Two months into Apex Legends‘ seventh season and many players are still talking about the changes that came along with it. As with every other game that runs on a season format, there are always changes that get fans upset or ecstatic. Still, Respawn gave its players quite a few changes that introduced new mechanics, a Legend, and plenty else. To some, there are issues that weren’t resolved and new ones that were created.
Whether or not it seems to be moving in the right direction, Apex seems to refuse to stay in one place. Let’s take a look at some of the most significant changes that were made on November 4, 2020.
10 Switching Out SMGs

One of the most obvious changes made was bringing the R-99 back from the Care Packages, and subbing the Prowler in its place. For many players, this was seen as quite exciting, since the extremely balanced R-99 SMG is present in many loadouts and is responsible for many a death in King’s Canyon.
The Prowler SMG is a gun some fans argue outperforms the R-99, so those players are certainly sad to see access to that weapon narrowed in this new season. Seeing how quickly the R-99 went into the Care Packages and back out, players who use the Prowler might not have to wait long.
9 So Long Kings, Hello Olympus

A change of location is sometimes a refreshing thing, occasionally a necessary thing, and other times without need. Perhaps the opinions on Apex‘s change in map cover the same amount of options. King’s Canyon, a map where the terrible and new became the elite and victorious, has been put on the bench, allowing a new map, Olympus, to tag in.
Presenting an obvious change in atmosphere, Olympus also offers a new mechanic that players are still struggling with: the ability to fall off. Some of the hardest-hit players by this new mechanic are the grapplers.
8 Tridents

An addition that made quite a few fans squint in confusion was Tridents, a sort of hovercraft vehicle capable of transporting a team (and only that team) anywhere. As one player drives and two more ride on the sides, they can only hope they don’t fall off the map, which is the only way to fully destroy a Trident.
Players can equip the Trident with some abilities, but the vehicle itself can’t damage players. Some might accuse the new vehicle of copying one of Apex‘s battle royale competitors, but whatever the case, the Tridents are here to stay. Too bad there’s no chance of a “Roadkill” accolade to go along with it.
7 A New Legend

With a new map, it would only be natural to introduce a new Legend, and so Respawn did, introducing the goggle-clad Horizon. Along with a pretty cool appearance, Horizon boasts some interesting abilities, not least of which is the ability to drop from any height and begin moving sooner than any other Legend.
For players plagued by great heights and that flash of time when they land, Horizon is here to help. No stranger to heights, she also boasts the Gravity Lift ability, launching players 30 meters into the air.
6 Steam Powered

For this particular season, one of the biggest changes that can happen to any game happened to Apex Legends: it increased its player population. By releasing Apex to Steam players, the amount of people that can play has increased massively due to Steam’s massive user base. This might also encourage plenty of existing players of Apex to switch over to their computers.
This doesn’t appear to be the last stop for the Apex train either, with a scheduled-but-unspecified release on the Nintendo Switch in 2021 set to make the battle royale even more mobile.
5 Wanna Join The Club?

Like any squad-based game, players should be able to start their own factions with a tag and stats. Plenty of games have done this, from Clash of Clans to Halo Reach, and so it only makes sense that the same feature would be added to Apex Legends. Now players can sport whatever funny tag for their club that they want, track each other’s stats, and compete for the title of “Best In The Club,” which no one ever really gets.
For many players, the only downside is the name – “club.” In a world of so many cool names (guilds, clans, teams, legions), this feels like a missed opportunity.
4 Playing With Portals

In Olympus, Respawn has introduced the “Phase Runner” that leads to the center of the dome that contains the Rift; unfortunately, this experiment went horribly wrong. Jumping back out of the Rift will throw players near Hammond Labs, and some players have embraced this ease of transportation.
If players are in a tight spot, jumping through the Phase Runner may be quite helpful. However, it might simply be a case of “out of the frying pan and into the fire,” so players should look both ways before Phase Running somewhere else.
3 Purchasing Power

Replicators previously provided players with the option to purchase guns. Opinions on a player’s ability to do this were rather mixed, so much so that on November 4th, guns were completely removed from the rotation of daily loot in the Replicators.
This won’t affect how important Replicators can be to players, but what they have to offer isn’t so all-encompassing anymore. Best now to be quick at the Replicator and quickly find an R-99 lying around.
2 Did You Hear That?

This is, to many players, a huge issue that has been around since the fourth season. Many were hoping to see this new season feature a big fix in the audio department. In a way, it did receive a change, but in a form that no one was hoping for. Horizon’s abilities were so loud, they blocked out any other possible noise, including the deadly footsteps coming up behind opposing squads.
It’s an issue that has since been fixed, but as far as the sound problems that have been plaguing the game since season four, they still leave much to be desired.
1 More To Come…

November 4th was the day of big changes, but Respawn hinted that this was not the end of new developments in the world of Apex. There have been signals that, sometime during the season (perhaps midway), there might be a significant event taking place.
In addition to new legendary skins, players are hoping that Bangalore, another of the Legends, will finally receive her Heirloom, an extremely rare item. It’s an exciting prospect, but until the event comes to Olympus, all players can do is just wait and speculate.

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