Back 4 Blood is Missing the Most Popular Left 4 Dead Zombie Archetype

Although Back 4 Blood is not a sequel to the popular 2000s Left 4 Dead series, fans of the series couldn’t help but notice the similarity in gameplay and some of the special zombies that were featured in the recently-released trailer. There was, however, one extremely popular zombie type in Left 4 Dead that was not featured in the Back 4 Blood trailer.

The newest trailer for Back 4 Blood, produced by the same Turtle Rock Studios that made Left 4 Dead, showed a similar gameplay loop to Left 4 Dead where the player taking control of one of a group of four survivors to battle through a horde of zombies. The trailer featured many zombies that possessed similar traits to the Left 4 Dead zombies, and it stands to reason that more may eventually appear.

RELATED: Back 4 Blood is Basically Left 4 Dead 3, and That’s a Good Thing

Among those infected featured in the Back 4 Blood trailer were the Retch, which is a combination of Left 4 Dead’s Boomer and Spitter, and the Bruiser, which is similar to the Charger in Left 4 Dead 2Back 4 Blood will also feature the Snitch, which appears to be based on a canceled special Left 4 Dead infected called the Screamer. But there was no sign of Left 4 Dead‘s most terrifying infected, the Witch.

The Witch in Left 4 Dead was a type of infected that would cry out and lunge to attack if the player got too close or shone a flashlight on her. The Witch moved at blindingly fast speed and did high damage by slashing at the player with her clawed hands.

The special infected in Left 4 Dead were always a challenge for players, but the Witch was the hardest Left 4 Dead infected to defeat. Often, a player’s best strategy was to avoid alerting the Witch altogether rather than trying to take her on. Yet, her wail and the ominous musical cue that played when a player got too close is what made her so terrifying, as it heightened the tension and added to the already scary, dread-filled game. This begs one very important question: will Back 4 Blood include the Witch?

Given how memorable the Witch was in Left 4 Dead, it’s surprising to not see her in the trailer. It already revealed a bunch of special infected types in Back 4 Blood, and including the new Witch-type infected seems like an obvious choice to help build the hype. In fact, it seems odd that one of the infected types in Back 4 Blood won’t at least borrow those horror elements that made the Witch so scary.

There may not be a direct successor to the Witch, but it’s a safe bet that at least some of the new infected will have some type of creepy indicator or musical cue when the player approaches. A decade after the last game, Turtle Rock should pull out all the stops to make Back 4 Blood even scarier than its predecessor, and upping the ante on the a zombie like the Witcher in some way would do just that.

Of course, it’s still possible that a Witch-equivalent exists in Back 4 Blood, but just wasn’t shown in the trailer.  Back 4 Blood is still in Alpha stage, so Turtle Rock Studios could just be waiting to show her in the future. Nevertheless, Left 4 Dead fans will likely be watching to see if a new version of this popular enemy will be coming to this highly-anticipated title.

Back 4 Blood is set to release on June 22, 2021, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Back 4 Blood Has Campaign and PvP, But No Battle Royale


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