, essentially anything you do in this game will reward you with improved gear and minor artifacts, which will move you closer and closer to the 150 power level you desire. The most important thing is to just have fun.

9 Don’t Get Too Attached To Gear And Artifacts

As you’re grinding your way to 150, it may be tempting to hold on to a gear piece or minor artifact because of a certain perk it gives you or if it boosts one of your main stats. Never do this.

You will constantly be replacing and discarding gear and artifacts in this game. It’s one of the main ways you collect resources. Holding on to a lower-level gear piece will only make the leveling process take longer. Everything is expendable until your gear and artifacts slots are dropping at 130.

8 Do Daily Missions

While raising your faction levels won’t help too much in boosting your power level, what it will do is give you the gear resource polychoron. The only way to raise a major artifact from one to ten is by investing a healthy amount of polychoron.

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Boosting your major artifact of choice is one of the key components in hitting 150. Without this, the highest level you will be able to achieve is 141. Polychorons can be a bit of a chore to come by, so choose your major artifact wisely and try to avoid boosting ones you don’t plan on using.

7 Harvest Upgrade Modules

No matter the gear piece or minor artifact, boosting one of these will require one or two standard resources in addition to upgrade modules. This is an extremely important resource because it is needed to level anything that isn’t a major artifact.

An entire guide list could be made on farming upgrade modules, so we won’t be able to go too in-depth here. The best way to harvest upgrade modules is by burning through DNA chests on Elite Vault maps at Challenge Level 4, but many missions (such as the Mega Hive) also reward upgrade modules upon completion.

6 Villian Sectors Are Important

Connected to the above entry, Villian Sectors are an important tool in maxing-out your character. While Daily Villain Sectors reward you with solid gear, polychoron, and DNA keys, players can run non-daily Villain Sectors and still get all of the above besides polychoron.

Looting DNA chests at Challenge Level 4 is still the best way to farm upgrade modules. So if you ever find yourself low on them, spend some time running villain sectors to get DNA keys and then cycle through Elite Vault maps a few times opening DNA chests.

5 Grind Normal Vaults At Lower Levels

Because of the mass amount of enemies Vaults allow you to fight in close quarters, doing Vaults is a smashing good time no matter which character you’re playing with.

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While grinding Vaults isn’t the only way to raise your power level, it’s generally seen as one of the fastest ways to do it. This is because of the plethora of chests Vault maps allow you to unlock, and also because of the excellent rewards vaults give you upon completion.

4 Then Do Elite Vaults At Higher Levels

Standard vaults have a maximum mission power that you will eventually surpass, forcing you to transition to Elite Vaults. The idea is still the same though, grinding.

Whether you’re looting every chest on the map, or speed running your way to the finish line, cycling through Elite Vaults will help you max out your character in no time. An important note is that Elite Vaults can also drop exotics upon completion, making these mission types all the more attractive.

3 Boost Major Artifact While Leveling

While access to polychoron is easy through daily missions, actually saving up the resource takes time. As stated above, carefully choose the major artifact you want to use before upgrading it. Upgrading a major artifact a few times before realizing that you want to use a different one is a waste of polychoron and your time.

Once you’ve chosen, there’s no need to be shy about spending the resource. Boost when you can as you level, there’s no point in waiting until late progression.

2 Don’t Upgrade Gear Or Artifacts Until They Hit 130

As discussed earlier, getting attached to any gear piece prior to 130 is a mistake. Any piece lower than 130 won’t be able to max out at 140 after upgrading it, which means reaching the coveted 150 power level will be impossible for you.

As appealing as seeing your range rating boost by twenty percent is, or getting a perk like Quantum Shroud for Kate, if it’s not coupled with a level 130 gear piece or minor artifact then it’s not worth it.

1 After 130, Boost Anything You Like But Don’t Force It

Once you hit 130 for your gear and minor artifacts slots, then it’s open season for using all those resources and upgrade modules. That said, if you haven’t gotten a gear piece or minor artifact that you like in one of your slots, feel free to wait.

There’s no rush in getting 150, and doing it with the exact stats and perks you want is far more satisfying than the alternative. Once you get the items you want and boost them all to 140, all that’s left is maxing-out your major artifact and power level 150 will be yours.

NEXT: Marvel’s Avengers: 10 Tips For Captain America Players


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